Public Health Managers’ Injury Prevention Alliance
Core Group Meeting
Wednesday, June 14th, 2013, 2:00PM – 3:00PM
Call-in numbers:(416) 915-8386 or 1-866-384-7224code: 7334020#.
Participants: Joëlle Aubin (North), Loretta Bernard (Central East), Mary-Ann Diosi (North), Hélène Gagné (ONF), Nancy Langdon (Eastern),Kerri Richards (Central East), Kimberly Shaw (East)
Regrets: Mary Lou Albanese (South West), Amanda Kroger (Central West)
Recorder: Claude Meurehg (OIPRC)
ITEM / DISCUSSION / ACTION1. and 2. Review of the agenda and minutes from the last meeting / The agenda was approved.
Mary Ann recommended a change under 6, update b), to delete sentence about 500 seniors receiving physiotherapy support in her region. / Claude to delete sentence.
3. Action Items from minutes
a) OIPRC Microsites as HUB / Loretta said the Microsites will be a one stop shop for accessing material and she requested suggestions for workgroup headings.
Probably fully functional by September. No passwords necessary, but editing and posting privileges controlled. / Michael Gemar will offer a call to introduce the new forum and tech instructions.
4) Collaboration on addressing the NLRDG indicator
a) Update on the small workgroup / The workgroup is now gathering information, best practices, etc. 10-11 health units are represented. / Loretta will send out the minutes.
5) Updates and new business
a) OIPRC Network Review
b) MOHLTC Indicator Workgroup / a)Loretta informed the group that the executive summary was sent out the previous week, highlighting main comments from the review. Helene mentioned the Advisory Committee will be meeting on Monday, and will discuss next steps. Loretta asked the group for comments before the meeting on Monday.
b)Kerri, Loretta and Marylou are part of this workgroup. The current indicators seem to be moving to be monitoring indicators.
6) Planning for future meeting
a) Next full Alliance meeting options – October 29 and 30 (Tuesday, Wednesday)
b) Exploring free space, funding for food, registration / a)Looking at free space, Kerri found Metro Hall in Downtown Toronto. Now they need to look for funding for catering and registration. Travel and accommodation costs are one of the main the challenges. The dates of Oct. 29 and 30thseem to work best. Loretta is forming a planning team that can begin working in August. She called out for volunteers. Loretta and Kerri will also see with the OIPRC if they will be able to hold funds for the event.
b)OIPRC may assist by providing the facilitator for strategic planning. / Loretta will send out an email to gauge the capacity of participants in terms of funding, date preferences and interest in volunteering.
Claude to gather survey results and send them to all health units once it is ready.
7) Updates from Priority Groups / Core Managers
a) Concussion Group Update
b) Senior Falls
c) LDCP Projects
d) Healthy Communities
e) Region / Health Units Updates / a)Loretta said they had a meeting towards the end of May. Minutes will be ready soon and posted in the new OIPRC website.
b)Helene said the transition funding proposal was submitted this week. They are expecting a response within 6 to 8 weeks. The CoP will transition out of the SHKN. Nancy said they had done falls prevention clinics since November 2012 in her region. The group will be entering phase 2 related to childhood falls, and they will be meeting the following week to decide on the focus of the next fiscal year.
c)Loretta said that the OIPRC will communicate the results of consultations and also PHO has recently released a relevant document. Loretta has spoken to Melissa Hutchkinson regarding the creation of a compendium of best practices. All invitees have accepted to be part of the consultation process. Nancy commented that they are working with post secondary institutions and will also conduct primary workshops with physicians.
d)Joëlle mentioned that the Ministry sent out an email about the funding for Healthy Communities. There was a confirmation that the health units are not eligible for that funding stream.
e)The ONF is still waiting to receive funding. Kerri said that the banners of the LRDG will be included in the Toronto Wine and Spirit Festival. / Minutes of the Concussion Group Update will be posted in the new OIPRC website.
Helene to send updates to Claude to include in the minutes.
8) Other
9) Next Core Group meeting
a) Core Group meetings for 2013: / September 11th, 2013 - 1:30pm-3:00pm
Oct 9th 1:30-3:00 pm
Nov 13th 1:30-3:00 pm
Dec 11th 1:30-3:00 pm