Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
Second Semester 2007/2008
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title / Medical Parasitology
Course Code / Ph. 252
Prerequisites / Basic Medical Microbiology
Course Website
Instructor / Dr. Majed Masadeh
Office Location / P2 Level 4
Office Phone # / 7201000 Ext. 23437
Office Hours / Sunday: 12.30-1.30
Monday: 10.30-11.30
Tuesday: 12.30-1.30
Wednesday: 10.30-12.30
Thursday: 12.30-1.30
& by appointment
E-mail /
Course Description
This course is designed to familiarize the pharmacy students with various parasites of unicellular or multicellular organization which infect humans, including amebas, flagellates, hemoflagellates malaria, nematodes, filariae, cestodes, trematodes, ecto-parasites and their factors. The basic biology of these parasites, as well as the life cycles, morphological features, host-parasites interactions, geographical distribution, reservoir hosts, methods of transmission pathology, immunology, treatment and techniques used in identification will be covered also.
Title / Medical Parasitology
Author(s) / Markell and Voge's
Publisher / Saunders Elsevier
Year / 2006
Edition / 9th
Book Website /
Other references / · Diagnostic Medical Parasitology by Garcia L. S., 2001 4th ed.
· Principles and Practice of Clinical Parasitology by Gillepsie & Pearson, 2001, 1st ed.
· Microbiology and Immunology/Parasitology :text book online:
· Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Parasitic Diseases, DPDx Laboratory identification of Parasites of Public Health Concern online:
· Pharmacology by Harvey R. A. and Champe P. C., 2006. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
· Antibiotic and Chemotherapy by Finch R. G., Greenwood D., Norby S. R., and Whitely R. J., 2005. Churchill Livingstone.
Assessment / Expected Due Date / Percentage
First Exam / 24/03/2008 (Online 4:15-5:15) / 30%
Second Exam / 30/04/2008 (Online 4:15-5:15) / 30%
Final Exam / TBA / 40%
Course Objectives / Percentage
Upon completion of this course, the student would be able to:-
1. Describe the interactions between the parasites and their hosts, including immunological interactions. / 10%
2. Known the techniques commonly used in medical parasitology / 10%
3. Known the morphological and biological characteristics of the various medically important parasites. / 10%
4. Describe the life cycle and recognize the various reservoirs, intermediate and final hosts and vectors essential for the human parasites and the site of its breakage by specific drug. / 10%
5. Describe the pathogenic mechanisms and pathogenesis and pathological effect of the parasites. / 10%
6. Describe the disease patterns and symptoms produced by the specific parasites. / 10%
7. Recognize and identify the epidemiological aspects for each parasite, including all modes of transmission. / 10%
8. Known the ecology and pathophysiology of medically important parasites. / 10%
9. Recognize the diagnostic stage for of these parasites. / 10%
10. List the specific drugs suitable for the treatment of the specific parasite / 10%
Teaching & Learning Methods
How should you study for this course? Go over your notes after each lecture while the material is still fresh on your mind. The goal of learning is to understand the information, not to simply memorize a bunch of disconnected "facts". A major purpose of studying is to discover what you don't understand so that you can do something about it. Don't just passively read the notes, think about them and ask yourself questions about them. Do you understand what was said? Does it make sense and why? Keep up regularly. You can't cram all of the information into your brain the night before an exam, and we may not be available to answer your questions at the last minute. As a rule of thumb you should spend a minimum of 2 hours studying outside of class each week for every credit hour. You could photocopy a friend's notes, but people remember better if they listen attentively and actively write down what they hear. Therefore, attending class regularly and keeping good notes is essential for success in this course. Good note-taking is an acquired skill.
Course Content
Week / Topics / Chapter in Text
1 / Ø Introduction to Parasitology / 1
2 / Ø Parasites, parasitism, and host relations / 2
3-5 / Ø Lumen-Dwelling protozoa:
The amoeba, free living amoeba
Flagellates and ciliates
Intestinal sporozoa / 3 & 5
6 / Ø Malaria:
Plasmodium / 4
7-9 / Ø Other blood- and tissue-dwelling protozoa:
Trichomonas vaginalis / 5
10-11 / Ø Trematodes:
Intestinal trematodes
Liver trematodes
Blood trematodes
Lung trematodes / 6
12 / Ø Cestodes:
Tissue cestodes / 7
13 / Ø Nematodes:
Intestinal nematodes / 8
14 / Ø The blood- and tissue- dwelling nematodes:
Filarial nematodes
Tissue nematodes / 9
15 / Ø Arthropods and human disease` / 10
Ø Miscellaneous
Additional Notes
Exams / · The format for the exams is generally (but NOT always) as follows: Multiple-choice and short essay questions.
· Grades will not be given out via e-mail
Makeup Exams / · Makeup exam should not be given unless there is a valid excuse.
· Arrangements to take an exam at a time different than the one scheduled MUST be made prior to the scheduled exam time.
Drop Date / · Last day to drop the course is before the twelve (12th) week of the current semester.
Cheating / The commitment of the acts of cheating and deceit such as copying during examinations, altering examinations for re-grade, plagiarism of homework assignments, and in any way representing the work of others as your own is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Standard JUST policy will be applied
المادة 7: إذا ضُبط الطالب أثناء الامتحان أو الاختبار متلبساً بالغش فتوقع عليه العقوبات التالية مجتمعة:
أ- اعتباره راسباً في ذلك الامتحان أو الاختبار.
ب- الغاء تسجيله في بقية المساقات المسجل لها في ذلك الفصل.
جـ-فصله من الجامعة لمدة فصل دراسي واحد، و هو الفصل التالي للفصل الذي ضبط فيه.
Attendance / · Excellent attendance is expected.
· JUST policy requires the faculty member to assign ZERO grade (35) if a student misses 10% of the classes that are not excused.
· If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out about any announcements or assignments you may have missed.
· Average work-load is 2 hours per week for 15 weeks (30 h)
Syllabus Medical Parasitology P 252 NEW FORM 10 02 2008 Snd Semester 2008