Westgate Resorts Foundation


Geographic Limitations

The Westgate Resorts Foundation welcomes grant requests from otherwise eligible tax-exempt organizations under Internal Revenue Code Sections 501 (c)(3) and Section 509 (a) located and/or operating within the Central Florida; Miami, FL; Gatlinburg, TN; Knoxville, TN; Las Vegas, NV; Williamsburg, VA; Branson, MO; Tunica, MS; Mesa, AR; Myrtle Beach, SC; Houston, TX; or Park City, UT areas. Other grant requests should have special interest or support from one or more of our Directors.

General Purposes

Based on policy resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors, this Foundation is operated exclusively for charitable, religious, literary and other exempt purposes.

“Special consideration will be given to distributions and grants to charitable, religious and educational organizations which are organized and operated to help the target populations of women, children, families and seniors.”

Typically, the average grant range is from $2,500 to $10,000.

An organization with administrative operating expenses of more than 15% (as reported on their most recent Form 990) will not be considered for funding.

Grant Policy Limitations

In addition to the geographic limitations, the Foundation will ordinarily deny grant requests (as adopted by the Board of Directors):

  1. From chiefly tax-supported institutions, or their “support” foundations;
  1. For individual scholarships or for individual research grants even if through an exempt or otherwise qualified educational organization;
  1. To pay off deficits or pre-existing debt;
  1. For foreign (outside the U.S.) organizations or for foreign expenditure;
  1. For travel projects or fellowships;
  1. For chiefly church, sacramental, denominational or inter-denominational purposes, except outreach programs for elderly, indigents, needy, youth or homeless regardless of belief, race, color, creed, or sex;
  1. For endowment funds or other purely revenue generating funds;
  1. Advocacy organizations or advocacy component funding;
  1. For cultural or arts organizations unless their projects, programs or performances are for the targeted populations of women, children, families or seniors.

Grant Request Procedures

We suggest initial contact by a letter of inquiry stating the purpose of the grant and nature of the organization. Organizations who have previously submitted grant requests do not need to make contact with the foundation office. You will automatically receive all general correspondence that comes from the foundation regarding grant application deadlines, procedures and other pertinent information.

Grant inquiries contrary to policy or contrary to precedents repeatedly denying similar requests will be sent early letters indicating that a request is “unlikely” to be funded.

All grant requests are presented to the Grant Review Committee which is made up of Westgate Resorts employees and independent contractors. The Grant Review Committee will perform evaluations of the grants using a point system and standardized scoring rubric. Grant requests scoring above a set number of points will be forwarded to the Site Review Committee.

The Site Review Committee may send one or more representatives for a field visit which will include a conference with the organization’s professional staff involved in the request, one or more of its Board of Directors or Trustees, appropriate accounting personnel or the organization, as well as a review of the actual operations.

After the field review, recommendations will be made to the Board of Directors for funding. Grant offer letters are usually issued immediately following the Board meeting. You are asked to accept the grant terms, including our “General Terms and Conditions”(Exhibit A).

Grant Timeline

March 1, 2007Grant Request Application forms available on-line

June 29, 2007Grant Request Application Deadline for 2007 funding

July - October 2007Grant Reviews and Site Reviews

October 31, 2007Interim/Final Report Form due for organizations that received a grant in 2006

December 2007 Board of Directors meets to approve 2007 grant cycle funding

December 2007 Organizations are notified of Board decisions for 2007 funding

December 2007Grant checks disbursed

Post Grant Reporting Requirements

When the grant funds have been fully spent, we require a final report containing a list of the disbursements of the grant balanced against the grant budget, together with an evaluation of the results of the grant. New grant requests will not be presented to the foundation board for funding consideration unless an interim/final report has been filed on any prior grant by the stated deadline (October 31, 2007).

The Report Form can be found at

Submission of Requests

Grant applications will be accepted annually from May 1 – June 29 for funding at the end of the calendar year. A request to be added to the database to receive information may be made at any time throughout the year.

The Foundation will not accept proposals by facsimile or email. Transmittal of proposals by facsimile or email will not be acknowledged or considered having met the deadline.

Three (3) sets of the grant request must be submitted by June 29, 2007 in order to be eligible for review during the 2007 grant cycle.

Grant Request Form

The Westgate Resorts Foundation utilizes a version of the Common Grant Application Form as produced by the PhilanthropyCenter at RollinsCollege, Winter Park, FL. This application form has been modified to provide specific information requested by the Westgate Resorts Foundation Board of Directors. The use of attachments and other support materials is encouraged. The grant request form can be found at


Please provide 3 sets of each Grant Request

(including all support materials).

Deliver or mail to

(no faxes or emailed applications accepted):

Westgate Resorts Foundation

5767 Major Blvd.

Orlando, FL32819

Telephone: 407/351-3356 ext. 252 or 224





The total amount of this grant, or of any payment thereof, may be discontinued, modified or withheld at any time when, in the judgement of the Westgate Resorts Foundation, such action is necessary to comply with the requirements of law, or to comply with the requirements of Internal Revenue laws, regulations or rulings.

This grant and notice of approval are also subject to your performance of the following terms and conditions:

  1. That a progress report be filed at the end of the project for which the grant was given. Organizations are requested to use the Common Report Form.
  1. That at the request of the Foundation, but to be filed with the Foundation at least at the end of the grant, whether requested or not, completed financial details of your administration of the grant including a statements showing the actual disbursements made and the persons to whom such disbursements were paid, and that such payments were made for the purposes of the grant. Any portion of the grant which is not used for the designated program shall be repaid to the Westgate Resorts Foundation. The Foundation may require that a firm of Certified Public Accountants of your selection certify the report.
  1. Upon completion of the grant, to provide the Westgate Resorts Foundation with a final accounting of the grant meeting the requirements of paragraph 2 above.
  1. That your organization consents that representatives of Westgate Resorts Foundation may have complete access to your files and records for the purpose of making such financial audits, verifications and investigations as it deems necessary with reference to the grant.
  1. Upon completion of the grant, a report of the activities carried on under the grant, careful evaluation thereof and a summary of results obtained.

The foregoing terms and conditions are intended to help us satisfy the requirements of the Tax Reform and Relief Act of 1969.

Revision of these terms may be necessitated from time to time to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, regulations or tax rulings or other requirements of law.

Westgate Resorts Foundation will expect to receive from you an acknowledgement of your acceptance of this grant and of the foregoing conditions prior to the disbursements of any funds.

Updated: February 13, 2007