Getting Started in edTPA

  1. Make sure that you know how/where to access edTPA materials. All of the materials below will be in available in LiveText as well as at the edTPA Sharepoint site (

These are the materials you will need to have to get your program started:

  1. edTPA handbook for your content area.
  2. edTPA templates
  3. Context for Learning
  4. Planning Commentary
  5. Instruction Commentary
  6. Assessment Commentary
  7. “Making Good Choices” document
  8. “Guidelines for Supporting Candidates” document
  9. Candidate release forms
  10. Video permission forms
  11. Video recording support documents
  1. Make sure you have teacher candidates read both the handbook and “Making Good Choices” document in their entirety before beginning their edTPA work.
  1. Set up a schedule for the semester that compels candidates to work on the edTPA throughout the semester, versus saving the entirety of the assignment until the end.
  1. Determine what type of accountability for edTPA candidates will have. In Gateway 3, the phrase “successfully completed” is used describe the unit’s level of accountability. “Successfully completed” is, at this time, determined by the individual programs. Currently, we plan on sending a majority of portfolios to Pearson for official scoring this year. We recommend that you make the due date on the edTPA portfolio no later than November 27, 2013 as red doc forms are due to the Lauby Center by December 9, 2013. This deadline may change based on Pearson deadlines, which we will find out in September.
  1. Be sure faculty/staff, supervisors, and teacher candidates in your program are aware of the supports that are currently in place to assist with completion of edTPA. These supports currently consist of…
  1. Video workshops (both generic and instructor requested)
  2. Video assistance for candidates in the Exploratorium (DEG 307)
  3. Local evaluation training for faculty/staff (possibly for supervisors in the near future)
  4. Kaffeklatsches (to be held monthly)
  5. Program consultations
  6. Introductory videos (in development)
  7. Writing organizers (in development)
  8. - e-mail with questions
  9. updates on the latest news about edTPA at the state and national level
  1. One of the biggest sources of anxiety for teacher candidates and programs is Task 2 due to the videotaping requirements. Here are some helpful things to know…
  2. Teacher candidates need to get the permission (from the guardian) of any student in the video. Students that do not have signed forms should be situated off camera or be relocated for that lesson.
  3. There are 5 things that teacher candidates will need to do with the video…
  4. Record
  5. Convert (if not in an acceptable format)
  6. Clip the wanted segments
  7. Compress to an appropriate size
  8. Upload to LiveText
  9. The number and length of the clips varies by major. See your handbook for specific details.
  10. Many different kinds of recording devices may be used: smart phones, tablets, flip cameras, video cameras, etc.