JULY 26 – AUGUST 1, 2016

The following instructions will be enforced for all youth and adults staying overnight on the fairgrounds by the County 4-H Youth Committee and Camping Superintendents:

1.Camping is limited to 4-H Exhibitors, 4-H Leaders, 4-H parents and 4-H Security Guards. No

other youth or adults will be allowed to stay overnight on the fairgrounds.

2.All campers must have read the camping rules in the fairbook and in returning this parent/guardian permission slip acknowledge understanding of those rules.

3.Each 4-H club must furnish by 5:30 p.m. daily to the 4-H Fair office, a list of youth exhibitors authorized to stay overnight. The list must be signed by the leader or parent who will also be staying and have agreed to be responsible for the youth. The camping ratio will be one leader or parent for every six 4-H campers. An overnight permit will be issued to each adult and youth camper when the list is received. THOSE NOT REGISTERED CANNOT STAY OVERNIGHT!

4.Off-duty Pottawattamie County Deputies have been hired for 4-H security this year. They will have complete supervision of those staying. They will have the power to arrest any person (ex. minor) for violating Iowa laws concerning consumption of alcohol. Any 4-H'er found consuming or in possession of alcohol on the WestFair grounds will not only be subject to alcohol laws of Iowa but also will be banned from any further participation atWestFair.

5.All campers, tents or other vehicles used for overnight camping MUST be parked in designated areas only. This is done for security reasons.

6.All campers must be out of the livestock exhibit areas and down around campers by 12:00 midnight on weeknights and 12:30 a.m. Saturday and Sunday.

7. *NEW! All camping must be pre-paid. Payments should be received at the Extension Office by July 1st. Checks for camping should be payable to Westfair. A camping registration form must accompany the payment. Space will not be allocated without payments and the camping registration form.

8.**Campers may NOT arrive before Tuesday, July 26th.

QUIET HOURS CURFEW will begin at 12:30 a.m. weeknights and 1:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday when all campers must be in their vehicle/tent and quiet. All 4-H'ers and their vehicles must be on the Fairgrounds by 12:00 a.m. No vehicles will be allowed entry after midnight. (Plan food runs before 12:00 a.m.) Generators must be turned off by


In signing this permission slip, I understand the rules stated and will abide within them or support enforcement.


4-H MemberParent/Guardian


4-H MemberDate


4-H Member

Camping Registration Form

(This form must accompany your camping permission slip and payment. It must be received in the Extension Office by July 1st)

Name: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Phone: ______Cell: ______

Email: ______

Club: ______

Please Check:

_____ Camper______Tent______Other(specify)______

Camper Size: ______

Minimum Electricity Needed (Circle)50 amp30 amp20 amp

Camping fee: ______Camper $80.00 (electricity)

______Tent $40.00

(no electricity)

**Make checks payable to WESTFAIR.

Camping Superintendents/Office Use Only:

Date Received: ______

Staff Approval: ______