Stanford University Press

Author Guidelines

Stanford University Press is pleased to be publishing your book. We have prepared the following guidelines to simplify and expedite the production process. If anything in these instructions is unclear, please contact your editorial assistant.


Submittal Requirements 2

Formatting Requirements 4

Tables and Illustrations 6

Permissions and Source Information 10

The Permissions Process in 10 Easy Steps 15

Marketing, Cover Art, and Jacket Design 16

Royalties 17


Contributed Volumes 19

Foreign Language Use 22

Translator Guidelines 23

Submittal Requirements

Required Material

Two paper copies of the entire manuscript

All electronic files

Accompanying forms

All necessary permissions

§ Two paper copies of the manuscript

Excepting the index, the final manuscript must include everything that is to appear in the finished book: title page, table of contents, preface, acknowledgments, foreword, dedication, other front matter, complete text, endnotes, references, appendices, all tables and illustrations (photographs, charts, graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings, etc.). The paper copies must reflect the electronic files exactly.

The manuscript must be final. Once the manuscript has been turned over for editing, we cannot accept revised chapters, sections of chapters, or any other modifications to the text.

§ Electronic files for the entire text and any electronically created or scanned tables or illustrations

The Press strongly prefers that all manuscripts be prepared in Microsoft Word. If you have used a program other than Microsoft Word (e.g. Word Perfect), please contact your editorial assistant before submitting your manuscript.

Label each CD with your last name, the word “final”, and CD number. Create a new file for each chapter or major subdivision in your book (front matter, bibliography, etc.) and name these files so that they can be identified easily. Do not put your entire manuscript into a single file.

The final printout and electronic files must match exactly. The printout cannot contain any handwritten changes.

§ Accompanying forms
The following forms, which will be sent to you by your editorial assistant, must be returned in electronic form with the final manuscript:

§ Publication History Questionnaire

§ Marketing Questionnaire

§ Final Manuscript Checklist

§ Contact Information Form

§ Disk Information Form

§ Art & Text Log

§ Tax forms

§ List of contributor addresses and phone numbers (for edited volumes)

§ Caption List

§ Permission acknowledgments for all reprinted material

By the terms of your contract with Stanford University Press, you are responsible for obtaining permission to use copyrighted material, as well as paying all necessary fees and providing, upon publication, any complimentary copies of your book that the copyright holder requires. Copies of all permissions must be submitted with the final manuscript. Permissions should be listed on the appropriate worksheets of the Art & Text Log.

Please note that any halftone directly discussed within the text might be considered "fair use" and thus may be exempted from the need to file a permission request. We therefore strongly encourage all authors only to include halftones that are essential to the argument being made and to utilize the Fair Use exemption wherever applicable. Please see page 12 of this document or visit for more detailed discussions of Fair Use, and for more information regarding copyright and permissions requests. Because they are not typically analyzed in the same way, the Fair Use exemption likely will not apply to maps, tables, charts, or graphs.

It can take up to six months to obtain permission. Be sure to request permissions well before completing your manuscript. Do not request permission or submit payment for cover images, however, without prior agreement from your editor and the art director.


Formatting Requirements

Basic Guidelines

Double-space everything

Use a consistent font type and size throughout

Number every page by chapter (e.g. ch2 – 1)

Do not embed tables or illustrations in the text

Format notes as endnotes, not footnotes

Create a new electronic file for each chapter and section

§ The final manuscript must not exceed the length specified in your contract

Contract length is specified by maximum character count, including the spaces between words, and maximum number of tables, figures, half tones, and maps. Use the word count tool in Microsoft Word (found in the Proofing section of the Review tab or in the Tools menu) to calculate the number of characters (with spaces and notes) in a document.

§ Double-space everything, including endnotes and block quotations

§ Use a consistent font type and size throughout the entire manuscript

Please use 12-point type for all text including epigraphs, block quotations, endnotes, and bibliographic entries. Do not use all capital letters or ornamental typefaces for styling or formatting purposes. Boldface, italics, and underlining are fine.

