Document Collections
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Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of Massachusetts. 21 volumes. Boston: State of Massachusetts, 1869-1922.
American Archives. edited by Peter Force. 9 volumes in series IV and V. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government, 1837-1853.
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Anderson, Enoch. Recollections of Captain Enoch Anderson. edited by H. H. Bellas. Wilmington: Historical Society of Delaware, 1896.
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Archives of the State of New Jersey. edited by William Whitehead and others. 36 volumes. Newark, N.J.: State of New Jersey, 1880-1941.
Bagley, J. J. and P. B. Rowley, editors. A Documentary History of England, 1066-1540. 2 volumes. New York: 2d ed.; Cambridge University Press, 1965.
Balderson, Marion and David Syrett. The Lost War: Letters from British Officers During the American Revolution. New York: Horizon, 1975.
Bowen, Francis, editor. Documents on the Constitution of England and America. Cambridge University Press, 1854.
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Colonial Laws of New York. 7 volumes. Albany: State of New York, 1894.
Colonial Records of the State of Georgia. Allen D. Chandler, compiler. 27 volumes. Atlanta, Ga.: State of Georgia, 1904-1916.
Colonial Records of North Carolina. edited by William L. Saunders. 10 volumes. Raleigh, N.C.: State of North Carolina, 1886-1890.
Colonial Records of South Carolina: Journal of the Common House of Assembly. edited by J. H. Easterby and others. Columbia, S.C.: State of South Carolina, 1951-. 11 volumes to date.
The Colonial Laws of Massachusetts, Reprinted from the Edition of 1660, with Supplements to 1672, Containing also the Body of Liberties of 1641. edited by W. H. Whitmore. Boston: State of Massachusetts, c. 1887.
The Colonial Laws of New York from the Year 1664 to the Revolution, Including the Charters to the Duke Of York. 5 volumes. Albany, N.Y.: State of New York, 1894-96.
Colonial Records of the State of Georgia. edited by Allen D. Candler. 26 volumes. Atlanta: State of Georgia, 1904-16.
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Delaware Archives: Military Records. 5 volumes. Wilmington, De.: State of Delaware, 1916.
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Journal of the House of Burgesses, 1619-1777. 30 volumes. Richmond, Va.: State of Virginia, 1905-15.
Journal of the House of Commons. multi-volume, with volumes appearing annually. London: H. M. Stationary Office, n.d.
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A Journal of the Proceedings in Georgia, Beginning October 20, 1737. [William Stephens' diary]. London: Meadows, 1742.
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McIlwaine, H. R., editor. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia. 4 volumes. Richmond: State of Virginia, 1925-30.
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Niles, Hezekiah. Chronicles of the American Revolution. edited by Alden T. Vaughan. Originally compiled by Hezekiah Niles as Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1965.
North Carolina Moravian Records. edited and translated by Adelaide Fries and others. 10 volumes. Raleigh, N.C.: State of North Carolina, 1922-1926.
North Carolina State Records. edited by Walter Clark and William L. Saunders. 26 volumes. Raleigh, Winston and Goldsborough, N. C.: State of North Carolina, 1886-1907.
Official Records of Governor Robert Dinwiddie. edited by R. A. Brock. 2 volumes. Richmond: State of Virginia, 1883-84.
Pennsylvania Archives. edited by J. H. Linn and W. H. Egle. 119 volumes in 9 series. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1852-1935.
Pennsylvania Colonial Records. edited by J. H. Linn and others. 16 volumes. Harrisburg, Pa.: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1852-1860.
Phillips, Ulrich B., editor. Plantation and Frontier Documents, 1649-1863. 2 volumes. Cleveland: World, 1909.
The Provincial and State Papers of New Hampshire. edited by Nathaniel Bouton and others. Concord, N.H.: State of New Hampshire, 1876-1943.
Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, 1636-1776. edited by James H. Trumbull and Charles J. Hoadly. 15 volumes. Hartford, Ct.: State of Connecticut, 1850-1890.
