ABN 36915216681

Do you own a Military Rifle and wish to join in the fast growing Service Rifle Discipline?

Do you wish to obtain your Firearms License and join this join in this sport?

Do you wish to be involved in competitions that offer an exciting variety of shooting using techniques and skills not practiced at any other Club?

If so, then the QUEENSLAND MILITARY RIFLE CLUB could be just what you are looking for.

The Club shoots almost every weekend, generally alternating Saturdays and Sundays and visitors are always welcome. Firearms used in major Club competitions in keeping with the spirit and original conception of the Club should be Military type although modified rifles can be used in their own class and weekly club comps. All firearms and ammunition may be inspected by our Safety Officers to ensure they are safe to use and sporting ammunition and safe hand loads are also permitted.

The Club is a Registered Training Organisation and provides regular Firearms Safety Training Courses for those needing to obtain a Firearms License.

NOTE: If you do not already have a Firearms License you MUST apply to the QLD Police and obtain a Statement of Eligibility to join QMRC. Also required are two references and a statement advising if you are/are not a member of another club. This is a requirement of the Weapons Licensing Act as QMRC also are recognized as a Handgun Shooting Club.

If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to see us at the range at Belmont Shooting Complex on Old Cleveland Road, Belmont [UBD Map 182 Ref. K8 1. Through the main gate turn left past the front of the clubhouse and follow the signs to Q.M.R.C. Range

(see map), or you can write to the Secretary at the above address. A Membership Application and current fee schedule is on the reverse of this invitation.

Happy shooting.

ABN 36915216681 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Block Letters Please)


First NameMiddle NameSurname

ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………




DATE OF BIRTH……………………………………MARITAL STATUS……………………….


CONCEALABLE Class/s ………………………A air pistol, B centrefire =<38, C centrefire >.38, D rimfire

NOTE: Unlicensed Applicants MUST include a "Statement of Eligibility" from QLD POLICE

AND two character references AND Statement if member or not of any approved shooting club

(1 July-30 June) / Ordinary Members
Country Members >50km from range
(Pensioners/Unemployed/Spouses/Partner/Children/Full time students) / $100.00
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
(1 Jan – 30 Jun) / Ordinary Members
Country Members >50km from range
Concessional / $ 50.00
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
RANGE FEES / Ordinary Members/ Concessional
Visitors / $ 5.00
$ 7.00
$ 10.00

In signing I agree to abide by all club rules as set out in the Constitution as supplied to me with also any changes in the future as decided by the committee. I declare all details given by me are to the best of my knowledge true and correct at the time of signing.

I certify that I am not a prohibited or prevented person under the Queensland Weapons Act 1 990 and any amendments thereof. I agree to abide by the Constitution, Safety Rules, and Regulations of the Queensland Military Rifle Club Inc.

I acknowledge that neither the Queensland Military Rifle Club Incorporated its officers leaders agents nor assistants will be responsible for any injury I may sustain because of my participation in club activities and hereby agree to indemnify and keep indemnified it and them against any claim by me or on my behalf in relation to -any injury or damage I may sustain to my person or property because of such participation.

Please find enclosed $…………………………. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION
