
for Public Radio Fundraising

Definitions of Revenue & Expense Categories +

Data Submission Worksheet

(Updated 8/1/15)

Craig Oliver

Jay Clayton

This document provides instructions on how to complete the Data Form you use to participate in GREATER PUBLIC’s Benchmarks for Public Radio Fundraising for fiscal year 2015. This document includes definitions and instructions to help you determine what information to include and exclude on your Data Form.

The Data Submission Worksheet is at the end of this document. Use the form to gather raw data and then submit the data electronically using the Data Submission Guidelines.

TAKE SPECIAL NOTE Benchmark Participants:

If you provided data for prior fiscal years to GREATER PUBLIC, you do not need to provide it again. You may opt to provide missing data and update incorrect data.

Allegiance, Memsys, Team Approach and Enterprise Users:

Access International, Team Approach, Allegiance Software and Memsys have worked with GREATER PUBLIC to create specific reports that allow you to extract Benchmarks data quickly and easily. If you have questions, please contact your vendor directly. Allegiance Version 8.0 required. Call Allegiance to get programs installed for Version 8.0 Benchmarks reports and/or to upgrade to Version 8.0.

Joint Licensee Participants:

If you allocate revenue and expenses between radio and TV using an internal formula, this is the preferred method for allocating revenue and expenses for Benchmarks. If not use an internal allocation formula, use one of these three methods:

  1. If you participate in donorCentrics use that allocation for Individual Giving
  2. Allocate the percent of expense that equals the percent of revenue
  3. Allocate 25 percent of revenue and expenses to radio and the remainder to TV

Regarding Allocation of Development Director Time:

If your station does not allocate Director of Development time by discipline use this formula:

1.Reduce the salary and benefits by the % allocated to administrative overhead.

2.Allocate time according to the revenue split. For example, if 40% of income is from underwriting, 50% from membership and 10% from other then allocate expense at the % that equals the % of revenue.

Whichever approach you use should be consistent from year to year so that any changes in your fundraising tends are the result of changes in efficiency, not in how you arrive at your revenue and expenses.

General Definitions:

Restricted revenue/gifts – Any gifts or revenue that is not available to be spent as part of general operating at the discretion of station management. Most often, project, program, or capital expenses that are outside the station’s operating budget. Except where noted below all restricted income is excluded from Benchmarks.

In-Kind contributions – Contributions of goods or services other than cash. Except where noted below in-kind contributions, their equivalent financial value and any station expenses they offset are not included in Benchmarks.

Definitions of Revenue and Expense Categories:

MEMBERSHIP ($1--$249) AND MID-LEVEL GIVING ($250-$999)

Total Membership Revenue ($1-$249): Includes unrestricted financial giving from individuals within the 12 months of the fiscal year where the individual’s sum total of cumulative giving falls between $1 and $249. Include On-Air Pledge revenue as well as pre- and post-drive revenue. Financial gifts are cash, stock or properties that are convertible to cash – not in-kind contributions. Exclude revenue from auction items, event tickets, merchandise or station-sponsored group travel. Exclude accruals for installments and pledges. Exclude contributions received through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Total Mid-Level Membership Revenue ($250-$999): Includes unrestricted financial giving from individuals within the 12 months of the fiscal year where the individual’s sum total of cumulative giving falls between $250 and $999. Include On-Air Pledge revenue as well as pre- and post-drive revenue. . Financial gifts are cash, stock or properties that are convertible to cash – not in-kind contributions. Exclude revenue from auction items, event tickets, merchandise or station-sponsored group travel. Exclude accruals for installments and pledges. Exclude contributions received through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Membership and Mid-Level On-Air Pledge Revenue ($1-$999): Includes all membership and mid-level revenue generated within the 12 months of the fiscal year by fulfilled pledges of between $1 and $999 made during periods of on-air pledge fundraising whether the revenue came in by telephone or online. Excludes revenue generated during pre- and post-pledge drive spot campaigns. Exclude matching and challenge funds used during pledge drives except for gifts that were received during the pledge drive and then used as a match or a challenge. . Exclude accruals for installments and pledges.

Direct Membership and Mid-Level Expense ($1-$999): Includes all direct expenses associated with Total Membership Revenue and Total Mid-Level Giving Revenue ($1-$999) within the12 months of the fiscal year, including staff salaries and benefits. Do not include indirect (allocated) expenses for overhead whether for use of air time for pledge drives; use of talent, board operators, or producers for pledge drives; facilities; administration; or overhead. Include cost of member newsletter and/or program guide if it is for members.

