Questions Related to Grendel
1. What concrete picture is created in the first 10 lines?
2. How is this picture reversed in the next 8 lines?
3. Why does Grendel hate the world of men?
4. Take a close look at the lines beginning with "At break of day..." to the end of the page. Find and quote specific examples of alliteration and repetition. Explain how some of these create the mood of "grief" and some create the mood of "fear."
1. What two adjectives are used to summarize Beowulf's character? What epithet is used to describe him?
2. Write a monologue for Beowulf in which he explains why he wants to fight Grendel.
3.. What simile and what alliteration are used to describe the motion of Beowulf's boat?
4. How does this image help you to form an opinion of Beowulf?
5. What image is used to describe the Baltic Sea? Write a similar image to describe the Caribbean Sea.
6. How are Beowulf and his men greeted by the Danes?
7. Explain how "haste" can be "hot."
8. Restate the parting words of the watchman to Beowulf.
Create a superhero or superheroine. In a Word document, describe this hero physically, including clothing. Then list the "more than human" abilties (limit to 3) of this hero. Do the same for the monster or creature who is the "worst enemy" of your hero. Write an epithet to describe both characters.
1. What detail tells us that Beowulf and his men are truly weary?
2. Rewrite, in normal word order, the two lines which first introduce Hrothgar: "In mournful state..."
3. What is the poetic effect of changing the grammar of these lines?
4. What epithet does Beowulf use to name Hrothgar?.
5. How does Beowulf introduce himself to Hrothgar? 6. How does the poet introduce Unferth to us?
7. What story does Unferth tell about Beowulf? What is the purpose of this story?
8. How does Beowulf respond?
9. Locate the personification in Unferth's speech.
10. What "more than human" abilities does Beowulf appear to have? Use specifics from the text.
11. What advice does Hrothgar give to Beowulf?
12. Write a short argument between your hero and a cowardly human who wants him/her to fail. Do not write poetry or a play - use correctly punctuated dialogue and add narration to describe the setting and the actions of the two fiction characters.
1. What is the effect of the entrance of Wealhtheow? What images and details does the poet use to make her seem extraordinary? (quote from the text)
2. What detail does the poet use to show the reverence the Danes have for Beowulf, even before he fights a monster? Upon what is the reverence based? (reverance is like worship but in this case it means "awe of" or "huge regard for").
3. Contrast the way the Danes and the Swedes go to bed.
4. What specific line sets Beowulf aside from his men?
5. What sounds does the poet use to reinforce the power and rush of Grendel's attack? Quote specific words from the text.
6. What is the cause of the "deep drugged sleep" of the Swedes?
7. What is the subject of the verbs: "Roused the Danes in their hiding and shivered to the stars." Explain the use of the verb "shivered."
8. What mortal wound does Beowulf give Grendel?
9. What metaphor is used to show the relief of Hrothgar?
10. Why is the image that ends this section of the Epic appropriate?
11. Review the use of light and dark in this section of the Epic. Make a chart using specific lines from the poem to compare the light/good to the light & dark/evil.
Imagine that your hero has vanquished his mortal enemy. Write a long "praise song" poem that might have been sung in a Danish hall to celebrate this battle and this victory. Describe the battle, but also the traits of the hero. Use alliteration and repetition and good descriptive adjectives and phrases.
Questions Related to Grendel’s Mother
Read the passage indicated before answering these questions.
Passage: The appearance of Grendel's Mother, Beowulf is asked by Hrothgar to destroy her.
1. For what reason does Grendel's Mother come to Heorot?
2. Why do the Danes not defend themselves? Why does Beowulf not fight her?
3. What epithet is used for Hrothgar?
4. Describe, in your own words, the setting through which Grendel's Mother passes on the way to her den and the "weird and evil" lake in which she lives. Include as many details as possible.
5. What epithet is used to describe Beowulf? What does this epithet mean?
6. Add to your own Hero document a description, in poetry, of the "lair" or "headquarters" of your antagonist (the bad guy you have created). This must be at least 14 lines long and contain good adjectives and at least one simile.
Passage: Beowulf, Hrothgar and the Swedes travel to Grendel's Mother's den, fight a monster, and Beowulf prepares for battle.
1. What epithet is used to describe Hrothgar's horse? Put this in your own words.
2. Explain the use of the word "plumage," as in"trees, with their plumage of frost..."
3. Why do you think Grendel's Mother stuck the head of Aeschere on the cliff?
4. How is the cliff personified?
5. What causes all the hideous monsters and dragons to empty the lake?
6. What is Beowulf feeling as he prepares to battle Grendel's Mother? Put his speech into your own words.
7. What is Hrunting? What does it represent? What is ironic about Beowulf's gift to Unferth (if he dies)?
8. In your Hero document, write a speech for your hero, in prose, that he/she delivers just before going into battle with the antagonist. In this speech, have your hero talk about the possibility that he/she will die. Have him/her make an oral will (leaving important possessions to others) of some kind.
