Jane Carol Bishop Summer: 518 12th St.

MSC 109, The Citadel Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215

Charleston, S.C. 29409 (718) 788-1276

(843) 723-4024

Field: Ancient and Medieval History: specialty Byzantine History, sub-specialties Roman and medieval Papal History, other teaching sub-specialties Islamic and premodern military history.

Academic Degrees

Columbia University, New York, N.Y.: Ph.D., May 1980

" : M.Phil., May 1975

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: B.A. in History, June 1972

High School of Music and Art, New York, N.Y.: graduation in Art,

June 1968

Dissertation Title: Pope Nicholas I and the First Age of Papal Independence

Current Position: Associate Professor of Ancient and Medieval History,

The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C.

Teaching Career

1. Institutions and Positions Held

The Citadel, fall 1987-present. Assistant Professor 1987-1992, Associate Professor 1992-present.

New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y., spring 1982-spring 1987. Member of the Faculty.

Manhattan College, Riverdale, N.Y., fall 1984-spring 1986. Adjunct Assistant Professor.

Iona College, New Rochelle, N.Y., spring 1982-spring 1984. Adjunct Assistant Professor 1982-83,

Assistant Professor 1983-84.

Pace University, New York. N.Y., fall 1981-spring 1983. Adjunct Assistant Professor.

Barnard College, New York, N.Y., fall 1980. NEH Intern and Reader in History (i.e. teaching assistant).

II. Courses Taught

a. The other schools:

Barnard College

Contributed to team-taught course Dante's World,

marked papers for Medieval History.

Pace University

Introduction to the Social Sciences (the Cold War

period and historical methods)

History to 1400

Europe Since the French Revolution

Iona College

The Western Experience (Western Civ to 1900)

The Global Challenge (the non-Western world

and the 20th century)

Greek History

Roman History

Early Medieval History to 1000

The Ancient Mediterranean

Three Medieval Civilizations

Europe in the Twentieth Century

Manhattan College

Ancient History survey

Medieval History survey

The Art of War to 1648

The New School

Greek History

Roman History

Byzantine History

New School cont.

Medieval Church History

Venetian History

Contributed to team-taught courses:

·  The Ancient Greek In Us

·  Our Greco-Roman Heritage

·  Medieval and Renaissance Perspectives of

Western Civilization

b. The Citadel


Western Civilization I

Western Civilization II

World Civilization I

Honours History I

Honours History II (in progress for the first time, spring 2004)

The Middle Ages

The Ancient Greeks

The Romans

The Byzantine Empire

Islam and the Middle East

Patterns of War I, to 1763

Crime and Punishment Through the Ages

Special Topics: The Crusades

Contributed to team-taught course A Question of Genius

“ Introduction to the Discipline of History


Ancient Greece

Ancient Rome

Byzantine History

The High Middle Ages

Premodern Islamic Civilization

The Non-Western World (MAT course)


"Byzantine History: The Worth of the Individual", Trends in History, vol. I no. 1, July 1979, pp. 95-106

"Medieval History: Change, Faith and Politics", ibid. vol. I no. 2, February 1980, pp. 66-80

"Anastasius Bibliothecarius", Dictionary of the Middle Ages, vol. I, p.239 (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1982)

"Bishops as Marital Advisors in the Ninth Century", Women of the Medieval World, ed. Julius Kirshner

and Suzanne Wemple, pp. 53-84 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985)

"Illyricum", Dictionary of the Middle Ages, vol. 6 pp. 421-424 (1985)

"Nicholas I", ibid., vol. 10, pp. 120-121 (1987)

Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias, co-translated with Mother Columba Hart, O.S.B. (Paulist Press, 1990)

"The Death Penalty in the Byzantine Empire", Acts, 18th International Byzantine Congress, Selected

Papers: Main and Communications, Moscow, 1991, ed. Ihor Sevcenko and Gennady G. Litavrin,

Corresponding Editor Walter K. Hanak; Vol. I: History, pp. 51-64 (Byzantine Studies Press,

Shepherdstown, W.Va., 1996)

“Belisarius”, Magill’s Guide to Military History, pp. 181-183 (Salem Press, 2000)

“Bulgarian-Byzantine Wars”, ibid. pp. 235-237

“Byzantine Civil War of 1321-1357”, ibid. pp. 253-254

“Byzantine Empire”, ibid. pp. 254-256

“Latin Empire-Byzantine Wars”, ibid. pp. 871-873

“Narses”, ibid. pp. 1091-1092

“Timoleon’s War”, ibid. pp. 1539-1540

“The ‘Christian’ Operas: Alzira and Stiffelio”, chapter in Verdi’s Literary Sources, ed. John Deredita

(Toccata Press, forthcoming)

“The One Italian Source: I Lombardi alla prima crociata”, ibid.