How to Separate Membership/Mid-Level from Major Giving Expense (if you do not have separate budgets): If you have a person (or people) assigned either full or part time to Major Giving, allocate the appropriate portion of salary and benefits to Major Giving (and subtract them from Membership/Mid-Level). Additionally, if you have line items in your Membership/Mid-Level budget that are specifically for Major Giving activities allocate those expenses to Major Giving (and subtract them from Membership/Mid-Level). If you have expenses that are split between Membership/Mid-level and Major Giving split personnel costs based on time devoted to each revenue area and other resources based on the revenue split between the two areas.

Consistency is key. Whatever method you use to allocate your expenses should be used consistently from year to year.

Number of Members ($1-$249): The number of members whose giving qualifies for inclusion in Total Membership Revenue ($1-$249).

Number of Mid-Level Givers ($250-$999): The number of givers whose giving qualifies for inclusion in Total Mid-Level Revenue ($500- $999).

Number of Membership/Mid-level Staff Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). The number of full-time equivalent staff in membership/mid-level. Exclude customer service and/or administrative staff not directly involved in soliciting funds.

MAJOR GIVING ($1,000+)

Major Giving Revenue ($1,000 +): Includes all unrestricted revenue from individuals and small family foundations (defined below) within the 12 months of the fiscal year where the individual’s sum total of cumulative giving falls at or above $1,000. Exclude revenue designated for capital, endowment or planned gifts. Include On-Air Pledge revenue as well as pre- and post-drive revenue. . Financial gifts are cash, stock or properties that are convertible to cash – not in-kind contributions. Exclude revenue from auction items, event tickets, merchandise or station-sponsored group travel. Exclude accruals for installments and pledges. Exclude contributions received through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Small Family Foundations are foundations where the funds are derived from a single family, at least one family member sits on the board, and the foundation’s total assets are $5 million or less. This definition of Major Giving is consistent with Target Analysis Group’s donorCentrics, CPB’s SABS reporting and with SRG’s Challenge for the Year 2010.

Major Giving Revenue ($10,000+) includes the portion of your major giving revenue (above) that is from cumulative giving of $10,000 or more in the fiscal year.

Dollar Amount of Cumulative Unrestricted Financial Gift from Largest Individual Donor: The sum total of cumulative financial giving from the largest single individual donor or small family foundation. Exclude capital, endowment and planned gifts. In plain English, this is the amount contributed by your largest major donor in the specific fiscal year, excluding capital, endowment and planned gifts. Financial gifts are cash, stock or properties that are convertible to cash – not in-kind services or merchandise.

Major Giving On-Air Pledge Revenue ($1,000+): Includes all major giving revenue generated within the 12 months of the fiscal year by fulfilled pledges of $1,000+ made during periods of on-air pledge fundraising whether the revenue came in by telephone or online. Excludes revenue generated during pre- and post-pledge drive spot campaigns. Exclude matching and challenge funds used during pledge drives except for gifts that were received during the pledge drive and then used as a match or a challenge. . Exclude accruals for installments and pledges.

Direct Major Giving Expense ($1,000+): Includes all direct expenses associated with Major Giving Revenue ($1,000+) within the 12 months of the fiscal year, including staff salaries and benefits. Do not include indirect (allocated) expenses for overhead whether for use of air time for pledge drives, facilities, administration or overhead. Include cost of donor/member newsletter and/or program guide, if the program guide is for donors/members. Exclude expenses for planned giving, capital campaign and endowment activities.

Number of Major Donors ($1,000+): The number of major donors whose giving qualifies for inclusion in Major Giving Revenue ($1,000+).

Number of Major Donors ($10,000+): The number of major donors whose giving qualifies for inclusion in Major Giving Revenue ($10,000+).

Number of Major Gifts Staff Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). The number of full-time equivalent staff in major gifts. Exclude administrative staff not directly involved in soliciting funds.


Total Membership Revenue from sustainers ($1-$249): Includes unrestricted financial giving from individuals within the 12 months of the fiscal year where the individual’s sum total of cumulative giving falls between $1 and $249 and automatically renews on an on-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift. Include On-Air Pledge revenue as well as pre- and

post-drive revenue. Financial gifts are cash, stock or properties that are convertible to cash – not in-kind contributions. Exclude revenue from auction items, event tickets, merchandise or station-sponsored group travel. Exclude accruals for installments and pledges. Exclude contributions received through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Total Mid-Level Membership Revenue from sustainers ($250-$999): Includes unrestricted financial giving from individuals within the 12 months of the fiscal year where the individual’s sum total of cumulative giving falls between $250 and $999 and automatically renews on an on-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift. Include On-Air Pledge revenue as well as

pre- and post-drive revenue. . Financial gifts are cash, stock or properties that are convertible to cash – not in-kind contributions. Exclude revenue from auction items, event tickets, merchandise or station-sponsored group travel. Exclude accruals for installments and pledges. . Exclude contributions received through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Major Giving Revenue from sustainers from sustainers ($1,000 +): Includes all unrestricted revenue from individuals and small family foundations (defined below) within the 12 months of the fiscal year where the individual’s sum total of cumulative giving falls at or above $1,000 and automatically renews on an on0-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift. Exclude revenue designated for capital, endowment or planned gifts. Include On-Air Pledge revenue as well as pre- and post- drive revenue. . Financial gifts are cash, stock or properties that are convertible to cash – not in- kind contributions. Exclude revenue from auction items, event tickets, merchandise or station- sponsored group travel. Exclude accruals for installments and pledges. . Exclude contributions received through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Small Family Foundations are foundations where the funds are derived from a single

family, at least one family member sits on the board, and the foundation’s total assets are

$5 million or less. This definition of Major Giving is consistent with Target Analysis

Group’s donorCentrics, CPB’s SABS reporting and with SRG’s Challenge for the Year


Membership and Mid-Level On-Air Pledge Revenue for sustainers ($1-$999): Includes all membership and mid-level revenue generated within the 12 months of the fiscal year by fulfilled pledges of between $1 and $999 made during periods of on-air pledge fundraising whether the revenue came in by telephone or online and automatically renews on an on-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift. Excludes revenue generated during pre- and post-pledge drive spot campaigns. Exclude matching and challenge funds used during pledge drives except for gifts that were received during the pledge drive and then used as a match or a challenge. Exclude accruals for installments and pledges.

Major Giving On-Air Pledge Revenue for sustainers ($1,000+): Includes all major giving revenue generated within the 12 months of the fiscal year by fulfilled pledges of $1,000+ made during periods of on-air pledge fundraising whether the revenue came in by telephone or online and automatically renews on an on-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift. Excludes revenue generated during pre- and post-pledge drive spot campaigns. Exclude

matching and challenge funds used during pledge drives except for gifts that were received during the pledge drive and then used as a match or a challenge. . Exclude accruals for installments and pledges.

Number of Members who are sustainers ($1-$249): The number of members whose giving qualifies for inclusion in Total Membership Revenue ($1-$249) and automatically renews on an on-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift.

Number of Mid-Level Givers who are sustainers ($250-$999): The number of givers whose giving qualifies for inclusion in Total Mid-Level Revenue ($500- $999) and automatically renews on an on-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift.

Number of Major Donors who are sustainers ($1,000+): The number of major donors whose giving qualifies for inclusion in Major Giving Revenue ($1,000+) and automatically renews on an on-going basis until the donor elects to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment on the gift.

Annual Retention Rate for All Individual Givers ($1--$1,000+): The percentage of donors who made one or more contributions in the fiscal year prior to the current benchmarks year who also made one or more contributions in the fiscal year in which you’re reporting your benchmarks numbers.

Annual Retention Rate for All Individual Givers who are sustainers ($1--$1,000+): The percentage of donors who made one or more contributions in the fiscal year prior to the current benchmarks year who also made one or more contributions in the fiscal year in which you’re reporting your benchmarks numbers and whose gift in the first fiscal year automatically renewed into the second fiscal year on an on-going basis until the donor elected to stop giving or the station could not collect payment.

Average monthly Attrition for sustainers: The percentage of sustainers, donors whose gifts automatically renew on an on-going basis until they elect to stop giving or the station is unable to collect payment, that the station loses on average per month throughout the fiscal year.


Total Underwriting Revenue (cash only) after agency commissions: Includes unrestricted cash revenue generated from sale of terrestrial airtime for the radio broadcast of underwriting messages within the 12 months of the fiscal year. Includes NPB Underwriting Revenue. Exclude trade and all restricted revenue. Excludes national underwriting sold for a station’s nationally distributed program(s).

Net NPM Underwriting Revenue (cash only) after NPM commissions: Includes all unrestricted cash underwriting and online sponsorship revenue generated by National Public Media within the 12 months of the fiscal year.

Direct Underwriting and Online Sponsorship Expense: Includes all direct expenses associated with Total Underwriting Revenue and Total Online Sponsorship Revenue within the 12 months of the fiscal year, including staff salaries, benefits, and any incentive compensation. Do not include salary or benefit expenses for Traffic personnel, even if those staff members are part of the Underwriting department. Do not include indirect (allocated) expenses for overhead whether for use of airtime, voice talent, web personnel, or engineering for recording credits, facilities, administration or overhead.