§ Every page must be numbered. No two pages should have the same number

Please number each chapter starting from page one, indicating on each page both the chapter number and the page number. For example, Page 1 of Chapter 2 should be labeled “2-1” or “Ch.2 – 1”. Use Arabic numbers only.

§ All notes should be endnotes, not footnotes

Please use the endnotes option in Word. Use the same font and font size for the notes as in the main text. Notes should be numbered consecutively, beginning with 1 for each chapter (do not use roman numerals).

Stanford University Press follows the Chicago Manual of Style. When you prepare your notes and bibliography or list of references, please choose one of the two styles described in the Chicago Manual (chapters 15 and 16). Most important is a strict consistency of citation throughout your manuscript and to other works in your field. If you have used another style guide, please check in with your editorial assistant.

§ Create a new electronic file for each chapter or major subdivision

Create a new file for each chapter or major subdivision in your book (front matter, bibliography, section title pages, etc.) and name these files so that they can be identified easily. Endnotes should appear at the end of each chapter file; they should not be separated out or removed from the chapters or sections to which they apply. Do not put your entire manuscript into a single file.

§ Use 1" margins on all four sides of the page throughout the entire manuscript

Do not justify (align) the right margin.

§ Use tabs, not spaces, for paragraph indents

Insert a blank space between paragraphs only where you intend such a space to appear in your printed book to signal a break in the narrative. If your manuscript contains subheadings, be sure to differentiate the levels of heading so that your copy editor can easily identify the hierarchy.

§ Accent marks and special characters

Any accents (other than the common European ones) or special characters or symbols, must be noted on the Disk Information Form. See the Foreign Language Use appendix if your manuscript includes characters from non-Western writing systems.

§ Turn off automatic hyphenation


Tables and Illustrations[1]

You must not exceed the number of tables or illustrations specified in your contract.

Your final manuscript submission must include all tables and illustrations that are to appear in the finished book. As you prepare the tables and illustrations for submission, please consider the following questions:

§ Does each table or illustration clearly support and enrich the text?

§ Can the information be presented more efficiently within the text or notes?

§ Will any of the illustrations or tables require permission to be reprinted?

It is the responsibility of the author to pay for permissions and for the work required to prepare all art for inclusion in your book. Please speak with your editor if you have questions about the requirements and expectations for the tables and illustrations in your manuscript.

Basic Guidelines

Do not embed tables, boxes, or other illustrations in the text files

Submit all tables and illustrations with the final manuscript

Clearly label every table or illustration by figure number

Do not add tables or illustrations without contacting your editor

Complete and submit a Caption List and the Art Log with the final manuscript

Scanned and electronic art must be high resolution

§ Do not embed tables, boxes, or other illustrations in the text

Create tables, boxes, and other illustrations each in its own file and gather them at the end of the manuscript. Indicate where these items should be placed in the text with a callout (e.g., [Table 1.1 near here] or [Figure 1.7 about here]) at the end of the appropriate paragraph, and indicate the manuscript page number on the Art Log.

§ Submit all tables, boxes, and illustrations with the final manuscript

In addition to the original hard copy or file, submit clearly labeled printouts or photocopies of all tables, boxes, and illustrations (and accompanying notes, source information, etc.). If you would like to submit a list of tables, boxes, and illustrations for inclusion in your book’s front matter, please be sure to include both electronic and paper copies of it with your final manuscript.

Please be sure to list the file type used for each piece of art on the Art Log. Complete captions and credits must be provided for each item.

If you have any questions about the tables and illustrations in your book, consult your editorial assistant.