Public Records of the State of Connecticut. edited by Charles J. Hoadly and Leonard W. Labaree. 9 volumes. Hartford, Ct.: State of Connecticut, 1894-1953.
Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England. edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. 12 volumes. Boston: State of massachusetts, 1855-61.
Records of Connecticut Men in the Military and Naval Service During the War of the Revolution. Hartford, Ct.: State of Connecticut, 1889.
Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation in New England. edited by John Russell Bartlett. 10 volumes. Providence, R.I.: State of Rhode Island, 1906-35.
Records of the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay in New England. edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. 5 volumes. Boston: State of Massachusetts, 1854.
Records of Plymouth Colony: Laws, 1623-1682. edited by David Pulsifer. Boston: State of Massachusetts, 1861.
Records of the State of Rhode Island. 10 volumes. edited by John Russell Bartlett. Providence, R.I.: State of Rhode Island, 11906-35.
Records of the Virginia Company of London. edited by S. K. Kingsbury. 4 volumes. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government, 1906-35.
Reports of the Secretary of War. multi-volume. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1915--.
The Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia. edited by Allen D. Candler. 3 volumes. Atlanta: Franklin-Turner, 1908.
Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence. edited by Brent Tarter. 8 volumes. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1983.
Sandoz, Ellis, editor. Political Sermons of the Founding of America, 1730-1805. Indianapolis, In.: Liberty Classics, 1991.
Sources of American Independence. H. Peckham, editor. 2 volumes. Chicago: William L. Clements Library, University of Chicago Press, 1978.
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Statutes at Large, Being a Collection of All Laws of Virginia. edited by W. W. Hening. 13 volumes. Richmond: State of Virginia, 1818-23.
Statutes at Large of South Carolina. edited by Thomas Cooper and David J. McCord. 10 volumes. Columbia: State of South Carolina, 1836-41.
Statutes at Large of Virginia, 1792-1806. edited by Samuel Shepherd. Richmond: State of Virginia, 1835.
Statutes at Large of South Carolina. edited by Thomas Cooper and David J. McCord. Columbia: State of South Carolina, 1836-41.
Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania from 1682 to 1801. 16 volumes. edited by James T. Mitchell and Henry Flanders. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1896-1908.
Statutes of the Realm. 11 volumes in 12. London: Dawsons, 1963.
Stock, L. F., editor. Proceedings and Debates of the British Parliaments, Respecting North America, 1542-1739. 4 volumes. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1924-37.
Vaughan, Alden T., compiler. Chronicles of the American Revolution. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965.
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Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania. edited by Gertrude McKinney. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1931.
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______. John Stuart and the Southern Frontier. Ann Arbor, Mi.: University of Michigan Press, 1944.
Allen, Ethan. A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's Captivity, Written by Himself. Burlington, Vt.: Chauncey Goodrich, 1838.
______. Reason, the Only Oracle of Man. New York: Scholars' Facsimiles, 1940.
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American Heritage Book of the Revolution. New York: American Heritage, 1958.
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Amherst, Jeffery. The Journal of Jeffery Amherst. edited by J. C. Webster. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1931.
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Arthur, John P. Western North Carolina, A History. Raleigh, N.C.: Edwards and Broughton, 1914.
Ashe, Thomas. Carolina, or a Description of the Present State of that Country. London: Grover, 1682.
Ashmead, Henry G. History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts, 1884.
Bailyn, Bernard. The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Bakeless, John. Turncoats, Traitors and Heroes. New York: Lippincott, 1959.
Barck, Oscar T. New York City During the War for Independence. New York: Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, number 357, 1931.
Barnhart, Clarence, editor. The World Book Dictionary. Chicago: World Book, 1972.
Barstow, George. History of New Hampshire. Concord, N.H.: Boyd, 1842.