Passage: Beowulf battles Grendel's Mother, returns to Hrothgar's hall, then leaves for home.
1 What incident earlier in the epic allows us to believe that Beowulf can dive into a monster-infested lake in full armor and survive?.
2. Why is Beowulf not killed by monsters on his way down to the lake bottom?
3. Describe the den of Grendel's Mother. Compare it to Hrothgar's hall.
4. List at least 3 images that best describe Grendel's Mother.
5. What epithet is used to describe Hrunting? What happens to Hrunting?
6. Beowulf is compared to a sailor trapped under sails in the middle of a storm. Put this comparison in your own words, in one or two good sentences.
7. For what 2 reasons does Beowulf survive the knife of Grendel's Mother?
8. What 2 wonders happen when Beowulf cuts off Grendel's head?
9. Why do the Geats and Hrothgar think Beowulf has died?
10. What "purges" the water of poison?
11. Locate and explain the simile that describes Hrothgar's grief.
12, Add to your Hero document even more lines describing the fight with your antagonist. You might include some details of the setting of the fight, or a description of what your hero did afterword.
13. What promise does Beowulf make to Hrothgar?
14. What does Hrothgar say the future will bring?
Questions Related to the Fire Dragon
Add to your Hero document a poetic description of the "revenge" taken by a relative or friend of your antagonist upon your hero's family or friends. This must include a description of the antagonist, the act of revenge, its discovery by your hero, and a speech by your hero about what he/she aims to do about it. All this should take at least a page.
Passage: Beowulf's life in Geatland, the Fire Dragon is aroused.
1. How long does Beowulf rule the Geats? What are these years like for the Geats?
2. Quote the simile in the first stanza. Explain it fully (how the comparison works and why the poet selected this image).
3. What epithet is used to describe the dragon?
4. What does the Dragon notice immediately upon waking up?
5. What lines and images associate the Dragon with evil?
6. What lines connect Beowulf to the Dragon?
7. Why does Beowulf have an iron shield made?
8. In your own words, write down what Beowulf was thinking about in the long passage that begins with, "...while over his troubled mind" and ends "he pondered upon death."
9. Add to your Hero document a similar passage to be inserted before his/her final battle.
10. What metaphors does Beowulf use to describe the eyes of his warriors? What do these metaphors mean?
11. What specific image does Beowulf use to describe the most terrible weapon of the Fire Dragon?
12. What does Beowulf say about Fate?
13. Add to your Hero document a speech to be made by your hero before his/her battle with the last antagonist.
Passage: Beowulf battles the Fire Dragon and is joined by Wiglaf.
14. What stops Beowulf as he walks to fight the Dragon?
15. Add to your Hero document a description of the setting of the last battle.
16. What is the alliteration in the poet's description of how the Dragon awakes? Why is this alliteration effective (How does it help you understand what is happening?)
17. Also near this passage there is use of simile. What is the simile? How is it reinforced by the use of the word "pygmy"?
18. Add to your Hero document a description of the confrontation (meeting) of your hero and his/her final foe.
19. What do 10 warriors do and why? What does Wiglaf do and why?
20. Put into your own words Wiglaf's speeches. What does Wiglaf do after giving this speech?
21. What metaphor does Wiglaf use to try to make the warriors feel they are deserting Beowulf? Why is this a good metaphor for the situation?
22. Add to your Hero document a character who comes to fight next to your hero. Provide a good motive for this.
23. List the plot steps in the fight with the dragon. Try not to omit any important details.
24. Add to your Hero document the final battle. I'm afraid you hero will have to be injured in some way. Remember his/her weakness - you described this in the very first assignment.
Passage: Death and burial of Beowulf
25. What kills Beowulf?
26. In what ways are Beowulf's eyes "distant" when he looks at Wiglaf?
27. Rewrite Beowulf's speech in your own words. You may shorten it.
28. What is meant by "lavish litter of goblets"? Look up the word "lavish."
29. What simile is used to describe the jewels?
30. What is meant by "the aged eyes, from crowding shadows Peering"?
31. Explain why Beowulf sends Wiglaf to gather the treasure.
32. Describe the monument Beowulf commands be built for himself. Explain his reasons for wanting this monument.
33. What judgment does Wiglaf pass on the cowardly warriors?
34. What words, images and actions describe the emotions of the people after Beowulf's death? Underline these in the book and summarize the emotions in the margin.
35. Explain the metaphor that begins "an aged wife..."
36. What is the curse upon the wealth buried with Beowulf? What had Beowulf wanted done with it?
Ending: It is time to end your Hero document. Add the last two parts:
· A dying speech by your hero. This should contain most of the elements in Beowulf's dying words and it should contain more.
· A description of the burial or other final departure of your hero. Some heroes simply disappear, some ride away while mortally wounded. Some are carried off to an afterlife. You decide.