Maldon District South Maldon Garden Suburb
Draft Strategic Masterplan Framework
Consultation Response Form
The Draft South Maldon Garden Suburb (SMGS) Strategic Masterplan Framework will provide supplementary planning guidance to the Maldon District Local Development Plan. The supplementary guidance set out in this document will ensure that the development of the South Maldon Garden Suburb takes place in a co-ordinated way in accordance with the policies set out in the LDP. The Draft Strategic Masterplan Framework is available at the following link:
Comments should be made by completing this questionnaire and returning it to the Council
by email to or
by post to Planning Policy, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 5DL.
All responses must be received by 5pm Monday 11 August 2014 (late or anonymous responses may not be considered).
This consultation is not seeking comments on the Maldon District Local Development Plan – for information about the Local Development Plan please see the Examination page on the Council’s website:
Personal Details
Title / First Name / Last NameOrganisation (where applicable)
Job Title (where applicable)
Client Details (if applicable)
Title / First Name / Last NameOrganisation (where applicable)
Job Title (where applicable)
Future Notification
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Your Views
Maldon District Council would like your views on the Draft South Maldon Garden Suburb Strategic Masterplan Framework and in particular on the following topics:
· The vision and objectives (Section 3);
· The Framework Masterplan and Development Principles (Section 4.1);
· The framework for new green spaces (Section 4.3);
· The framework for movement and access (Section 4.4);
· The key design principles (Section 4.5); and
· The framework for Infrastructure Delivery (Section 5).
Please use the space below to provide comments, clearly stating which section of the document your comments relate to; use additional pages if required.