2 Year Long Term Plan September Class 3 2014 – July 2016
Year A / HISTORY / GEOGRAPHY / HISTORYTopic / The Bronze Age / The Iron Age / Britain in Maps / British Coast /
Hooke Court / Ancient Egypt (in-depth study)
(including local history)
Trip to Project Timescape. / Residential Trip : D&T and Forces
Lyme Regis visit. / Class 3 play: 'A Glint of Gold'
(Tutankhamun) / Trip to Highclere Castle (Lord Carnarvon's Egyptian museum)
Year A / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Literacy Genres / Stories: Imaginary Worlds
(TfW Y4) / Recounts
(of trip to Project Timescape)
Letters (taught)
- to parents with details. / Story: Familiar Settings / Recount – diary form
(Hooke Court)
Non-chronological report (Lifeboats / lifeboatmen) / Plays and Dialogue
Theatre Reviews / Newspaper Reports
(King Tut's tomb discovered)
Story: Adventure and Mystery
(TfW Y3)
Books / The Minpins / The BFG / Butterfly Lion / The Firework-makers Daughter / Flat Stanley / Varjak’s Paw
Poetry / Poetry on a theme of Imaginary Worlds / Poetry: performance
(TfW Y3) / Senses Poems
(TfW Y3)
Grammar / Vary long and short sentences; adverb starters; fronted adverbials; prepositional phrases; powerful verbs ; start with a simile (poetry) / Embellished simple sentences; adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, and adverb. / compound sentences; powerful verbs; -ing clauses as starters; specific technical vocabulary; / Complex sentences - subordination (inc. connectives); additional subordinating conjunctions; commas after fronted adverbials; apostrophes for singular possession (non-chron. report) / Long and short sentences; expanded noun phrases;long and short sentences; expanded noun phrases; list of three / sentence of three for description;
prepositions (plays); direct speech; powerful speech verb / Boastful language; specific technical vocabulary; ellipsis; direct speech; drop in relative clause;
Consolidate: full stops, capitals, ?, !, bullet points, apostrophe for contractions, commas in lists, singular/plural, suffix/prefix adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, adverb, consonant / vowel, word family, alliteration, statement, question, exclamation, command, tense – past, present, future, inverted commas.
Focus Weeks / Art Week / D&T week
Christmas / National Science and Engineering Week / D&T week
Science / States of Matter
(Y4 Prog of Study) / Forces
(inc. rockets at Hooke Court)
Y3 / Electricity
Y4 / Animals inc. humans
Digestive system Y4 Nutrition
Teeth Y4
Design & Technology / Structures: photo frames; towers / Pneumatics and hydraulics:
Alarms. / D&T Cookery
ICT / Spreadsheets
Coding / Multimedia Presentation
Coding / Desktop Publishing
Spreadsheets / Core Skills
Coding / Movie Editing
Core Skills
Algorithms and Coding / Scratch Programming
Art / Take One Artist
Extending colour mixing; using different brushes. Georgia O’Keefe flowers / MUSIC / Exploring textures and patterns. / MUSIC / MUSIC / Accurate drawings of people, faces, bodies and movements. Ancient Egyptian art
RE/PSHE / Gambia link school – letters, photos / video, fund-raising plans / Leaders and Followers: Who do Jewish and Christian people follow? / Gambia link school / Symbols
Five Pillars of Islam
Pentecost / Gambia link school / Religion and the individual
French / Introductions/ classroom instructions/ months/ age & birthdays / Zoo animals/ descriptions / dictionary skills / Days of week/ Leisure & holidays – travel
Fete des Rois / Body parts
Simple adjectives including colours for description
Easter / Poisson d’avril / Clothing – describe what people wearing / Café food
Polite ‘café talk’ and greetings
Bastille Day – celebratory food (French café)
PE / Athletics/ Football / Athletics/Tag Rugby / Hockey/
Gymnastics / Tennis/ Gynmastics/ Outdoors and adventurous activities / Cricket/ Netball/ Swimming / Rounders/ Dance /Swimming
Music / ART / Christmas Music: playing accompaniments, singing in two parts. / ART / Standard musical notation, recorder. / Music from Play
Quality singing, including 2 parts and harmony. / ART
Topic / Roman Empire
Impact on Britain and Celts
[short in 2nd half term]
Trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace / Vesuvius and Pompeii
(inc. play) / Anglo-Saxons
(before Alfred the Great) – fall of Roman Empire, Scots invasions.
Hooke Court trip – Saxons theme. / Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture
(short unit) / Planet Earth
World maps: zones
esp. Rainforest
Trip to Living Rainforest
World and Europe maps: location knowledge
Year B / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Literacy Genres / Non-chronological report (on Roman mythological creature).
Stories – Myths and Legends / Newspaper recount [Fishbourne]
Advert (estate agent) for the palace.
(Christmas craft) TfW Y3 / Plays and Dialogue
Stories with historical settings / Recount (diary)
(Hooke Court) / Fantasy Stories (TfW Y4) / Recount and [taught] letter
Books / Diary of a Killer Cat / The Ice Palace / I was a Rat! / Grandpa Chatterji / Bill’s New Frock / The Hodgeheg
Poetry / Poetry for Christmas / Kennings
Story poems (TfW Y4) / Observation poems TfW Y3
Grammar / Adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, and adverb; powerful verbs; generalisers for info.; apostrophes for singular possession (non-chron. report) / Boastful language; colon before list; start with a simile (poetry) / Powerful verbs; specific technical vocabulary; direct speech; powerful speech verb / Complex sentences - subordination (inc. connectives); additional subordinating conjunctions; commas after fronted adverbials / Powerful verbs; direct speech; drop in relative clause; / specific technical vocabulary; drop in relative clause;
Consolidate: full stops, capitals, ?, !, bullet points, apostrophe for contractions, commas in lists, singular/plural, suffix/prefix adjective, noun, noun phrases, verb, adverb, consonant / vowel, word family, alliteration, statement, question, exclamation, command, tense – past, present, future, inverted commas.
Focus Weeks / Poetry linked to Art Week / Book Week
Science / Skeleton and Muscles / Rocks and Fossils
(inc.Charmouth trip) / Plants / Planet Earth : Living Things, Environments, Habitats and Food Chains
Design and Technology / Motorised Roman chariots / Textiles: purses / Cookery
ICT / Core Skills
Internet Research
Multimedia Project / Google Maps
Coding / Desktkop Publishing
Website Design / Spreadsheets
Core Skills
Coding / Website Design
Scratch programming / Core Skills
Scratch Programing
Image editing
Art / Take One Artist / MUSIC / MUSIC / Sculpture / MUSIC / Watercolours: technique and great artists.
R.E. / P.S.H.E. / Gambia link school – letters, photos / video, fund-raising plans / What different beliefs about God do people have?
Christian + Muslim / Gambia link school / The Journey of Life + Death
Hindu + Muslimand Christianity / Gambia link school / Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
French / Greetings/ Family members / Classroom instructions/ weather
Buche de Noel / France – location within in Europe / where we live / transport / twinning with La Bouille / Pets / simple descriptions / dictionary skills
Mardi Gras / Sports & hobbies
Days of week / Food – Snacks / café &breakfast foods – polite café talk
Music / ART
Strings tuition / Christmas music, percussion. Strings tuition. / Musical play.
Strings tuition / ART
Strings tuition / Standard musical notation.
Strings tuition / ART
Strings tuition