God’s Top Ten:
What The Ten Commandments Teach Us About God, Ourselves,
And The World In Which We Live
Exodus 20:1-17
“Everything is right sometime and nothing is right all of the time.”
Absolute truth . . .
- Truth that exists regardless of one’s personal feelings, interpretations, or bias
- One truth that is the same for all people
- Some things will always be true and somethings will always be false
Relative truth . . .
- That which is true because I feel it is true based upon by personal experiences, prejudices, and feelings
“Our society finds truth too strong a medicine to digest undiluted. In its purest form, truth is not a polite tap on the shoulder; it is a howling reproach. What Moses brought down from Mount Sinai were not the Ten Suggestions; they are Commandments. Are, not were. The sheer beauty of the Commandments is that they codify in a handful of words acceptable human behavior, not just for then or now, but for all time.”
Ted Koppel as quoted in Duke University Alumni Magazine
Why are the Ten Commandments so important to us today?
- They reveal God’s nature and character as spoken by Himself – 20:1
- If the God of the universe has spoken – then shouldn’t the highest human aspiration to be to hear what God has said?
“Then you came near and stood at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain burned with fire to the midst of the heaven, with darkness, cloud, and thick darkness. And the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire. You heard the sounds of the words, but saw no form; you only heard a voice. So He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to perform, the Ten Commandments; and wrote He wrote them on tablets of stone.”
Deuteronomy 4:11-13
“Oh, how precious is the Bible. It is the very word of God. In it God speaks in the twenty-first century. This is the very voice of God. By this voice, He speaks with absolute truth and personal force. By this voice, He reveals his all-surpassing beauty. By this voice, He reveals the deepest secrets of our hearts. No voice anywhere anytime can reach as deep or lift as high or carry as far as the voice of God that we hear in the Bible.
It is a great wonder that God still speaks today through the Bible with greater force and greater glory and greater assurance and greater sweetness and greater hope and greater guidance and greater transforming power and greater Christ-exalting truth than can be heard through any voice in any human soul on the planet from outside the Bible.”
- God forfeits his own personal privacy so that we might know Him.
“The law reflects the Lawgiver.”
The 1st Commandment: God is distinctive and matchless – 20:3
The 2nd Commandment: God is unique – 20:4-6
The 3rd Commandment: God is honorable – 20:7
The 4th Commandment: God is Lord over all – 20:8-11
The 5th Commandment: God is relational – 20:12
The 6th Commandment: God is sovereign – 20:13
The 7th Commandment: God is holy, pure, and faithful – 20:14
The 8th Commandment: God is provider – 20:15
The 9th Commandment: God is truth – 20:16
The 10th Commandment: God is trustworthy and all-satisfying – 20:17
- What God reveals about Himself in the Ten Commandments never changes.
- Therefore, the law is perpetually binding – it remains in force for all time.
“The Ten Commandments, and they alone, were written by the finger of God upon tablets of stone, and they alone were deposited in the holy ark for safe keeping – none of the ceremonial and civil laws were thus distinguished. Thus the paramount importance of the law.”
A.W. Pink
- They show us our need for a Savior.
“Through the law we become conscious of our sin.”
Roman 3:20
“Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law.”
Galatians 3:10
“(Jesus) born under the law.”
Galatians 4:4
“(Jesus) fulfilled all righteousness.”
Matthew 3:15
“(Jesus) committed no sin.”
1 Peter 2:22
“in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us.”
Romans 8:4
“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
2 Corinthians 5:21
“The usefulness of the law lies in convicting man of His sin and moving him to call upon the remedy of Christ which is in Christ.”
“As a sharp needle prepares the way for the thread, so the piercing law makes the way for the bright silver thread of divine grace.”
Charles Spurgeon
“The law is like a mirror. Now the purpose of the mirror is to reveal that your face is dirty. But the purpose of the mirror is not to wash your face. When you look in the mirror and find that your face is dirty, you do not reach to take the mirror off the wall to ruby on your face as a cleansing agent. The purpose of the mirror is to drive you to the water.”
Donald Gray Barnhouse
- They teach us how to live in freedom after we have been saved – 20:1-2
- Although we are not saved by the Ten Commandments, we are kept safe by keeping them.
“The Ten Commandments are a summary of a life lived in indebtedness to God for His salvation given us in Christ. The life they outline is a life lived in grateful response to His grace. It must be clear to us therefore that the Ten Commandments do not represent salvation by works but the life expected of a people redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.”