The use of Bristol and Bath venues for this conference will give conference attendees an interesting combination of architecture and history.

The conference venue on Saturday is at theWills Memorial Building(also known as theWills Memorial Toweror simply theWills Tower). This is aNeo Gothicbuilding designed bySir George Oatleyand built as a memorial toHenry Overton Wills IIIby his sonsGeorgeandHenry Wills.Begun in 1915 and not opened until 1925, it is considered one of the last great Gothic buildings to be built in England.

The Wills Memorial Building was commissioned in 1912 byGeorge Alfred WillsandHenry Herbert Wills, the magnates of the Bristol tobacco companyW. D. & H. O. Wills. Sir George Oatley produced a design in thePerpendicular Gothicstyle, to evoke the famous university buildings ofOxfordandCambridge. Oatley later claimed that his inspiration for the building came from a dream where he saw a tower on a hill with shields around it.

Construction was started in 1915 but was halted in 1916 due to the war. Building was restarted in 1919, and the Wills Memorial Building was finally opened on 9 June 1925 byKing George VandQueen Mary,costing a total of £501,566 19s 10d. The building was opened with a Royal Salute of 21 chimes from 'Great George', the nine and a half ton bell within the octagonal belfry of the tower, which is tolled on the death of a monarch or chancellor. To celebrate the centenary of the University receiving itscharter, 'Great George' was rung, along with bells in Bristol's other churches, just as they did in May 1909 when King Edward VII granted the University its Royal Charter to grant degrees.Oatley received aknighthoodthat same year in recognition of his work on the building.

The building's dominant feature is Wills Tower. At 215ft (65.5m) high it is over twice the height of nearbyCabot Tower. It is 16 metres square and ornamented with heraldic shields. It is topped by an octagonal lantern which houses Great George, which strikes on the hour.

In addition to the Great Hall there is a General Library, Reception Room and Council Chamber and another 50 rooms including seminar rooms and lecture theatres.

Dinner on Saturday will be in Georgian Tea Room of the Bath Assembly Rooms. This iconic Bath venue has been at the heart of the city’s social life since the 18th century. The spectacular Ball Room is the largest Georgian interior in the city. Linking the Ball Room to the elegant Tea Room is the Great Octagon, furnished with paintings by Gainsborough and Hoare. Today, the Ball Room and Tea Room still sparkle with the finest set of Whitefriars crystal chandeliers of their kind in Europe. The building is also home to Bath’s internationally famous Fashion Museum.


6 CPD Points are available for attendance at this conference

Friday 22nd April 2016

16.00 HrsConference Registration in foyer of The Bristol Hotel, Prince Street, Bristol

17.00 HrsWelcome address by StaatssekretärProf.Dr. Günter Krings, MdB

Conference Session 1:

Venue:The Bristol Hotel, Bristol

Subject:The Competences of the European Court in Employment Law and the Effect on National Courts.

British Speaker: tbc

German Speaker: Professor Dr Sven Thüsing, University of Bonn

19.00 HrsSession ends

Evening free

Saturday 23rd April 2016

09.30 Hrs Walk to Bristol University of Law

10.00 HrsConference Session 2:

Venue: Bristol University of Law, Wills Memorial Building

Subject:Financial Aspects of Divorce

British Speaker: RosBever, Irwin Mitchell LLP

German Speaker: Dr. Andrea Tiedemann, Brödermann & Jahn Rechtsanwälte

11.30 HrsDiscussion

12.00 Hrs Session ends

12.30 HrsLunch in the Great Hall, Wills Memorial Building

14.00 HrsTransfer to Bath by coach

14.30 HrsGuided walking tour of Bath followed by visit to Roman Baths

19.30 HrsDinner (inc wine) in the Georgian Tea Room, The Assembly Rooms, Bath

22.00 HrsReturn to Bristol by coach

Sunday 24th April 2015

08.30 HrsJoint Committee Breakfast Meeting in The Bristol Hotel, Bristol

09.30 HrsConference Session 3:

Venue: The Bristol Hotel, Bristol


German Speaker: Dr Riethmüller, Schiedermair Rechtsanwälte

British Speaker: James Alexander, Co-Founder of Zopa, Europe’s largest
peer-to-peer lending service

11.00 Hrs Tea/Coffee break

11.30 Hrs Discussion

12.00 HrsConference ends




Conference Fees:

The Conference Fee is £320.00 which covers the cost of attendance at the conference sessions.It also includes lunch on Saturday in the Great Hall of the Wills Memorial Building, transfer to Bath by coach, a guided walking tour of Bath with a visit to the Roman Baths and the return trip to Bristol by coach in the evening.The conference dinner with wine in the Georgian Tea Room of the Assembly Rooms in Bath is not included in the conference fee but can be booked as an optional extra. The cost is £ 120.

The Accompanying Person’s Fee is £175.00, which includes the social programme as given above.

Accommodation Costs:

Hotel accommodation will be at the Bristol Hotel, Prince Street, Bristol. The price per room is £240 for two nights (22nd and 23rd April 2016) on bed and breakfast basis All rooms are en suite.

Bookings for the conference, accommodation and for the accompanying person should be made using the attached Conference & Accommodation Booking Form (page 5 of this document). The completed form and a cheque for the relevant total (payable to the British-German Jurists’ Association) should be sent to:

Ms. R. Valdinger, BGJA, 7 Summerhays, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2HQ

Tel: 07504 278223, e-mail:

Payments may be paid directly online to our bank account (details on the booking form), but please send the completed conference booking form to Rosemary Valdinger either by email or by post. Please use your surname as the reference when paying online.

Cancellation Policy

Please note all conference and accommodation bookings must be received by no later than 23rd March 2016. After that date no refunds will be made in the event of the cancellation of a booking and it will not be possible to guarantee hotel accommodation. Prior to this date, the person cancelling must bear the cost of any disbursements incurred by the Association.


Send completed form below to:

Ms. R. Valdinger, BGJA, 7 Summerhays, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2HQ

Tel: 07504 278223, E-mail:

Name of attending delegate: ………………………………………………………………..……...... ………..

Firm/Chambers:……………………………………………………...... ………Position:…...……...... ………………

Address………………………………………………………….………………………………………………...... ………

Tel: (Work)………………………………………………...... …(Mobile)………….…………...... …………………………

DX No:…………………………………...… E-mail………………………………………….………………..……………….

Accompanying person (Name)……………………….……………………………...... …………………….....

Conference fee at £320.00 per person £ …………….

Accompanying person’s fee at £175.00 per person£……………..

Membership Subscription if not already paid, £45.00£ …………….

Accommodation: two nights on bed and breakfast basis

The Bristol Hotel, Prince St, Bristol BS1 4QF

Tel : 0117 923 0333

Single room @ £ 240.00 per room for two nights£ ......

Double room @ £ 320 per roomfor two nights£ ......

Optional Extra:

Conference dinner (inc wine) in the Georgian Tea Room of the

Assembly Room in Bath @ £120.00 pp£ ......

I enclose a cheque payable to the

British-German Jurists’ Association totalling£……………..


I have transferred this amount online to the British-German Jurists‘ Association‘s bank account (please use your name in the reference):

Barclays plc, sort code 20-32-00, account No. 30772410

IBAN:GB93 BARC 2032 0030 7724 10, SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22

Amount paid: £ ...... Date paid: ...... Reference: ......

I/my accompanying person have/has the following special dietary requirements:
