Goal Team3: “Invest in Each Other”
Objective 2: Career Growth
First Solo Team Meeting
2:00 p.m., Monday, November 15, 2010
Criminal Justice Institute, Room 219
(If time targets are met, this agenda can be achieved in 2 hours, including a 10-minute break.)
Note - The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page:
I.Welcome and Introductions(5 minutes)
ConvenerJoe Nunes will ask all present to introduce themselves.See Attachment A(page 4 of this document)for list of this team’s members. Some team members may have missed the October 22 meeting.
II.Review of the Charge to the Goal Teams, Team Principles and Roles(15 minutes) – CPC Co-chairsSusanKelley, Ed Frameand Convener Joe Nunes
Joe will review the charge to the goal teams, and the “four questions” that each team will address. See Attachment B (p. 5 of this document) for the charge and the questions.See Attachment L (pp. 29-30 for the targets. See Attachment C(p. 7) for Team Roles, and Attachment D (p. 8) for Principles.
Susan and Ed will answer any questions about the charge from the CPC, and note that the purpose of this meeting is to complete work remaining to be done before December 17, 2010, as stated in the charge, some of which was completed at the October 22 organizational meeting:
By December 17, 2010:
- Develop principles to guide the work of the goal teams.
- Review and discuss the goal assigned to the team and its place within the strategic plan.
- Review the baseline and target measures established for the goal by the 2009-10 goal teams, and determine a means of obtaining the baseline data by February 4, 2011.
- Review the list of departmental objectives entered into the college’s Weave Online system that relate to the team’s goal, providing an overview of some of the work underway to advance the goal.
- Review and discuss the eight questions used by the college to develop the situational/needs analysis for the 2008-13 plan. Consider whether these are still the right questions to ask as we review data about our internal and external environment. Make any recommendations the team may have regarding changes to these questions.
- Suggest any strategic issues that should be considered by the college related to this goal.
Joe will lead the team in reviewing and finalizing the principles that will guide their work and the roles they wish to have filled by team members.
III.Review of Notes from October 22 Joint Meeting (5 minutes)
Angeliquewill ask the team if any entries need clarified or if anything was missed that should be added to the record. See theOctober 22 meeting notes(Attachment E on p. 9) and also available at this web site, under the second section of the page:
IV.Review of Strategic Issues(15 minutes)
Joe willask the team to review the Strategic Issues included in the 2008-13 Strategic Plan, note those that have relevance to the goal, and suggest any strategic issues that have emerged that the team suggests be added, if any. See Attachment F – Strategic Issues List from 2008-13 Plan, p. 10 of this document.
The team will discuss whether it wishes to update information on the selected/added issues for the purpose of reporting on the issues at the Big Meeting on March 18, using an issue brief format that will be provided to the team.
V.Finalizing the Baseline Data for the Goal (30 minutes)
The team will review the baseline data gathered for objective 3.2, and discuss whether any additional baseline data may be desirable. If so, someone on the team will agree to obtain the additional data.See Attachment G, p 11.
(Following that, the team may wish to take a 10-minute break.)
VI. Developing the List of Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects:(30 minutes)See Attachments H – Template (p. 12), J- 2009-10 Initiatives List for 3.2 (p. 16), K- Summary of the 09-10 Goal Team Report (p. 19), and L – Full Team report (p 21) and Attachment M – Weave Online Report (p. 36). Also attached is Dr. Shugart’s Goal 3 essay inAttachment I, p. 13, for reference.
There are three tasks:
1. The list of initiatives and projects developed by the 2009-10 Goal Team in February 2010,and the attached report from Weave Online will be reviewed.See Attachment M, p. 36.
2.The team will be asked to identify any missing initiatives that are underway but not on the Fall 2010 Weave report.(Remember that we are aiming for major initiatives and projects – short list rather than an exhaustive list.)
3. The team will decide on a means of gathering current information about initiatives for 3.1 for the team’s review at its second meeting.
At a later meeting, the team will review the measures that are in place for the goal and the objectives, and whether the list of current project and initiatives is likely to enable the college to make progress toward the goal.The team may propose at that time to adjust the measures or to add initiatives/projects, if the group deems that to be appropriate. Those proposals would be considered at the Big Meeting on March 18.
VII.Review of Assignments and Next Meeting(10 minutes)
Joe will review the list of assignments.
A meeting date and convener will be agreed upon for the second solo team meeting.
All members will be reminded to hold Friday, March 18, 2011 on their calendars for the Big Meeting.
Attachment A – Goal Team Members – 3.2
Convener for first solo meeting – Joe Nunes
Team Roster
Jenni Campbell
Jenelle Conner
Julie Corderman
Becky Gallup
Margaret Gonzalez
Jackie Lasch
Tom Lopez
Carolyn McMorran
Brent Nakagama
Joe Nunes
Carmen Sepulveda
Renee Simpson
Attachment B – Goal Teams Charge
Charge to 2010-11 Goal Teams
In 2010-11, the College Planning Council will convene a Goal Team for each of the four goals in the College Strategic Plan: 1) Build Pathways, 2) Learning Assured, 3) Invest in Each Other, and 4) Partner with the Community.
