Our Ref: N/Excursions/Flamingo Land/LS 15June 2016

Year 8 Graduation Trip to Flamingo Land: Friday 1 July 2016

Dear Parent/Carer

The final immersion day of the year is almost here and it is a very special one for Year 8 students, who have graduated. As a way of celebrating their achievements in Key Stage 3 and rewarding all their hard work we are taking them to Flamingo Land for a fun filled day.

Students will be able to journey through The Lost Kingdom’s vast African plains, see the clear blue skies of Swoosh, and visit the wet and wacky world of Splosh! There are adrenaline-fuelled thrills, eight extreme rides including the record-breaking Mumbo Jumbo, featuring the world’s steepest drop!

For students who fancy a quieter life there is the Zoo and conservation area with tigers from the tropical forests of South East Asia, giraffes from sub-Saharan Africa, Penguin Coast, the students can enjoy a truly amazing view of the animal kingdom in the heart of North Yorkshire. With regular handling sessions and talks by zoo keepers, there’s sure to be something that will capture any student’s imagination.

We will depart from school at 9:00am so your child must arrive at normal time and we should arrive back at school around 5:00pm, although we will keep you informed if it is going to be any later. The school is part funding the cost of the trip so we would ask that parents pay £15.00 which will need to be received by Friday 24 June 2016.

This year Mr Evans, Assistant Head Teacher, has set up a Flamingoland Vivo Voucher for Year 8 for every 500 vivo’s the students have they can exchange their vivo’s for£5.00 vouchers towards the trip. No money will be refunded if a student fails to cash in their vivo’s.

Under the terms of the 1988 Education Act we are not permitted to levy a charge for this visit. However, no LEA or School funds exist to cover the cost and we are therefore seeking a voluntary contribution per student. However, the visit cannot take place unless each parent/carer makes the full contribution. You should also be aware that, should you cancel your child’s place after payment of the initial deposit, cancellation charges will apply. I can provide details of these upon request.

Your child will need a waterproof coat, appropriate clothing and possibly sun cream depending on the weather. They will also need a packed lunch or money to buy some lunch. If your child receives free school meals a packed lunch will be provided for them.

For your child to be able to attend please complete and return the permission slip below and return it to school, together with the number of vouchers exchanged ,cash or chequefor £15, to allow your child to take part in this visit. Please make cheques payable to Scalby School. If you have not already returned the medical form sent to you by Mr McCluskie at the beginning of the academic year, please return it with the slip below. Without this form we regret your child will not be able to participate in this excursion. If you have returned your child’s form but the medical details have changed please inform us of the changes.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S Cammish

Head of Year 8

Please complete and return this acknowledgement slip to your child’s mentor by Friday 24 June 2016

Student Name: …………………………………………...... Year 8 MG: ……………….

I acknowledge receipt of the letter regarding the Graduation Trip to Flamingo Land on Friday 1July 2016 and I give / do not give consent for my son / daughter to take part in this visit.

I enclose cash or a cheque (made payable to Scalby School) for £15.00 or Number of Vivo Vouchers exchanged

My child is in receipt of free school meals and will require a packed lunch on the day. Yes / No

(Please circle as appropriate)

Signed: ………………………………………………………………… Parent CarerDate: …………………….