PRIORITY AREA:Student Achievement Priority and Student Growth Priority Areas
1)Student Demographics and Grade Level
a)WCKE Record Editing System (RES) is the data source.
b)The final roster file generated from ISES represents student demographics on 3rd Friday of September and student location (school/district) as of the middle of the WKCE testing window.
c)District and School associations are based on the school header sheet to which the student’s label is attached.
d)Modifications of demographics within RES do NOT come back to ISES.
e)After modification in RES, demographic and grade level represent a student at time of testing.
2)Acquisition of English Language Proficiency
a)Not available within ISES reports during collection as this is calculated in DPI data warehouse.
b)Within ISES review all students identified as transitioning to English Proficient (from 1-5 to 6).
PRIORITY AREA:Closing Gaps Priority Area
1)Sources listed under Student Achievement Priority and Student Growth Priority Areas
2)Student Demographics and Grade Level
- ISES Year End is the data source.
3)Exit Information and Credential Type
- ISES Year End is the data source.
PRIORITY AREA:On-Track and Postsecondary Readiness Priority Area
1)Sources listed under Student Achievement Priority and Student Growth Priority Areas
2)Student Demographics and Grade Level
- ISES Year End is the main data source.
- For ACT Participation, the ISES 3rd Friday of September (CD) is the data source.
3)Attendance, Exit Information and Credential Type
- ISES Year End is the data source.
DEDUCTION:Student Engagement Indicator Deduction
1)Sources listed under Student Achievement Priority and Student Growth Priority Areas
2)Student Demographics and Grade Level
- ISES Year End is the data source.
3)Attendance, Exit Information and Credential Type
- ISES Year End is the data source.
General accountability holds the district providing primary educational services to the student accountable for the student outcomes. The ISES data elements which hold accountability information are: ACCOUNTABLE_AGENCY and ACCOUNTABLE_SCHOOL.
For school report cards the multi-district authorizer is held accountable for the outcomes of all participating districts. For district level report cards, general accountability is applied where each district is held accountable for their own students participating in the multi-district charter school. Note that no special processing is used for students attending either of the 2 CCDEBs or the 2 Wisconsin State Schools.