Joint Counties Natural Resources Board

December 18, 2017

Beltrami County Conference Room

10:00 AM


Attendance: Commissioners:

Gary Kiesow – MarshallRussell Walker - Roseau

Daniel Stenseng - ClearwaterWayne Skoe – Koochiching

Bill Pratt – Aitkin

Absent: Tim Summer – BeltramiScott McCollum – Mahnomen

Roger Falk – RoseauKen Moorman – Lake of the Woods

DNR: None

Guests:Chad Severts, BSWR Board Conservationist

Other: Kallie Briggs, Coordinator

Call to Order: Chairman Commissioner Kiesow called the Joint Counties Natural Resources Board to order at 10:07 AM on Monday, December 18, 2017 in the Beltrami County Conference Room.

Agenda: Motion by Walker, second by Skoeto approve the agendawith the addition of an update by Chad Severts.Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes: Motion by Walker,second by Prattto approve the minutes from the November 27, 2017meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial Discussions:

  • Administration/Office Expenses:Motion by Stenseng, second by Walker to approve theNovember/December 2017 administration/office expenses. Motion carried unanimously.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses:Motion by Walker, second by Stenseng to approve the miscellaneous expenses which included rolls. Motion carried unanimously.
  • Account Activity Report: The December Account Activity Report submitted by Marshall County and distributed by Coordinator Briggs was approved. Motion was made by Stenseng, second by Walkerto approve theDecemberAccount Activity Report. Motion carried unanimously.
  • Membership Billing: Kallie told the Board that the membership billing will go out to counties in January.

Guests: Chad was in attendance to update the Board on the following topics:

  • The Election of Jurisdiction over BufferEnforcement: BSWR has hired someone from the northern watershed district. The end of December is the cut-off date for reporting but SWCD’s have until March to file their reports.
  • BSWR has sent out 1 million in cost shares for buffer areas and will be looking at the One Watershed One Plan program to see if it needs any changes. The proposed allocation for the watershed based funding is biennial and the One Watershed One Plan pilot’s percentage is based on private lands. The proposed allocation is expected to be approved by the BSWR Board in 2018. A complete copy of the biennial allocations is on file.
  • The Wetland Bank Service Area: There is a copy of the Wetland Bank Service Areas with major watersheds and county boundarieson file. BSWR is looking for projects they can help with from start to finish on wetland credits.
  • Scott Smith who is the BSWR person for the northern region, has hired engineers who are working out of Fergus Falls to build local capacity to help deliver projects.
  • There is also a WACA person in the local office (Bemidji) who Chad suggested we may want to invite to a future meeting.

Old Business: The following update was given:

  • NCLUCB Wetland mitigation Alternatives: No update available.
  • Beaver Bill: The Bill is on AMC’s priority list. Representative Rob Ecklund and Gary Peterson are both supporting the Bill. Ecklund has a separate bill for funding but he does not think the dollars will be there this year. However, if it comes through BSWR the funding may be available. And if it does comes through BSWR it will be through a grant process.
  • AMC Wetland Bill: There has been some amendments made to the bill and it is #11 on AMC’s priority list to support. Gary will email Kallie a copy of the amendments. The language “no net gain” has no support for the language in the Bill.

New Business: The following was discussed:

  • 2018 Administrative Contract with Your Office or Mine (Kallie Briggs): Motion by Pratt, Seconded by Walker to approve the contract with only a change to the mileage rate of 54.5 cents per mile.
  • Election of Officers: This will wait until the January meeting.
  • Meeting Dates for 2018: Motion by Stenseng, Second by Skoe to approve the 2018 meeting dates as presented. Meetings can be cancelled or changed by the Chair and Board. Motion carried unanimously.

DNR Update: There was no DNR Update.

Next Meeting Date: The next scheduled meeting will be on Monday, January 22, 2018. Nathan Heibel, Koochiching County Land Commissioner will be invited as the guest speaker.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 am.

Minutes submitted by Kallie Briggs-Administrative Coordinator