Background - The primary school sport premium is £150 million per annum of new government funding jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. Investment will go direct to individual primary school Head Teachers and is designed to support improvements in the quality and depth of PE and school sport in addition to the new curriculum through to 2015/16.

Outcomes - The Department for Education vision is that all pupils leaving primary school are physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. The objective is to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport that delivers high quality provision of a balanced and holistic PE and school sport offer including;

·  The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

·  The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

·  Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

·  Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

·  Increased participation in competitive sport

Funding - Individual schools will receive circa £8000-9000 per annum (depending on the number of pupils) which they can use to support these outcomes through various options including; release of staff for CPD, employing specialists to work alongside teachers, cluster work with other schools and partnerships, transport, equipment, hall and pool hire etc.

The total funding for the academic year / 2016/17 / £8,945

Accountability & Impact - Schools are required to keep parents informed and publish plans for deployment of premium funding on their website by April of each academic year. Schools will be expected to track pupils to be able to show what improvements have been made and evidence the impact of the sport premium. From September 2013, Ofsted inspectors will assess and report on how effectively this new funding is being used when making the judgement on the quality of the school's leadership and management.

Lead member of staff responsible / Matt Howes / Lead Governor responsible / Laura Wright

Time 2 Move - 'Time2Move' is the Cornwall Framework for PE and School Sport. It has been produced by a range of key stakeholders here in Cornwall including Head Teachers and subject specialists taking into account the outcomes of the primary sport premium and Ofsted recommendations. For those schools seeking a comprehensive school sport offer it provides a blueprint to develop excellent delivery both within and outside the school gates. As part of this initiative schools are provided with advice and guidance including a self-assessment audit and action planning template (for further information go to The following table outlines plans for the deployment of the sport premium funding this year set against the ambitions of the framework.

