Intermediate Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: Martin Luther King Jr. and the
March Toward Freedom
Author: Hakim, Rita
Publisher: Millbrook Press
ISBN: 1-87884-133-5 / Genre:
Biography / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level:
Literacy Core Objective: 5th Grade
S7/O3 Recognize and use features of narrative and
informational text

Social Studies Core Objective:.5th Grade
S5/O2 Assess the impact of social and political
movements in recent United States history. / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
Many brave men and women fought for equal rights. They dedicated their lives to ending slavery, segregation, and unfair treatment. Martin Luther King Jr. was known as a leader during this Civil Rights movement. Students will learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. and his role as a leader in the Civil Rights Movement.
ELL Strategies:
Create a brainstorm chart of things that the students know about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Share with them events from his life that they may not come up with. / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
·  How did Martin Luther King Jr. show caring, fairness and respect to others? Why did Martin Luther King Jr. dream about change?
·  How did Martin Luther King Jr. help change our world?
·  What are some ways we can each become more caring, fair, and respectful?
Before Reading
Vocabulary: Use the graphic organizer for the vocabulary. Word, Kid friendly definition, and sketch. You may want to do the vocabulary in sections each day.
movement (p. 5) dignity (p. 7) boycott (p. 12) activist (p. 25)
vision (p. 5) Jim Crow laws (p. 8) equality (p. 21)
civil rights (p. 5) justice (p. 9) racism (p. 23)
colored (p.7) segregated (p. 11) assassin (p. 24)
Activate/Build Prior Knowledge:
Choose a characteristic that will exclude some students. State the characteristic and give a treat to those who share that characteristic. For example, "All of the students wearing green get a treat today." Listen to their reactions and encourage upset students to share their feelings through words (eg.- "You seem pretty angry about this." "You think it isn’t fair." "You think treats shouldn’t be given for the clothes someone is wearing." After the students seem to understand the point, tell them you agree (they have convinced you with their words) that it isn’t fair to treat people differently because of how they look. Pass out the treat to the remaining students. Tell the students that they should be proud of themselves for solving the treat problem with words. No one took someone else’s candy. They are following the example of a great man who lived (40) years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. Tell them that they are going to read a biography about this man and you want them to listen for how he felt about unfair treatment of people and how he tried to solve the problem.
Comprehension Strategy:
Connections – Text to Self
During Reading
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Suggested Pacing:
Day 1 – p. 5-10 Childhood through college
Day 2 - p. 11- 21 The path that led to the end of segregation
Day 3 – p. 21-28 Fighting for freedom until his death
After Reading
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
At the end of each day’s reading students will discuss the events that took place in the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and create a timeline of his life.
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.)
Students will decide what their dream for the future is and prepare their own Dream Speech to recite to the group/class.
Students will then draw a poster with the heading I Have a Dream and will draw a picture to illustrate the ideas in their speech. / Activities:
· Make a magazine/newspaper collage of things that might represent what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for or articles about him.
· Design a stamp in his honor
· Practice using the comprehension strategy of synthesizing to create a Biopic Poster of Martin Luther King Jr. at the Into the Book Website at the following website create a login and then drag the synthesizing icon into the book.

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.

Name ______Date ______


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Definition: ______



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Definition: ______



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Definition: ______



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