Housing Summary Sheet
Due February 1, 2018
Please list all people on the hotel housing spreadsheet (this is an Excel File)that are registered for the conference. Mark either student or adult room and the type of accommodations desired. Correct student names must be on the hotel housing spreadsheet(Form C) when the registration is emailed to the hotel. Two room types are available. Double/double rooms and King rooms. Double/double rooms (2 beds) will be allocated only to quads based on room availability. Once the double/double room allotment is sold, roll-a-way beds may be added to King rooms when possible (rollaways cannot be added to double/double rooms). There is an additional charge of $15 per day for roll-a-way beds. Advisors will receive a hotel confirmation. Maximum number per hotel room is 4—no exceptions! Check in is 4:00 PMand check out is 12:00 PM. There will be no deviation for early check-in or late check-outs. Please make plans accordingly.
All participants must stay in theirassigned conference hotel for the duration of the conference, which is three nights. The hotel cost below is the per room cost for the duration of the conference (three nights).
Special Instructions - If you wish students or adults to share a room with another school, advisors will need to make these arrangements prior to returning the hotel housing spreadsheet. The hotel housing spreadsheet for each school involved will need to show the mix so that we know each school is aware of the accommodations requested. Please do not write, "fill with other people to make quad" on the room form. The hotel will not find roommates for you. Advisors bringing more than 15 students may not share a room with an advisor from another school. It is impossible to keep schools together when advisors share rooms. DO NOT MAKE ANY SPECIAL ROOM REQUEST (other than handicapped).
Email this form and your hotel housing spreadsheet to and
In order for the hotel to secure and confirm a guest room reservation when a school is paying by check the check MUST be postmarked no later than February 1, 2018, paying all charges in full prior to arrival. Schools who choose to pay by check will not be allowed to check in if their check is not received by this deadline. If you wish to use a credit card for payment, please send an email to o make arrangements.
Hotel cost per room for State CDC 2018$568.35 per room, for the duration of the conference, this includes taxes
Hotel Room Count/Charge Summary
Hotel Rooms(total number of rooms) / X / Rate / Total Due
X / $568.35
Advisor Name:
Advisor Email: / Advisor Phone:
Chapter Name: