CPSA Transport Survey

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions about transport in this survey. It was put together by the team who produce THE VOICE. This survey will help CPSA with its advocacy work and your assistance is greatly appreciated.All individual survey responses will be kept confidential.Please return completed survey(s) to CPSA (Level 9, 28 Foveaux St,Surry Hills NSW 2010) by 15 April 2015.

  1. In which postcode do you live?
  1. What age group are you in?


Under 50

50 – 64

65 – 74

75 – 84

85 and over


  1. Is a pension from Centrelinkyour main source of income?





  1. What forms of transport do you use? (Tick all which apply.)


Car (driver)

Car (passenger)




Community transport

Council run shuttle bus

Light rail


Other: ______


  1. Which kind of transport do you use most frequently? (Please tick one only.)


Car (driver)

Car (passenger)




Community transport

Council run shuttle bus

Light rail


Other: ______


  1. How often do you use this form of transport?


Multiple times per day

Once per day

A few times per week

Once per week



  1. What are your main reasons for travel? (Tick all which apply.)


Seeing family and friends

To attend medical appointments



Social events

Other: ______

  1. Do you hold a driver licence?



No (Go to question 11)


  1. Is your driver licence

Unrestricted (Go to question 11)

A restricted/modified licence (number of kilometres allocated:_____)

  1. If you have a restricted licence, does it allow you to drive to everywhere you need to go?





  1. If you were no longer able to drive, do you think that there is adequate public transport in your area to enable you to get around?



I am unsure of the transport options available in my local area

I have not thought about giving up driving

I do not drive and there is adequate transport

I do not drive and there is not adequate transport

  1. What kind of transport would you like to have available which you don’t have currently? (Tick all which apply.)


Adequate train services

A bus route

Community transport

Community bus service


Car pooling



  1. Do you want to use more public transport in the future?





Why? Why not? ______


  1. What do you see as barriers to you being able to use public transport? (Tick all which apply.)


Proximity – it’s too far to get from my home to public transport

Services are not available when I need them

The trips take too long

Not enough seating

Not enough lighting

The footpaths are inadequate or too steep

It’s not accessible for me (e.g. no lifts, no escalators, too many steps, no staff assistance available)

No toilet facilities

There isn’t any public transport available

No barriers


  1. What would make public transport easier for you to use? (Tick all which apply.)

If it was cheaper

If I lived closer to a transport hub

More frequent services

Toilet facilities at stations and transport hubs

Toilet facilities on board

More seating at stations and bus stops

More seating on board

Better security and lighting

If the route there was easier

If lifts were available

If escalators were available

If it was cleaner

If it was easier to navigate

More flexible



  1. How do you plan for a public transport trip?

Calling the Transport Information Line 131 500

Using the Transport Trip Planner website

Paper timetables

Asking a friend or relative

Transport smart phone applications (apps)


I don’t plan



  1. How do you get to medical and hospital appointments?


Lift from relative

Lift from friend

Lift from neighbour

Community transport


Public transport

The Patient Transport Service


Other: ______

  1. How would you describe hospital parking fees?


Barely affordable


I don’t know

  1. Have you everused the Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS)?



Never heard of it

Do you have any comments to make about IPTAAS?




  1. Do you use or have you used community transport?


Yes, frequently

Yes, occasionally


What is community transport?


  1. Do you have any comments about your experience with community transport or in trying to obtain it or any suggestions about what would make it better?



  1. How would you describe the cost of using a taxi?


Barely affordable

Unaffordable for regular use

  1. Do you use or have you used the Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme? (Government vouchers which provide half the fare up to a value of $30 for people with mobility difficulties)


No (go to question 24)

I’m not eligible (go to question 24)

I’ve never heard of this scheme (go to question 24)

  1. If you use these taxi vouchers, do they make taxi trips affordable for you?



  1. What are your thoughts about the electronic ticketing Opal card which has been introducedin the Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong areasfor public transport?

I’m using it and it’s great

I’ve tried it and prefer paper tickets

I haven’t tried it but I welcome it and plan to get one in the future

I’m going to avoid using it for as long as possible

I’ve never heard of Opal

  1. Do you use NSW TrainLink Services (formerly known as CountryLink)?


Yes, trains and coaches

Yes, trains only

Yes, coach services only

No (go to question 27)


  1. Do you prefer trains or coach services?

I find trains more suited to my needs

I find coaches more suited to my needs

I have no preference

Do you have any comments about coach replacements of trains?



  1. Is there anything else about transport which you would like to add?







CPSA is often asked by the media if they can talk to CPSA members about issues such as those included in this survey. If you are willing to talk to the media, please let CPSA Head Office know, or write your contact details below.

Name: ………………………………………… Phone: ………………………………….

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.