Each goal team will monitor progress toward a goal, collect and interpret data, monitor related strategic issues, make recommendations to the annual Big Meeting, and prepare an annual report on progress toward the goal.
Each goal team will maintain the College’s “to do” list of the initiatives and projects that are intentionally aligned with each goal. This list of a handful of major projects for each goal will help us to maintain our focus on the actual work being carried out to advance each goal.
The teams will answer four questions:
Looking at our team’s goal and objectives…
1. Are we on track toward the targets set for this goal by the 2009-10 teams?
2. What is currently happening at the college to get us there?
3. What data do we have that help us to measure progress?
4. Will the list of major activities underway continue to“move the needle?” If not, what is missing from the list?
Composition of the Goal Teams
The goals teams, which will be recruited college-wide, will include volunteers from faculty, career service, professional and administrative staff.
The Council will seek to have representation from each campus on each goal team. Also, care will be taken to ensure that those who have responsibility for the work of the goal are represented on each goal team.
Guiding Principles
The teams will utilize principles to guide their work, and will ask one member of the team to call the attention of the team to the extent to which the work is being conducted in keeping with those principles. The teams will develop the principles at a first, joint meeting, set for the afternoon of Friday, October 22. That meeting will include Dr. Shugart who will assist in launching the work of the teams for 2010-11.
Responsibilities of the Goal Teams
The teams will have the following responsibilities, designed to be carried out in four or five meetings between October 2010 and June 2011, with support and assistance provided by the co-chairs of the College Planning Council, Ed Frame and Susan Kelley. The first meeting will be a joint meeting of all four goal teams, set for the afternoon of October 22, 2010.
By December 17, 2010:
- Develop principles to guide the work of the goal teams.
- Review and discuss the goal assigned to the team and its place within the strategic plan.
- Review the baseline and target measures established for the goal by the 2009-10 goal teams, and determine a means of obtaining the baseline data by February 4, 2011.
- Review the list of departmental objectives entered into the college’s Weave Online system that relate to the team’s goal, providing an overview of some of the work underway to advance the goal.
- Review and discuss the eight questions used by the college to develop the situational/needs analysis for the 2008-13 plan. Consider whether these are still the right questions to ask as we review data about our internal and external environment. Make any recommendations the team may have regarding changes to these questions.
- Suggest any strategic issues that should be considered by the college related to this goal.
By February 4, 2011 (this work is anticipated to require one or two meetings in the December – January time frame):
- Gather and study the baseline data and any available updates to that data that indicate progress toward the targets set by the 2009-10 goal teams. (Data may be obtained from the office of Institutional Research, the Data Task Force of the College Planning Council, the College Data Team, and/or other sources.)
By March 4, 2011 (this work is anticipated to require one meeting):
- Review the original objectives developed for each goal, interpret progress data from 2010-11, review any updates on strategic issues, draft a list of major projects and initiatives that are intentionally aligned with the goal, and make any recommendations regarding the goal that the committee believes may be advisable for consideration at the “Big Meeting” on March 18, 2011. (Team members will participate in the Big Meeting.)
By June 30, 2011 (this work is anticipated to require one meeting):
- Prepare an annual report on progress toward the goal, with a focus on the list of major projects and initiatives that are intentionally aligned with the goal, including recommendations on how the College might use what is learned to improve its effectiveness.
Attachment C
Role and Responsibilities of Team Members
Goal Teams
Roles and Responsibilities
Role / ResponsibilityConvener / Schedules Goal Team Meetings with members (help with room reservations is available through CPC staff); prepares agenda
Recorder / Records minutes of meetings and distributes to group and CPC staff
Reporter / Reports group progress, findings, etc. to CPC as needed
Seekers / Actively seeks information to answer group questions or needs (could be two or three people in this role)
Questioners / Encourages group to explore multiple scenarios and ideas when addressing data sets and assumptions(could be two or three people in this role)
Principles Monitor / Monitors the group’s adherence to design principles and helps the group through tough conversations by focusing on principles
Attachment D – Draft Principles
Base principles from 2009-10 Team Joint Meeting:
- The teams will first address the work to be done to meet the goal, without concern for measurement.
- After identifying the work to be done towards each goal, the teams will recommend what should be measured to determine if we are making progress.
- Everyone’s voice on the team is valued and important. All perspectives are welcomed, both from those who are closest to the work as well as those who observe it from a distance.
Additions by 2009-10 Teams, reviewed at the Joint Meeting on Oct. 22, 2010
- Try to format and locate meetings to make them as inclusive as possible and move location so not always meeting in same place.
- Build on prior work.
- Implement a process to synthesize work, not create laundry lists.
- Stay solution oriented and positive.
- Continue clarifying purpose.
- Keep in mind that planning is a cycle – use feedback to inform current practice.
- Okay to dissent, but be respectful.
