May Monthly meeting Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices, Wednesday 19th May 2010 9.50

An Cathaoirleach Councillor Jimmy Cudden presided

Other Councillors Present:

Sirena Campbell, Anne Dillon-Gallagher, Wayne Harding, Eoin Holmes & Seamus O’Neill

Officials Present:

Tadhg McDonnell, Area Manager, Jim Colwell, Area Engineer, Frances Hughes, A.S.O., Cathy Martin, T/Arts Officer, Sarah O’Brien, Community & Enterprise, Lorna O’Dea, Comhairle na nOg, Aoife Callan, Comhairle na nOg, Michael Griffin, SEO Planning, Paul Monahan, Area Administrator

Paul Monahan advised the Members/Officials of the provisions of Part 15 of the L.G. Act 2001 and the code of conduct for Members, Officials and non-elected Council committee Members regarding declarable interests of themselves and of any connected person. Each individual has a responsibility to comply and the Ethics Officer has a duty to ensure compliance with these statutory requirements.

1.0  Confirmation of Minutes of the following Meeting:

1.1 April Monthly meeting held Wednesday 21st April 2010

The Members confirmed the minutes on the proposal of Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher and seconded by Cllr. O’Neill.

2.0 To receive a presentation by Meath Comhairle na nOg.

Cathy Martin circulated a report on the formation and evolution of Meath Comhairle na nOg (Meath CNN). The group is composed of young students and provides a mechanism to influence the future delivery of local policies and services affecting the younger generation. She introduced two Members of the group Aoife Callan and Lorna O’Dea. The two girls then gave a presentation which advised on the following:

Background to Meath CNN; How it works; AGM 2010; Operational details; Impact of group; Dail na nOg; Interaction and co-operation between Meath CNN and Meath County Council.

The Members welcomed the formation of Meath CNN, thanked the girls for their informative presentation and made the following points:

·  Lack of representation in the group from East Meath and the hope this would be addressed in future Memberships

·  Possible future consultation with the group when formulating Council policy

·  The Members would do everything they can as an Area Council to facilitate youth involvement in community affairs and ensure the success of Meath CNN

Cathy Martin advised that she would actively pursue participation in the process from the East Meath area. She said that at the AGM in February 2010 four topics were identified for research which would inform a future youth policy. Four groups were then constituted and each was given a different topic to research. She said she would, with the Members permission, give an update on progress in 6-months time on these four topics.

The Members agreed to this and looked forward to receiving the updates on the chosen topics.

3.0  Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach

The Members raised the following issues:

·  Leak in Ledwidge Hall, Slane and Golf Link Road, Mornington

·  Need for traffic calming measures ramps and Children at Play signs at Glenpatrick, Slane

·  Maintenance at Grangegeeth Old Graveyard before patron day

·  Litter at the Battle of the Boyne site

·  Lack of water cuts on the L-56121-0 Donore to M1

·  CCTV cameras not working in Slane village

·  Indiscriminate parking at Donacarney School causing problems for other road users

·  Faulty traffic lights at Whitecross National School. The Area Engineer advised these were operational again. He also said that parents were acting irresponsibly in letting their children cross the road unattended similar to the situation pertaining at Donacarney

·  Cutting of grass verges at Beamore Cross. The Area Engineer advised this would be done

·  Provision of lights at Silverstream Road, Stamullen

·  Signs at Rossnaree

·  Duleek Courthouse. The Area Manager advised that a public notice seeking expressions of interest in the building would be advertised shortly

·  Taking over of Colpe Cross roundabouts. The Area Engineer said he was waiting on the consultants’ report and a safety audit had also to be carried out

·  Reinstatement of sign at Rath Cross Roads, Ardcath at the junction of the L-5011-23 and the L-1011-15

·  Provision of delineators at the Apple Green Service Stations on the R-132. The Area Engineer advised that his priority at the moment was the Roadworks Programme and when this was complete, hopefully by the end of July, he could then devote resources to other road issues

·  Renewal of road markings at Ardcath School. Mount Hannover and Newtown National Schools were earmarked for work under the School Flashing Lights Programme this year

·  Taking in Charge of The Cloisters, Bettystown

·  High incident of RTAs at The Boolies, Duleek. The Area Engineer said he would consider this location for work under a Low Cost Safety Scheme. He would prepare a submission and hope it would be included in next year’s programme.

·  Update on the Wheatfield lands, Slane. The Area Engineer advised that he was waiting on a surveyor’s report from the club using the lands

·  Update on the Beach and Bettystown toilets. The Area Engineer said the arrangements currently in place were on a trial basis for this season and he considered they were operating well. If the Council was serious about managing the beach it had to do so in a structured fashion based on the limited resources available to it. The Council would facilitate any residents who wanted access to the beach where removable bollards were erected. The beach was cleaned every Friday and more frequently as the season progresses. Bettystown toilets were opened Tuesday 18th May and would be open from 11.00 to 19.00 during the summer season.

·  Cllr. Cudden queried why the Council had an official on the beach collecting the parking fee when it could not pay a staff member to open and close the toilets in Duleek. Cllr. Holmes asked why an automatic barrier system was not used. The Area Engineer said the toilets in Duleek had been opened and closed outside normal working hours and all overtime was gone except in exceptional circumstances; the parking fee on the beach was generating enough income to cover the cost of the resources currently deployed on the beach; a barrier system was not suitable at peak traffic times and would lead to congestion, was expensive to install and maintain, and would be subject to vandalism. He reiterated that a full review would take place after the summer season.

·  Cllr. Cudden requested a report on the parking income generated for the next meeting. The Area Administrator said he would arrange this.

·  Potholes at Mornington Park & Cockhill Road. The Area Engineer reiterated that the Roadworks Programme had to take precedence

·  Provision of a pedestrian crossing at the old school in Laytown. The Area Engineer said he advised the School Principal that the provision of a pedestrian crossing would result in the loss of 50 metres of parking space and to get back to him on the matter.

·  Replacement of a boundary wall between Glasheen and Gracemeadow Estates Stamullen. The Area Engineer advised one estate was in charge while the other was not and the Council had no funds for this work

·  Hedge cutting on the Laytown Bettystown road. The Area Engineer said the Council had contacted the landowner concerned

·  Provision of ramps and speed limit signs at Marian Villas, Laytown. The Area Engineer said he cant put ramps there on health & safety grounds but would consider signage under the Council Estate budget

·  Stream at Foxbury Estate off the Golf Links Road badly littered

·  Indiscriminate parking on the L-1620-0 Gormanston Station Road. The Area Engineer advised that he would enquire from Iarnrod Eireann if they would contribute towards the provision of a footpath at this location.

·  Dangerous holes in road at Mackens Hostel and junction of the N-51-256 and R-163-0

·  Whether plots at Good Shepherd Cemetery, Duleek can be sold out of sequence. Frances Hughes advised that the plots must be sold in sequence

·  Flooding at Larrix Street, Duleek. Remedial works will be carried out to address this issue

·  Poor condition of road at Davidstown, Clonalvy. This is included in the roadworks programme

·  Provision of suitable warning signage of low bridges at Julianstown and Smithstown

·  Cllr. Cudden queried whether a map showing the Sevesco site had been included with the documentation when notice of the proposed variation to the CDP went on public display

·  Cllr Cudden advised that the Members had met a deputation from Carranstown, Duleek that morning prior to the Area meeting to discuss a planning application to build a power plant adjacent to the Indaver site. This power plant will connect to Duleek Waste Water Treatment Plant if it gets planning permission Cllr. Cudden requested that the residents and business owners on the Drogheda Road be allowed connect to the treatment plant at the same time.

The Chairman suggested and the Members agreed to alter the order of business and take item no. 7 (Indaver Environmental Grant Scheme) next and then revert to the Agenda order.

