345 Scout Hill Dr
Glencoe MN 55336
Crow River Valley League
July 29th, 2013
Special Meeting
Meeting was called to order by North President Denis “Soup” Campbell at 6:08 pm.
All members were present except for Waconia.
The purpose of this meeting is for the questioning of Pat Tschida from Watertown,and his eligibility for post season play. The issue at hand is the 4 game minimum requirement of league games played. Present from Watertown was Jared Duske and Pat Tschida. Jared Duske of Watertown indicated that Pat played in the Hamburg game on April 28th, 2013; Norwood on May 12th, 2013; Plato on May 15th, 2013; and Cologne on May 17th, 2013.
The game in question is the Norwood game on May 12th, 2013, as all other games were mutually accounted for by both teams, the Herald Journal and the MBA website. According to Jared Duske, Pat showed up later in the game due to his graduation from college in St. Cloud, he was suppose to bat in the 8th inning for Mitch Kelzer in the second slot in the line up. However, that spot in the line up did not come up to bat. Pat was then inputted into centerfield for defensive purposes for the top half of the 9th inning. As Watertown was the home team and was leading 5-1, upon the conclusion of the top of the inning Pat never did get to bat. Jared spoke that when Pat was inputted into the game defensively, the umpire was informed of the change but, Watertown did not inform Norwood specifically of the change. Upon completion of the game Jared informed the league that he submitted the game report, to the Herald Journal and entered it on the MBA website. (As it is protocol for the home team to report the game to the Herald Journal for stats in the Crow River Review.) As a result of all these reports the only place that Pat is written in is in the Watertown book. Jared indicated that in the past he had never put a player on these forms if they did not bat. Much discussion proceeded from this with many members of the league asking questions and Jared and Pat answering them.
When the discussion had come to an end both Jared and Pat were asked to leave the room, the rest of the League discussed the issue.
After the discussion had reached an end, Troy Breyer (Green Isle) moved to vote whether Watertown used an illegal player in the playoff game between them and Mayer played on July 28th, 2013. Matt Godel (Glencoe) seconded, paper ballot resulted in 10 – yes and 3 – no.
Watertown will forfeit the game played against Mayer on July 28th, 2013. Mayer will win this game by forfeit and thus move onto the Region 7C tournament as the 4th seed from the Crow River Valley North. Watertown’s Roster will be frozen for the remainder of the year and no players will be eligible for post season play.
Watertown’s status with the Crow River Valley League will be revisited at the October meeting, where they can seek re-instatement to the league. The league did not want to act on this part with out some time to ponder the decision, as well as let Watertown’s entire organization realize the severity of this decision.
Jared and Pat were then brought back into the meeting and informed of the results of the league’s decision, that they are deemed ineligible for the playoffs and that they can appeal to the State Board. They are also fined $100 for using an ineligible player, due to the league treasurer.
Much discussion between Jared and Pat and the rest of the league representatives resulted from this decision. Jared asked for the phone numbers of the State Board members that he needed to contact for an appeal. He was provided that information.
Denis Zabel (St. Boni), moved to adjourn the meeting, Jared Duske (Watertown) seconded and the motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:05 pm
Jason Kuerschner
CRVL Sec/Tres