LAF 09/16

Suffolk Local Access Forum

Title: A11 Dualling

Meeting Date: 9 July 2009

Author/contact: Andrew Woodin

Venue: West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU

A11 Update since last SLAF meeting in April 2009

At its meeting in April, SLAF noted the progress which had been made with the Highways Agency (HA) to include an underpass for non motorised users (NMU) in the vicinity of the War Memorial.

The business case for the addition of an NMU underpass to be included in the scheme (including the offer ofa contribution from Suffolk CC) was to be put to the HA's investment committee on 22nd April.

It was further noted at the SLAF meeting that a letter to scheme objectors had not been received by the forum from the HA, raising a doubt as to whether SLAF was being treated as a formal objector. The SLAF secretary subsequently wrote to the HA on 5th June confirming its objection to the scheme on the grounds of the lack of suitable provision for non motorised users in the vicinity of Horn and Weather Heaths. The letter explained the objection will be withdrawn should the scheme be amended to include a crossing which the Suffolk Local Access Forum considers to be suitable for non motorised users.

The HA acknowledged the formal objection in a letter dated 10th June which also confirmed a business case has been put forward to seek approval for the additional funding required for the possible addition of a NMU crossing and associated bridle path to the scheme. The HA letter is attached.

The latest position

The HA called a meeting last month between Jacobs (their agents), the county council and Elveden Estate to discuss the Estate's operational needs and how the A11 project could accommodate them without detriment to the environment. Specific issues discussed included the location of the NMU crossing and connections to the existing ROW network.

At the meeting the Highways Agency confirmed that there was agreement that an NMU facility should be provided as part of the A11 project and the funding for the NMU crossing had been agreed.

The attached plan shows the location of the currently proposed NMU facility to the east of the War Memorial. This is entirely within land owned by Elveden Estates. The main substance of the meeting was the precise location of the underpass, and whether it should remain at the location proposed by Jacobs or whether the Estate’s operational needs were better served by locating the underpass further west, including to a location west of the War Memorial. Elveden Estates view was that the crossing should be located to the west of the War Memorial in public open access land (Weather and Horn Heaths – SSSI and part of SPA/Breckland SAC and also land owned by Elveden Estates). A location west of the memorial would require additional surveys and other work to complete an Environmental Statement, which could delay the scheme and be challenged at a public inquiry.

An alternative less disruptive route was to move the crossing as close as possible to, but still to the east of, the War Memorial. Although this would be in part within land owned by Elveden Estates, but without private access rights, access to/from the proposed crossing could be via public open access land (Weather and Horn Heaths). The advice from the consultants was that an Environmental Statement could be prepared using existing information. The location close to the War Memorial will need to be considered in terms of Cultural Heritage in the Environmental Statement.

The County Council expressed its view that it:

·  Would want to minimise any delays in progressing the A11 improvement;

·  Would support all three NMU crossing options discussed;

·  Will continue to work with the Highways Agency, their consultants (Jacobs), Elveden Estates and Natural England to resolve outstanding concerns/objections to the proposals to provide a NMU crossing; and

·  Would prefer that a direct and designated footpath be provided alongside the A11 between the proposed lay-by and the War Memorial.

Fundamental to the provision of a NMU facility is the connection either side of the A11 to the existing ROW network. Both Elveden Estates and SCC indicated that they would work together to identify an acceptable route that could be discussed at a PI. A potentially acceptable route would follow the boundary of Weather Heath along existing tracks.

Next steps

The county council will continue to assist and advise the Highways Agency to expedite the NMU underpass, linking bridleway and early delivery of the scheme and await the outcome of the Agency’s negotiations with Elveden Estate.



July 2009

LAF 09/16