Also: drew the maps and genealogies for Suzanne Wemple, Women in Frankish Society: Marriage and

the Cloister, 500 to 900 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981)

Translations in Ernest Menze, ed., Aisles of Time: The Western Experience, a Thematic History

Reader (privately printed, 1983)

Public Lectures

1. Professional Conferences

"White Sandals and Selective Historiography: the Nurturing of the Papal Mystique in Ninth-Century

Rome", American Academy in Rome, April 22, 1977

"Papal Historiography and Papal Politics in Eighth-Century Rome", panel on Rome in the Eighth Century,

Fourth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 3, 1978

"The Tradition of Public History", panel on Public History, New York Coordinating Committee on

Women in the Historical Profession, Nov. 14, 1979

"The Possibilities for Women in Byzantium: The Poet Kasia", panel on Women of the Medieval East:

Moslem, Jew and Christian, Fifth Annual Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Vassar

College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., June 16, 1981

"Was There Italian Influence on the Commune of Thessalonica?", panel on Social Unrest in Eastern

Europe and Byzantium, Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval and Early

Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, Oct. 16, 1981

"The Right to Change Jobs in Byzantium", session on Byzantine Law, 17th International Congress of

Byzantine Studies, Dumbarton Oaks/Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 1986

"The Death Penalty in the Byzantine Empire", session on Byzantine Law, 18th International Congress of

Byzantine Studies, Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR (as it was then), Aug. 8, 1991

2. Lectures to the Public

"The Role of Christianity in the Development of Friendship Between Men and Women", Honours

Colloquium on Men and Women; Changing Roles, Iona College, Feb. 17, 1982

"'Red in Tooth and Claw'? Human Aggression in Nature and History", Honours Colloquium on

Aggression, Violence and Warfare: Paradise Lost, Iona College, Feb. 3, 1984

"The Nature of Women: The Last Conversion of C.S. Lewis", Campus Ministry Special Talk, Iona

College, March 1984

"The Perception of Sex Roles in Antiquity", panel on Sex Roles: Whom do we Have to Thank?, Manhattan

College, March 5, 1985

"The raison d'être of Western Civilization", Churchill Society meeting, The Citadel, Charleston, S.C.,

Sept. 25, 1991

"The Power of Judaism, the Might of the Roman Machine, and Jesus in the Middle", Lenten Adult

Education Series, Grace Church, Charleston, S.C., Feb. 19, 1997

"The Effect of Christianity on the Death Penalty in Rome", Phi Kappa Phi Brown Bag Luncheon, The

Citadel, April 9, 1997

"Love and Hate in the Middle Ages", Adventures in Learning Series, Shepherd's Center of Charleston,

First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S.C., Feb. 26, 1998

"Chivalry and the Birth of Romantic Love", Citadel Senior Scholars Program, The Citadel, Sept. 22, 1999

"War and Christianity: How the Crusades Came About", Adventures in Learning Series, Shepherd's

Center of Charleston, First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S.C, Feb. 24, 2000

“Alexander and the Hellenistic Civilization”, Center for Creative Retirement, St. Joseph’s Family Center,

Charleston, S.C., March 7, 2000 (in the Great Empires series)

“The Byzantine Empire”, Center for Creative Retirement, St. Joseph’s Family Center, Charleston, S.C.,

March 14, 2000 (ibid.)

“Eleanor of Aquitaine”, Center for Creative Retirement, St. Joseph’s Family Center, Charleston, S.C.,

Nov. 6, 2001

“Theodora, the People’s Empress”, Center for Creative Retirement, St. Joseph’s Family Center,

Charleston, S.C., March 19, 2002

“Empires Behaving Badly: Moral Lapses in Aid of National Security in Athens, Rome and Venice”,

Scipio Africanus Society meeting, The Citadel, Feb. 12, 2004

Unpublished or In-Progress Works

Pope Nicholas I and the First Age of Papal Independence (the book of the dissertation, revised and

improved: needs updating before I send it out for publication again)

The Right to Change Jobs in Byzantium (100-page or so monograph, about one-quarter finished)

"Did Jesus Claim Divinity?" (Article to be either sent out as is or made into an entire book on the Gospels

as historical sources)

Capital Punishment in Ancient Greece and Rome (extensively, but not finally, researched before and

during my 1998-1999 sabbatical, but not written yet).

Language Competence

Read and spoken: French, Italian

Read well: Classical and Medieval Latin, Classical and Byzantine Greek, German

Read a little: Spanish, Russian