MINUTES of a CHURCH MEETINGheld at Hadleigh Great Meeting
MARCH 13th 20178pm – following AGM
Rev’d Bryn Rickards in the chair and total of 26 persons present.
- Apologies from Claire Coster, Pat Goward, Ann Howson, Anita Jay, Sheeba Thomas, Sarah Thompson, J. Phillips, Doreen Riddleston, Elaine Goh, Margaret Adams, Jill Gordon, Lilly Rickards, Tom and Lisa Gordon.
- Minutes from December 12th2016 were approved and signed.
- Matters Arising - none
4.1 Pastoral news was shared. Many members of the church family were held in prayer. Happy events were remembered in prayers of thanksgiving.
4.2 Pat Messenger raised the question of how the congregation can know of those who need support and prayer. The Blue Folder was mentioned as one source. Bryn said the Pastoral Care Team would think more about how prayer needs can be passed on more widely without breaking confidentiality.
- Offertory Bryn read out a message from Lilly Rickards about her concerns re the Offertory. After much discussion four options were voted on and it was agreed that in future the bag would be passed from person to person as far as possible and not held by sidespeople and that the leader/minister would always point out visitors were not obliged to give.
- Caretaking/Way Forward
The role Jan had undertaken so brilliantly had developed and Elders had decided it needed altering and the maintenance part would be undertaken by a part-time caretaker in the future. An advert for a two hours a week post was to be circulated.
5.3Ansell Centre refurbishment – Mervyn Cort brought the meeting up to speed regarding the applications for grants to complete all three parts of the work, requiring nine quotes for lighting, boiler and ceiling. He and Jan are working on a number of applications including lottery funding. Jan Dicks will also be fundraising for curtains or blinds.
6.1 SPACE – The SPACE event was discussed and several people said how much they liked it. Wendy Atkins
said that having it in the week of prayer for Christian Unity was much valued. It was agreed it was a
positive initiative and Bryn was thanked for all his work on it. Bryn asked the meeting to be active in promoting all such events.
6.2 Café Church - Brynreminded the meeting to invite people to café church on Mothering Sunday, March 26th.
6.3 Holiday Club – There will be two mornings of activities on Monday and Tuesday April 10th and 11th from
10.15am – 12,15pm for children aged 5 – 11. Michelle Elmer and Rachel Bennett are running these. Church members were encouraged to come to provide an intergenerational welcome.
6.4 Open Gardens – Jan explained that it was planned to open our sensory and wildlife gardens to the public as
part of the Open Gardens Day on June 10th. Should we decorate window sills and invite people into the
church?Swift boxes should be up and wildlife garden in bloom. It was agreed such an event was a good idea
although the date conflicts with Synod Big Day Out. Jan happy to coordinate with others.
7.1 TRIO – The Responsibility Is Ours – On 21st May Faith Paulding will lead worship, focusing on the theme of stewardship, and then introduce the concept tothe congregation.
7.2 ECO-Church – Bryn reported how elders had considered the AROCHA certification scheme for eco-friendly churches and felt that it was not the right approach for us at present. But the elders are keen to revisit the HURC environmental policy, switch our energy to green sources (via a Synod-backed scheme) and support Bryn and Jan in running a course on the connection between our faith and the environment.
7.3 Easter Plans
Palm Sunday – St Mary’s 10:45am
Maundy Thursday – Reflective Communion 7:30pm
Good Friday – Walk of Witness – 10.30am start at St Mary’s
Easter Sunday – Sunrise service, bacon rolls from 9.30am, Family worship at 10.30am with blossoming of the cross.
7.4 Same sex Marriage – The first step was the question box and the thoughts’ board. The next steps are:
- To encourage existing groups to discuss this important issue.
- Move the thoughts’ board to the Ansell Centre to encourage further comments
- Hold an event with small group discussions around a film and the box/board responses
8. Wider Church
8.1 CTiH –
- There is a Christian Aid fundraising Bible Reading Marathon on March 25th – Nigel needs readers. There will also be a bucket collection on May 13th. The CTiH service on May 14th for Christian Aid is in the URC and Jan is leading a soup lunch on May 12th.
- John Bell is visiting May 20th/21st.
- The Pancake Parties raised £400 to be shared between TWAM, FIND and Life Expo. Life Expo is the week beginning June 27th.
- Sudbury Christ Church Update – Sudbury are planning to close at the end of the year. Plans will be finalised
after a June meeting. Please hold them in prayer.
8.3 South Suffolk Area Partnership and Deployment of Ministers – Bryn and Nigel attended a meeting in
January discussing how the area moves from six fulltime stipendiary ministers to five. The positive outcome of the meeting was the willingness to work more collaboratively, but it is not an easy time.
8.4 BIG DAY OUT – Trinity Park is hosting the Synod Big Day Out on June 10th. It would be good to have a real
presence there.
9.A.O.B. & Information Sharing
9.1 Karen asked the meeting to be sure to build a team of support for the May Show. Tom has done most of the
organising and heavy work in recent years – and this year he will be busy!
9.2 Next church meeting is 11th June after Sunday worship.
The meeting closed with prayer at 9.35pm.