§ Caption List

Art (tables, maps or other illustrations) should be accompanied by caption text, which must be included on your CD. Note that a caption list is not the same thing as a front matter list of illustrations. Captions should include source information and other credit acknowledgments and, where applicable, the date of a work and information regarding media, dimensions, and the like. For example: “Figure 8.2. International population-control conferences, 1880–1990. Lines show percentages of each theme over time (five-year moving averages). Source: Ballantyne 1985, p. 194.”

§ Clearly label every table or illustration

Label each item with the chapter number and the table or illustration number (e.g., Exhibit 2.1, Table 2.2, Map 3.4, etc.). You will need to obtain permission for any figure taken in its entirety from a previously published source. If you have taken only the data, please label the figure as such (i.e., Source: Data from Michael H. Day, Guide to Fossil Man . . .). You do not need to request permission for figures you create.

Do not write on the back of photographs or original drawings, Post-its should be used to label the illustration with chapter and figure number. Photographs and original drawings should be placed in protective envelopes or folders.

§ Complete and submit the Art Log with the final manuscript

All art in your manuscript—tables, figures, maps, half tones, and other illustrations—must be listed on the Art worksheet of the Art & Text Log, whether they require permission or not. If you are reproducing something that was previously published, you must have the original publisher’s permission to use it. Letters of permission from the copyright holder must be submitted to the Press with the final manuscript. Please review the permissions guidelines in this packet to determine if you need permission. As mentioned earlier, please ensure that any use of halftones falls under the Fair Use exemption.

The Art Log must be filled out completely for each item. Please note, the log does not replace the caption list or the list of tables or illustrations in the front matter. Each of these items must be submitted separately.

If you have questions about the Art Log, please contact your editorial assistant.


§ Tables should be prepared in Microsoft Word.

Do not prepare tables using a spreadsheet program or a page-layout system.

§ Give each table a concise title and provide all relevant source information.

If you are reproducing a previously published table, you must have the original publisher’s permission to use it. Letters of permission from the copyright holder must be submitted to the Press with the final manuscript. For tables, graphs, and charts, please enter which category each falls under in the Comments column on the Art Log:

a) created by author, using data compiled by author, requires no permission;

b) created by author, using data from other sources, requires no permission for the data. Sources of the data must be as follows: “Data from [list all sources]”;

c) copied or revised from a third party source requires permission from the source unless so substantially revised it can be considered as new.

Charts and Graphs

§ Charts, graphs, and other schematic material should be submitted as separate paper documents that show the material as you wish it to appear in the book. Also include any electronic versions of these materials you may have, each illustration saved as a separate file, with the understanding that these items will be redrawn to meet publishing standards. Please note that you will be responsible for any costs related to redrawing charts, graphs, tables, and especially maps.

Printed Art and Photos

If the original art or photo is available and is no bigger than 18" x 30", we prefer that you send us the original. In most cases, however, you will need to have a professional reproduction made.

There are a few basic production guidelines to keep in mind when reproducing artwork for your book:

§ Ideally, the reproduction should be about the size that the final image will be when printed in the book.

§ If a picture is to be reproduced in black-and-white, we prefer that you provide us with a black-and-white original. If the art you have is currently in color, we will convert it to grayscale after we scan it here. For color reproduction, transparencies or slides are preferable to color prints, both for sharpness of detail and color fidelity.

§ When submitting art that is borrowed from a library or museum, please let the Press know when it must be returned (and provide assurance that reproduction is allowed).

§ If eliminating unimportant portions of a picture will improve its effectiveness, mark the recommended cropping on a photocopy of the illustration and include the copy with your manuscript. Do not use tape on the surface of a photograph, even if it is only covering a part you don’t mean to use. Do not place crop marks directly on the original. Please record any cropping instructions on your Art Log.

Scanned and Electronic Art

Please speak with your editor about the requirements and expectations for the figures and illustrations in your manuscript before preparing digital or output-ready illustrations.


The primary graphics applications in use at Stanford University Press are Adobe Illustrator and Adobe PhotoShop

Submittal Requirements