Annual Programme review Template and ACTION PLAN
Academic Handbook 2016/17 – Volume 2 -06.1A – Annual Programme Review Template and Action Plan – Introduced 28.10.14, modified 14.05.15, 04.08.15
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Annual Programme Review
Programme(s) Active in the Academic Year
Cardiff School ofTitle of Programme(s) and any pathways (please include previous programme title if this is still being taught out):
Name of Programme Director(s):
Attachments (please tick box if included, or mark as “not applicable”; list any others you have added)
Applications, admissions, progression, award and career destination statistics
External examiners’ reports [please list, giving the surname of each author]
Response(s) to external examiners’ reports
Professional, statutory or regulatory body (PSRB) report
National Student Survey feedback
Student evaluations (including module evaluations, programme evaluations and work-based learning evaluations, if appropriate)
Moderators’ reports/Link Tutors’ reports
Employer engagement and feedback
Feedback from former students
Programme Committee minutes
Recommendations from University validation and review events [recommendations must be included in the Action Plan]
If articulated, the Critical Annual Self-evaluation Report
Summary of key performance indicators
recruitment admissions / student progression / award outcomes / career destinations / external examiners / student opinion / staff opinion / PSRBKey / Dated signature of:
Serious issue(s) needing immediate attention
Major issue(s) addressed in action plan / Programme Director
Minor issue(s) addressed in action plan / No issues; no entry in action plan /
Student Representative
Date Considered by Programme CommitteeDate Considered by Learning & Teaching Committee
[you must include the date the APR was approved by the programme committee and the date its summary and action plan were considered by the School Learning & Teaching Committee]
2.Context [please include discussion of significant developments since the previous report]
3.Evaluation of progress in relation to key performance indicators [Please include consideration of trends, successes and potential areas for development. The programme data set provided centrally should assist with KPIs 1 to 4]
1.Recruitment and admissions
2.Student progression
3.Award outcomes
4.Career destinations
5.External examiner reports
6.Student opinion [including that from module evaluations, programme evaluations and work-based learning evaluations, NSS]
4.Reflection on continued alignment of programme standards with QAA subject benchmark and other external benchmarks
5.Evaluation of progress towards School-specific objectives [including employability, internationalisation, sustainability]
6.Evaluation of student support processes including Personal Development Planning and personal tutoring [you should draw on feedback from students, the external examiner and the programme team, and emphasise the career development strand of Personal Development Planning]
7.Evaluation of staff development [please evaluate the impact on the student learning experience of any staff development that has been undertaken]
i) Internal Staff Development [please specify the focus and the provider]
ii) External Staff Development [please specify the focus and the provider]
8.What worked well
strengths identified / please cross-refer to supporting evidence9.What needs to be improved [all areas for improvement discussed here should feature in the action plan]
10.Good practice i.e. practice that could potentially be shared and utilised across the School and/or the University
Action plan: guidelines for completion
Section A
Number: Each entry should be numbered sequentially, prefaced by the year of the action plan in the format: 14-15:1; 14-15:2 etc. This box should be shaded using the ‘traffic light’ system on the front page of the APR template.
Issue: A brief description of the issue should be provided.
Source: The source(s) of the issue should be identified: (e.g. external examiner feedback; programme team; student evaluations etc.).
Action to be taken: Ensure that actions are clearly defined and are capable of addressing the issue identified. It may be that several actions are required to address one issue.
Target date: A target date for completion of each action should be provided. The use of the term ‘on-going’ should be avoided wherever possible as this generally leads to issues remaining unresolved.
Action by: An indication of those responsible for undertaking the specified action should be provided. This might include: the role (e.g. Programme Director; Deputy/Assistant Dean Learning and Teaching); the Unit/School (e.g. Learning, Teaching and Development Unit; School Management and Planning Team); a Board/Committee (e.g. Programme Committee; Learning and Teaching Board). Please do not name individuals. You will need to discuss with your Deputy/Assistant Dean Learning and Teaching when assigning actions outside of the programme team.
Success indicators: Please indicate how the programme team will know that the action has been undertaken successfully and the issue addressed.
Evaluation of effectiveness/impact on student experience: Please note that the evaluation of effectiveness will normally be reported in the following academic year. Therefore, in the current action plan (i.e. 2015/2016 but arising from the 2014/2015 APR cycle), this column will remain blank but will be completed during the 2015/2016 APR process in October 2016. However, the evaluation column in last year’s APR action plan (i.e. arising from the 2013/2014 cycle) will need to be completed at this point. If, following evaluation, an issue has not been resolved effectively in last year’s action plan, it should be carried over to the 2015/2016 APR action plan below. The original numbering of the entry should be used so that it is clear the issue was raised in the previous year.
Please note the phrase ‘impact on student experience’ in the evaluation of effectiveness column. Although this has always been implicit in the consideration of ‘effectiveness’, nevertheless, this has been included to emphasise that the impact on student experience is a primary focus.
Section B
Good/innovative practice for dissemination: Please identify any good/innovative practice that is capable of being disseminated at School and/or institutional level.
Action plan for 2015/2016 (i.e. arising from the 2014/2015 APR cycle)
Section A
Number / Issue / Source / Action to be taken / Target date / Action by / Success indicators / Evaluation of effectiveness: impact on student experienceSection B
Number / Good/innovative practice for dissemination / Source / Action to be taken / Target date / Action by / Success indicators / Evaluation of effectiveness: impact on student experience