- Open communication – no hidden agenda.
- Reach out to other parts of the college.
- Think beyond our own roles.
- On time, committed, invested in work, active participant.
On October 22, 2010, Team 3.2 suggested eliminating “be accountable for all things proposed,” saying that the group is not clear on what this statement means. (Note that team 3.1 modified this by adding “by the team.”)
Attachment E – Notes from Organizational Meeting – October 22, 2010
These were the spiral bound flip pad notes from the team:
Objective 3.2 – Career Growth
Group elects to eliminate “be accountable for all things proposed”. Group is not clear on what this statement means.
Team Roster
Jenni Campbell
Jenelle Conner
Julie Corderman
Becky Gallup
Margaret Gonzalez
Jackie Lasch
Tom Lopez
Carolyn McMorran
Brent Nakagama
Joe Nunes
Carmen Sepulveda
Renee Simpson
Attachment F - Strategic Issues List from 2008-13 Plan
An Agenda of Plan-related Issues to Be Considered Systematically
by College Councils, Committees, and Leadership Teams during
As the Strategic Plan is carried out, the following issues should be systematically
studied by appropriate councils, committees, and leadership teams, and the results
should inform the annual review of the strategic plan:
- How do we define and measure learning? What is our theory regarding the
assessment of learning?
- What constitutes Student Success? How does learning differ from student
- How will we define “meaningful improvement?”
- What are the contributions that a student can make to achieve his or her goals?
- What does it mean for a student to achieve his or her potential?
- How do we define “Optimal Learning Conditions?”
- How do we measure the extent to which we are accessible? How can we describe
what it means to “Build Pathways?”
- How do we define and practice collaboration? How should we communicate in a
collaborative college?
- How is our commitment to valuing diversity honored through the work
envisioned by this plan?
- How will employees define their learning pathways, and how will we measure an
employee’s engagement in the learning process?
- What data model will be used to carry out this work, and how will we organize
for data sharing and accountability?
- As part of our “culture of evidence”, what do we accept as evidence of progress
against our goals and objectives? How do we validate that changes in our
proposed key indicators are meaningful and are having the intended effects on
achieving our objectives?
- What constitutes meaningful data? Should we compare statistics by socioeconomic
indicators, rather than by race? What is the usefulness of such a
Attachment G – Baseline Data Needed
Goal 3 – Invest in Each Other
Objective 3.2: Career Growth
By 2013, Valencia will have a robust system of career growth and planning in which all Valencia employees will participate. (Note: This does not include faculty, who have a separate faculty development program.)
The design of the professional development program and a listing of professional development opportunities offered in 2008-09. (Available from the office of Organizational Development, Amy Bosley.)
Attachment H – Initiative Report Template
Initiative Report
Goal Team:
Initiative Name:
Prepared by:
Person(s) consulted in obtaining information about the status of this initiative:
Summary of progress made on the initiative to date:
Information about upcoming work on the initiative:
Any data or results that can be shared that reveals how those involved with this initiative are gauging the success of the initiative:
(Add pages as needed.)
Attachment I – Dr. Shugart’s Goal Essay
Goal Three: Invest in Each Other
The first two goals in this strategic learning plan – Build Pathways and Learning Assured – are fundamental to our mission as a learning college. They describe where we will focus our attention and resources for the next several years toward improving learning and opportunity for our students. Goals Three and Four are more instrumental in nature, describing how we will work together and in partnership with the community to grow our capacity to achieve the first two goals. They are important means to important ends.
Extraordinary work requires extraordinary people working in extraordinary ways. Valencia has long been blessed with these vital conditions. The college has given regular attention to hiring the best. In recent years, the hiring processes were substantially modified to recruit earlier and more compellingly. The faculty developed a written summary of what they hoped to see in new colleagues (The Competencies of a Valencia Educator), a document that continues to be revised and to guide search committees. Compensation was modified to make Valencia much more competitive in hiring generally and to enable the college to hire more seasoned educators when they are the best fit by recognizing in the system relevant experience outside the college. More important than these pragmatic changes, though, is a deep culture of looking for and hiring the best.
A thoughtful process of inducting new professionals into the organization has also been an important to building the best faculty and staff here. The Teaching and Learning Academy has provided a valuable and challenging opportunity for growth and formation of new faculty. More recently, a program of New Employee Orientation has been developed and used successfully for some two years. Continuing programs such as Destinations, Sabbaticals, Endowed Chairs, and Focus on the Workplace, as well as a robust offering of workshops through Leadership Valencia have been important resources to our shared work.
In the discussions that led to Goal Three, however, a number of new and continuing challenges were noted. Clearly, recent budget constraints have limited the growth and development of our efforts to support faculty and staff in their learning, particularly adjunct faculty, on whom we rely more than ever. Budget woes notwithstanding, it is important to find the resources to build on our already robust programs of faculty development. Commitment to the faculty development component of the compensation plan remains high, but the college will need to address resources for underwriting learning experiences and workloads if members of the faculty are to continue to attend to their own renewal.