Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______
Human Digestive System Project
Nutrition Science
Create a “life size” poster of the digestive system and complete charts which describe the path of the nutrients and their encounters of the journey from “mouth to anus”
1)Obtain a 5 foot long sheet of poster paper
2)Trace the body of one partner while they are laying on their back
3)Draw in the following organs in the colors listed:
Organ / Color- Esophagus
- Gall bladder
- Large intestine(rectum, anus)
- Liver
- Mouth (tongue, teeth)
- Pancreas
- Salivary glands
- Small intestine
- Stomach
4)Create a chart listing the organs and their functions
- Everyone must submit their own
5)Create a chart listing the nutrient(carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals & water), organs with enzyme(s) that act each nutrient & what the nutrient is changed into
- Everyone must submit their own
- This information should be displayed on the diagram
6)Finally, using arrows and an explanation
- Label where the nutrient is absorbed
- Record a possible destination and function of the nutrient
Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______
Organs & Functions
Organ / FunctionEsophagus / Passageway of food (bolus) from mouth to stomach.
Gall bladder / Stores bile for emulsification of lipids
Large intestine (rectum, anus) / Reabsorbs water.
Absorbssodium and other ions but it excretes other metallic ions into the wastes.
It absorbs vitamin K produced by colon bacteria.
The last 20 cm of the large intestine is the rectum.
Liver / Produces bile which emulsifies fats.
Detoxifies blood from intestines. It destroys old red blood cells and converts hemoglobin from these cells to bilirubin and biliverdin which are components of bile.
Stores glucose as glycogen and breaks it down to release glucose as needed.
It produces blood proteins.
Ammonia produced by the digestion of proteins is converted to a less toxic compound (urea) by the liver.
Mouth (tongue, teeth) / Chewing breaks food into smaller particles so that chemical digestion can occur faster.
The tongue is muscular and can move food. It pushes food to back where it is swallowed.
Pancreas / Regulates blood glucose levels with insulin and glucagon.
Produces pancreatic juices and digestive enzymes.
Salivary glands / Salivary amylase breaks starch (a polysaccharide) down to maltose (a disaccharide).
Bicarbonate ions in saliva act as buffers, maintaining a pH between 6.5 and 7.5.
Mucins (mucous) lubricate and help hold chewed food together in a clump called a bolus.
Small intestine / Absorption is an important function.
Active transport moves glucose and amino acids into the intestinal cells, then out where they are picked up by capillaries.
Production of some digestive enzymes.
Stomach / The stomach stores up to 2 liters of food.
Gastric glands within the stomach produce secretions called gastric juice.
The muscular walls of the stomach contract vigorously to mix food with gastric juice, producing a mixture called chyme.
Pepsinogen is converted to pepsin, which digests proteins. Pepsinogen production is stimulated by the presence of gastrin in the blood (discussed below).
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) converts pepsinogen to pepsin which breaks down proteins to peptides.
HCl maintains a pH in the stomach of approximately 2.0.
HCl also dissolves food and kills microorganisms.
Mucousprotects the stomach from HCl and pepsin.
Gastrin is a hormone that stimulates the stomach to secrete gastric juice.
Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______
Nutrient Digestion & Organs
Mouth / Stomach / Small intestine / Large intestineProteins / Protein
(from stomach)
(from pancreas)
Peptides / Peptides
(from intestines)
Amino acids
Carbohydrates / Polysaccharides
salivary amylase
(from salivary glands)
maltose / Maltose
(from pancreas)
Lipids / Lipids
Fatty acids
Water / Most absorbed through osmosis - facilitated diffusion / Some reabsorbed
Vitamins / Some Fat and some water soluble are absorbed through facilitated diffusion.
Fat soluble – absorbed by simple diffusion. / Vitamin k synthesized by bacteria here
And absorbed
B vitamins absorbed (some vitamins)
Minerals / Mineral salt absorbed by active transport – Ca, Iron, Na, Cl, K / Some minerals
Na, Cl
Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______
Nutrient Digestion & Organs
Mouth / Stomach / Small intestine / Large intestineProteins / Pepsin & Renin (stomach) &Trypsin (pancreas)
Peptides / Peptidase & Trypsin (intestines)
Amino acids
Carbohydrates / Salivaryamylase
(salivary glands)
Maltose / Gastric Amylase
(*Not significant) / Maltase (Isomaltase)
Sucrase, Lactase,
Lipids / Lingual lipase
??????? / Gastric lipase
(butter fats)
???????? / Lipase
Fatty acids
Water / Most absorbed through osmosis - facilitated diffusion / Some reabsorbed
Vitamins / Some Fat and some water soluble are absorbed through facilitated diffusion.
Fat soluble – absorbed by simple diffusion. / Vitamin k synthesized by bacteria here
And absorbed
B vitamins absorbed (some vitamins)
Minerals / Mineral salt absorbed by active transport – Ca, Iron, Na, Cl, K / Some minerals
Na, Cl