4.0 To consider and if thought fit to recommend for approval to the Full Council the Indaver Environmental Grant Scheme

Michael Griffin gave a PowerPoint presentation and circulated a copy of the presentation. He outlined the following:

Ø  Background to the scheme

Ø  Establishment of Indaver Community Liaison Committee (ICLC) & its role

Ø  Provision for a special contribution for environmental improvements & recreational / community facilities

Ø  Scope of scheme – qualifying area

Ø  Preparation & approval of the grant scheme

Ø  Assessment and recommendation of grant applications

Ø  Funding mechanism

Ø  Eligible projects & groups

Ø  Levels of assistance

Ø  Priority projects – footpath linkage at Carranstown, extension to public lighting, local projects

He advised that the ICLC recommended the Draft Scheme to the Slane Area Committee for endorsement and he asked the Area Members to recommend the adoption of the Scheme (including the footpath works) to the Full Council.

The Members welcomed the scheme and made the following points:

v  Public lighting should be provided at the same time as the footpath linking the existing Drogheda Road footpath and the footpath provided by Indaver

v  Expressed the hope that an Irish Company would be successful in tendering for the work

v  Priority should be given to those applicants most affected by the Indaver development

On the proposal of Cllr. O’Neill seconded by Cllr Holmes, the Members recommended the adoption of the Indaver Environmental Grant Scheme to the Full Council.

Michael Griffin advised that a Part 8 on the footpath extension would be presented to the June Area meeting.

5.0 Report on the 2010 Roadworks Programme

The Members received, noted a report on the above, and raised the following queries:

·  Agreed to make submissions for consideration under Class 3 and Council Estate funding

·  Poor repair of L-1605-0 White Island. This road is included in the restoration programme

6.0 Report on Matters raised at the April meeting

The Members received, noted a report on the above, and raised the following queries:

·  Provision of funding for signage at heritage sites / national monuments

·  Lights at Hill of Slane

·  Update on Duleek Courthouse. The Area Manager advised that a public notice seeking expressions of interest would be published within the following fortnight

·  The Area Manager read out a letter from the NRA on the Leinster Outer Orbital Route. The letter stated that the proposed motorway scheme was technically feasible, strategically beneficial and economically viable. The NRA identified a 2km wide corridor from which the eventual route will be chosen. Land within the corridor area will be sterilised and cannot be built on or altered until such time as the preferred route is chosen.

The Members debated this issue at length and highlighted the following:

■ the introduction of a corridor was good planning however the corridor chosen was completely unacceptable and would adversely affect Duleek village / environs including a housing estate and an amenity area and showed the NRA had not fully considered the impact of the project

■ the presentation by the NRA to the Full Council in 2009 was unsatisfactory and the Members had repeatedly requested that the NRA make a presentation to the Slane Area

■ the letter from the NRA should have been circulated to the Members

■ the Members were not convinced that the NRA had fully considered the impact of the corridor identified on Duleek and its environs

Tadhg McDonnell advised as follows:

◙ the project was feasible but the NRA had indicated there was no funding available for it at present

◙ ABP will ultimately make the decision on the project however it would need to be included in the CDP which wasn’t the case at present

◙ Infrastructure Section was liaising with the NRA on the matter and it was up to the NRA to decide whether or not to make a presentation to the Slane Area

◙ the Members, officials and public do not have a say in the route selection but if and when the project goes on public display then the Members and public will have a chance to make submissions

◙ Inappropriate comments that give misleading information were not helpful

The debate concluded with the Members reiterating their request that the NRA give a presentation on the matter to an area meeting as ultimately the Members will be asked to adopt the route into the CDP and they want to be in a position to make an informed decision on the matter.

6.0  To consider and if thought fit to recommend for approval to the Full Council the Slane Area Amenity and Lawnmower / Strimmer Grants 2010

The Area Administrator circulated a report from the Environment Section on the Slane Area Amenity and Lawnmower / Strimmer Grants 2010.

On the proposal of Cllr. Campbell seconded by Cllr Harding, the Members recommended the adoption of the Amenity and Lawnmower / Strimmer Grants 2010 to the Full Council.

7.0 Correspondence / Items raised by the Area Manager

Nothing raised

8.0 To discuss Matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol Committee

Nothing raised.

There being no further business the meeting concluded at 12.40

Minutes May 2010 meeting 190510 Page 1 of 6

Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, County Meath

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