Area of Focus & Outcomes / Actions
(Actions identified through self-review to improve the quality of provision) / Funding
(Planned/ actual spend) / Impact
(Anticipated/actual effect on pupils including measures/evidence) / Future Actions & Sustainability
(How will the improvements be sustained and what will you do next)
Curriculum Delivery
engage young people in a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum / Ensure that new staff (including Sports Direct Students) are trained in delivering real PE.
Respond to staff audit of personal confidence level in different areas across the PE curriculum- ensure staff attend training opportunities where possible
NSN to provide opportunities to upskill staff
Staff have opportunities to observe gymnastics, yoga, games and dance experts who visit.
Update Staff kit- continue to promote role models and importance of PE/Sport clothing
New equipment for delivery of PE and school sport. / Supply to release staff
(see workforce)
£1000 / Staff are more confident in delivering real PE. Children have a better understanding of their physical skills using the real PE aims- i.e. cognitive, social, emotional etc.
Staff instantly recognisable at sport events – gives the school an identity and promotes staff as PE and Sport Role models- the importance of a team emphasised
More effective lessons and a broader range of equipment for after school clubs. / Any more additional new staff to receive training.
Staff training opportunities to be included in Newquay School Sports Partnership as part of the extra funding to be a member.
All staff to wear kit in PE lessons and extra-curricular activities and team events vs children to represent teamwork and the importance of wearing the correct equipment. Proud to be Perrranporth and healthy.
Continue to offer a range of clubs with new equipment e.g. dodgeball, yoga and dance
Physical Activity, Health & Wellbeing
all young people are aware of health related issues and are supported to make informed choices to engage in an active and healthy lifestyle / To continue to promote the offer free after school clubs by our staff to encourage the attendance of disaffected children. Monitor the participation level yearly
Sainsbury’s Vouchers used to buy a range of equipment for after school clubs (e.g. dodgeballs, multi-skills etc) / As well as dodgeball being a popular new club, gymnastics was well attended in KS1- promote gymnastics KS2 and Yoga (whole school) Sport Parliament and parents indicated a martial arts club would be beneficial. Eva Miranokova (Cornwall Judo Coach) running a Judo Club with Mrs Davis assisting- encouraging another club to our wide range of extracurricular sporting clubs therefore targeting more children to attend an after school club. / We will continue to use the success of well attended new clubs in future, ensuring they are offered again. Audit children and PE and School Sport parliament on new club ideas.
Continue end of term children and staff sport fixtures to promote new and existing sports (in new staff kits)
Equipment bought can be used in PE and future extra-curricular clubs
Diverse & Inclusive
provide a fully inclusive offer that recognises the diverse needs of specific groups and identifies tailored opportunities for all young people / Continue to liaise with Phil Houghton (Club Co-ordinator) and the new School Sport and PE Parliament to offer a greater range of sports clubs to reach those who do not usually attend after school sport clubs. The School Sport and PE Parliament is made up of 2 members- a keen sportsperson and a less keen sportsperson. We have run launch assemblies for new clubs to promote healthy lifestyles.
Offer a greater range of sports clubs to reach those who do not usually attend after school sport clubs. Speaking to staff and School Sport Parliament, golf was popular.
Pupil Voice- PE and School Sport Parliament set up and will meet regularly to discuss vision of PE and Sport PCPS. Buy badges. / Overtime to staff to support in the delivery of these activities (see workforce).
£20 / Children’s voice has impacted upon a more inclusive PE curriculum and a breadth of sports clubs for all ages to attend. New clubs on offer this year: KS2 gymnastics, yoga, judo, breakfast running club and dance in the summer term.
Local Golf Club came in for National Sports Week. Links established for future clubs. Yoga club set up (autumn 2) Helen Clare to lead and staff to support. Pupil Premium children targeted and chn who are less active. Very positive for Year 6 girls to relax during SATs year.
Greater involvement and understanding of the importance of health and well-being and the positive effect physical activity has. More children attending new and existing clubs. / Continue to work with Phil Houghton and the School Sport and PE Parliament and discuss with the children what PE lessons they would like to have and afterschool clubs. Continue communication and opportunities In2Sport can offer to ensure mass participation.
Continue communication with Derek Mitchell (golf pro at Perranporth Golf Club) to attend events and seek further opportunities.
Maintain successful and well attended clubs. Regular meetings for PE and School Sport parliament. Members to change each year. Involve them in running events, promoting clubs in assemblies etc.
Provide a well organised, appropriate and enjoyable programme of competitions and festivals for students of all abilities / To continue to encourage mass participation in Newquay Sports Partnership events. Introduce children to a range of new sports.
Promote inclusion and excellence- Cornwall School Games and
More KS1 opportunities voiced at NSN meetings.
Have interschool sport tournaments with Goonhavern School for both boys and girls’ teams. / Overtime to staff in order to transport and accompany children to these events (see workforce) / Opportunities for children across the primary age range to participate in competitive sport and represent the school. Monitor participation.
KS1 opportunities enhanced. / Continue and extend interschool competitions. Promote being active for life. Continue to promote more KS1 clubs- well attended last year and welcomed by parents.
Leadership, Coaching & Volunteering
provide pathways to introduce and develop leadership skills / Buy into Newquay sports partnership- encourage different staff to lead different sports clubs and events.
FA Coach Dom Edwards, dance teacher Kate Attwell, Yoga expert Helen Clare as well as others in as an expert in leadership, staff to work closely to upskill their leadership skills in developing breadth of PE understanding.
PE and Sport Ambassadors- Y6 trialled in gymnastics and was very successful. This will continue in the multiple KS1 clubs. Potential award to partake in – to be decided by Y6 Teacher. / £2500
£240 / The development of a range of opportunities from early years through to year 6 that will encourage all young people to take a full and active part in PE, physical activity and sport.
All staff upskilled and more confident in delivery of PE curriculum.
PE and Sport Profile celebrated and children have improved inter-personal skills. Quieter children more confident as a result. Award credited to boost confident of children and their understanding of being active and healthy. / Attend a range of inter school tournaments and PE lead teacher to attend the cluster school meetings. PE Lead to guide other staff in training opportunities and CPD.
Staff are more confident to lead lessons, clubs and events.
More PE and Sport Ambassadors to be promoted in other clubs and continue to celebrate and raise the profile of PE and School Sport at PCPS. Potential award to increase confidence of social interaction and understanding of the benefit of physical literacy on one’s health and promotion of lifelong participation.
Community Collaboration
ensure opportunities for young people of all abilities to extend their school activity transitioning into sustained community based sport / Encourage children to attend out of school clubs within the wider school community. Year 4 – 6 will have a day surfing with Perran Surf Club.
Year 5 to attend “Hit the Surf” RNLI water safety session at Fistral Beach in Newquay.
Continue excellent links with local Perranporth Tennis Club and coach Steve Luck, Golf Pro Derek Mitchell, REAL PE Expert Fiona Holmes, Pro Surfer Ben Skinner and Dance Instructor Kate Attwell. / £900
(3 x £300)
TBC / Increased attendance at the surfing in the local community clubs: Perran Surf, Perranporth Tennis Club and Perranporth Golf Club.
Attend local community events. In National Sports Week invite all local experts in the showcase their sport and use assemblies to promote attendance of local clubs. Offer some clubs at our school as a starting point. / Develop relationships with local clubs to future years and expand to more where possible.
increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE & sport / Specialist teachers to work with school staff to offer a wider range of sport related clubs and for CPD of staff. Helen Clare leading new Yoga Club and Eva Miranokova leading new Judo Club.
Release teaching staff for CPD and to attend sporting events. / £2000 / Mrs Lampier now runs KS1 football and Mr Harris KS2 football without support of external agencies. Miss Palfreyman and Miss Prior leading Yoga club without support of outside agencies. / Continue to take opportunities for further CPD in PE e.g. using local coaches/instructors.

*Estimated spend £7,985.