Baurmeister, Carl Leopold. Revolution in America: Confidential Letters and Journals of Adjutant General Major Baurmesiter of the Hessian Forces. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood, 1957.
______. Letters from Adjutant General Major Baurmesiter to Colonel von Jungkean Written during the Philadelphia Campaign, 1777-1778. ed. by B. A. Uhlendorf and Edna Vosper. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1937.
Beeman, Richard R. Patrick Henry: A Biography. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Boehret, Paul C. Arming the Troops, 1775-1815. Easton, Pa.: Boehert, 1967.
Bolles, Albert S. Pennsylvania: Province and State, A History from 1609 to 1790. Philadelphia: Wanamaker, 1899.
______. Industrial History of the United States from Earliest Settlements to the Present Time. Norwich, Ct.: Bill, 1881.
Bolton, Charles Knowles. The Private Soldier Under Washington. New York: Scribner's, 1902.
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Border, Morton and Penn Border. The American Tory. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
Bowett, D. W. Self-Defense in International Law. New York: Praeger, 1958.
Boyd, Thomas A. Simon Girty: The White Savage. New York: Minton-Balch, 1928.
Boylan, Brian R. Benedict Arnold: The Dark Eagle. New York: Norton, 1973.
Boynton, Lindsay. The Elizabethan Militia, 1558-1638. London: Routledge and Keegan Paul, 1967.
Bradley, A. G. The First American Frontier. New York: Arno, 1971.
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Brant, Irving. The Bill of Rights: Its Origin and Meaning. Indianapolis, In.: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
Brown, Alexander. The Cabells and their Kin. Richmond, Va.: privately printed, 1896.
Brown, Wallace. The Good Americans: The Loyalists in the American Revolution. New York: Morrow, 1969.
______. The King's Friends. Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press, 1965.
Bruce, Philip A. Institutional History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. New York: Putnam, 1910.
Burgh, James. Political Disquisitions, or, An Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects and Abuses. 3 volumes. London: Dilly, 1774-75.
Bush, Martin H. Revolutionary Enigma: A Reappraisal of General Philip Schuyler. Port Washington, N. Y.: Friedman, 1969.
Butterfield, Consul W. History of the Girtys. Cincinnati: Clarke, 1890.
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______. An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky under Colonel William Crawford in 1782. Cincinnati: Clarke, 1873.
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Callahan, North. Henry Knox: Washington's General. New York: Rinehart, 1958.
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Carrington, Henry B. Battles of the American Revolution. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1876.
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Commager, Henry S. and Richard B. Morris, editors. The Spirit of '76: The Story of the American Revolution as Told by Participants. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1958.
Craven, Wesley Frank. Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1949.
Cress, Lawrence Delbert. Citizens in Arms: The Army and Militia in American Society to the War of 1812. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1982.
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Cushing, Thomas. History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Chicago: Warner, 1889.
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de Valinger, Leon, Jr. Colonial Military Organization in Delaware, 1638-1776. Wilmington, De.: Delaware Tercentenary Commission, 1938.
Doyle, John Andrew. English Colonies in America. 5 volumes. New York: Holt, 1882-1907.
Drake, Samuel Adams, editor. Bunker Hill: The Story Told in Letters from the Battlefield by British Officers Engaged. Boston: Nichols & Hall, 1875.
Draper, Lyman C. King's Mountain. Cincinnati, Oh.: Thompson, 1881.
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Elliott, Benjamin. The Militia System of South Carolina. Charleston: Miller, 1835.
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Evans, G. N. D. Allegiance in America: The Case of the Loyalists. Reading, Ma.: Addison-Wesley, 1969.
Fairchild, Byron. Messrs. William Pepperrell: Merchants at Piscataqua. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1954.
Fenton, William N., editor. Parker on the Iroquois. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1968.
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Ford, Worthington C., editor. General Orders Issued by Major General Israel Putnam, When in Command of the Highlands the Summer and Fall of 1777. Brooklyn: Historical Printing Club, 1931.