Air Pollution and Ecosystems
September 30 - October 3, 2014
Flagstaff, Arizona
Course Objectives
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
1. list several air pollutants that impact ecosystems
2. describe how mercury, nitrogen, acid deposition, and pesticides impact ecosystems
3. describe how air pollutants are transported
4. explain the process of atmospheric deposition
5. give an example of how pollution is released from water into the air
6. identify national programs and initiatives related to deposition of air pollutants
7. describe policy decision-making processes such as NEPA
8. describe carbon cycling process
9. identify impacts of climate change in their community
Instruction Team
Monica Begay, ITEP Administrative Specialist, Course Support Person
Jamie Donatuto, Environmental Analyst, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
David Gay, Coordinator National Atmospheric Deposition Program
Patricia Ellsworth, ITEP American Indian Air Quality Training Program, Lead Instructor
Bob Lomadafkie, Resident Elder, NAU Applied Indigenous Studies Program
Mansel Nelson, ITEP Environmental Education and Outreach Program
Scott Weir, Air Quality Coordinator, Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas
Sue Wotkyns, ITEP Climate Change Program Manager
DAY ONE (Tuesday, September 30)
8:00 AMRegistrationMonica
8:15 AMTraditional PrayerBob
Welcome & Course OverviewPat
Course Policies and ExpectationsPat
Pre-Course Assessmentof Content Pat
9:00 AMTalking Circle—Why you came to this courseBob
9:45 AMBreak
10:00 AMAir Pollution and Its Impacts on EcosystemsPat
11:00 AMTransport and Deposition of Air PollutantsDavid
12:00 PMLunch (pay on your own)
1:15 pmTransport and Deposition of Air Pollutants (continued)David
1:45 PMHydrologic CyclePat
2:45 PMBreak
3:00 PMBlue Traveler Group ActivityMansel
3:45 PMBioaccumulation (presentation)Pat
Bioaccumulation (Activity)Mansel
4:45 PMReflective WritingInstructors/Participants
5:00 PMAdjourn
DAY TWO (Wednesday, October 1)
8:15 AMReview of Day 1, Overview of Day TwoPat
8:30 AMNEPA, CAA, and CWAScott
9:15 AMBreak
9:30 AMNitrogen David
10:15 AMBreak
10:30 AMAir Pollutants and Impacts on Ecosystems Instructors/Participants
Small-Group Activity, Part 1
11:30 AMLunch (pay on your own)
12:45 PMMaking Sense of pHMansel
1:30 PMAcid DepositionDavid
2:15 PMBreak
3:30 PMImpacts of Pesticides on Ecosystems & IPMMansel
4:30 PMReimbursementsMonica
4:45PMReflective WritingInstructors/Participants
5:00 PMAdjourn
DAY THREE (Thursday, October 2)
8:15 AMReview of Day 2, Overview of Day ThreePat
8:30 AMCarbon Cycling Through EcosystemsScott
9:45 AMBreak
10:00 AMSmall Group Activity – Carbon Cycling ThroughMansel
10:45 AM Tribal Risk AssessmentsJamie Donatuto (remotely)
11:45 AMLunch (pay on your own)
1:00 PMImpacts of Climate Change on EcosystemsSue
2:00 PMBreak
2:15 PMSmall Group Activity – Parts 2 & 3Instructors/Participants
4:15 PMReflective WritingInstructors/Participants
4:30 PMAdjourn
DAY FOUR (Friday, October 3)
8:15 AMReview of Day 3, Overview of Day FourPat
8:30 AMNOAA HYSPLIT modeling program demonstration David/Scott
and individual practical applications
(This session in the South Campus Computer Lab)
10:00 AM Break and Regroup in Training room
10:15 AMSmall Group Activity—Part 4, Role PlayInstructors/Participants
Mock Tribal Council Meeting—Each group has 20
min for presentation and Q and A
(10 min. break part way through as needed)
12:00 PMLunch (pay on your own)
1:15 PMPoster Session – Impacts of CC on EcosystemsNAU Students
2:00 PMBreak
2:15 PMPost Course Assessment of ContentPat
2:45 PMTalking Circle – What’s Your Next Step?Bob
3:45 PMCourse EvaluationsParticipants, Instructors
4:00 PMAdjourn
Air Pollution and Ecosystems Course materials and resources can be downloaded from the following URL: