Saturday 16th/Sunday 17thJanuary 2010


We welcome into our Christian community the following who were recently baptised in this church:

Eoin Brian Condon, Dara Mark Elliott, Keava Hughes, Eva Marie Kelly,

Molly Janet Thornton, Sean Peter Thornton, Lauren Sharon Wosser.


We remember those who have died

Recently deceased:John Noonan, Kathleen Madigan

Month’s mind:Augustine McCaughan

Anniversaries:Willy Doran, Aine Gough, Thomas Benedict Kinirons,

Michael White, Noel Kinirons

May they rest in peace.


Feast Days

Wed 20thSt Fabian, pope & martyr; St Sebastian, martyr

Thur 21stSt Agnes, virgin & martyr

Fri 22ndSt Vincent, deacon & martyr


Senior Citizen’s Dinner

The Senior Citizens’ Christmas Dinner will be held in the Wishing Well this Wednesday 20th January at 3.30 pm. All senior citizens in the parish are welcome

Senior Citizens’ Collection

A collection to support parish senior citizens’ activities will be held next Sunday 24th January outside the church.

Parish Maintenance: For those who contribute by weekly envelopes, boxes of envelopes for this year are available in the Parish Office.

Church Cleaners

Our Tuesday group who clean the church urgently needs some new volunteers. Ifyou can spare an hour or two after 10 am Mass on a Tuesday, please come along. Many hands make light work!

Neighbourhood Retreat in Lent

Our neighbourhood retreat, facilitated by parishioners Bart and Olivia Flynn, will be held in the Murray Centre starting Monday 15th February (7.30 – 9.00 pm) and continuing once a week for eight weeks. The retreat will cater for about 14 people and is an introduction to the practice of quiet prayer, based on Ignatian Spirituality. Applications through the Parish Office (tel 01-2832988), open 10am – 1pm Mon-Fri. A voluntary donation is requested to defray costs.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This week 18th to 25th January is the 2010 week of prayer for Christian Unity. Its inauguration in Dublin takes place at an interdenominational service in the Church of the Assumption, Booterstown, on Monday 18th January at 8.00 pm. All priests and people of the diocese are welcome to attend. Guest preacher Gillian Kingston.

Seachtain na h-Aontachta Críostaí

Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise – Pobail an Aifrinn. De hAoine 22 Eanair ag 8.00 i.n. in Ardteampall Chríost. Beidh seirbhís idir-Eaglasta paidreoireachta agus ceoil i nGaeilge, leis an teideal. Seanmóiri: An tAthair Leon Ó Giolláin SJ. Tuilleach eolais: 2985163, 2862079, 8336165.

HOMElink – helping you to keep in touch

Would you like a friendly regular chat on the phone or to meet others for coffee? Or help getting those small repair jobs out of the way? Then let Homelink help you. Ifyou are elderly, living alone or feeling lonely, call our office on 01-2014473. The service is free covering South Dublin & Wicklow; we look forward to your call.

Pre-Marriage Courses – All Hallows College

Choose from Saturday one-day course or midweek two-evening course. For information & booking contact 01-8373745 Ext 552, email: or online at .

SVP Confidential Number:086-8907800

Senior Helpline:1850 440 444 (10am-4pm & 7pm-10pm daily)

Parish Office Telephone:01-2832988 (Mon-Fri, 10am to 1pm)