One Spirit Interspiritual Counseling
2015-2016 Admissions Application
Instructions: Please apply early. Classes fill up and the application process can take up to four weeks.
- Please type or print clearly, completing all information requested.
- Yournon-refundable application fee, payable by check, money order or credit card to “One Spirit Learning Alliance” must accompany your application.
- Submit a digital, high resolution color 4x6 .jpeg headshot-type photo via email .
- Submit your application materials by mailing them to the address below or emailing them to
- Your two references can send theirletter of recommendation form to us by mailing it to the address below, emailing it to or faxing it to 212.931.6841h Seminary
Seminary Application Fees:
Early (before April 1): $95
Regular (April 1 – July 1): $150
Late (after July 1): $200 / ISC Application Fees for Sept start:
Early (before April 1): $95
Regular (April 1 – July 1): $150
Late (after July 1): $200 / ISC Application Fees for Feb start:
Early (before Nov 15): $95
Regular (Nov 15 – Jan 5): $150
Late (after Jan 5): $200
Country______* Please star the best phone number to reach you.
Home Phone______Work Phone ______
E-mail______Cell Phone______
Birthday Month _____Day _____Year (Optional) _____
I wish to apply to: One Spirit Interfaith Seminary
Interspiritual Counseling / I wish to enroll as a(n): (You must selectone)
Attending Student
Distance Learning Student
I have enclosed, or will have forwarded, letters of recommendation from the following people:
Submitting this form gives One Spirit admissions staff permission to contact your reference for clarification or if further information is needed.
Personal ReferenceProfessional Reference
Name ______Name ______
One Spirit Interfaith Seminary and One Spirit Interspiritual Counseling Program are professional trainings designed to prepare people to serve the spiritual needs and lives of others. The work done by anyone in spiritual leadership - ministers, spiritual counselors, spiritual guides or teachers - is a sacred trust. Because of the great harm that can be done if that trust is violated or abused, we seek to ensure that our students, graduates, and faculty all adhere to the standards of ethical conduct that the public has a right to expect from anyone in a position of spiritual authority, or anyone in a helping profession.
The following questions will help us to understand any possible past or current issues we need to be aware of in fully and honestly assessing your candidacy for this program. A "yes" answer will not automatically disqualify you from admission, but will open a necessary discussion to help us understand where you are in your process of self-understanding, growth, and readiness for service to others.
- Do you now hold, or have you ever held a professional license or certification?
If no, please skip to #2.
If yes: Type of professional license: State:
- If so, has your license/certification ever been revoked or suspended, or have you voluntarily surrendered your license? No Yes If yes, please explain.
- Are there any charges pending against you, either legal or ethical? No Yes If yes, please explain.
- Have you ever been charged with an ethical violation? No Yes
- If yes, how was the charge adjudicated and/or resolved?
- Are you currently using illegal drugs?
- No Yes If yes, please explain.
- Have you ever been convicted of a felony crime? No Yes **
**If you answered yes to question 2 or 3, you must attach an additional sheet explaining the circumstances in order to be considered for admission.
I attest that all of the information I have provided is true.
Print Name ______ Signature______Date______
Essay Questions
Please write 1-2 paragraphs for each of the following. Please number your answers. Please put your name on each page. Please type all answers.
- How did you hear about One Spirit?
- Please describe what has drawn you to apply to Seminary/Interspiritual Counseling.
- What is your understanding of Interfaith/Interspirituality and why engage in this path of study?
- What do you hope to gain from this program?
- Describe your current spiritual practice. Please include how long you have been doing it and how it affects your life.
- Describe your “call to serve” and how it has shown up in your life. Examples of service can include volunteering, the willingness to engage in sacred listening and presence or a commitment to environmental stewardship
- In addition to the academic work of this program, there is an important experiential aspect which includes personal growth and transformational work. Personal transformation, growth and the process of self-examination can be challenging and sometimes painful. Please describe the personal and spiritual work that you have experienced.
- Building a healthy community is an essential part of the One Spirit learning experience. Provide an evaluation of your self-awareness and interpersonal skills in dealing with conflict resolution in both personal and professional relationships and your openness to continued growth.
- What support resources might you turn to for grounding and guidance?
- Are you currently enrolled in any ongoing classes?
Spiritual Journey Essay
Please attach a two - three page description of your spiritual journey up to now. Include:
- What you learned from your religion of birth, the paths you have explored, how they have influenced you, and spiritual practices that have been meaningful to you.
- A discussion of the lessons you have learned from life’s challenges and the personal growth experiences that have helped you get to this point.
- A description of your current relationship to the Divine.
Please attach a resume or description of your work and educational history.
Digital Photo
Please submit by email a digital, high resolution color 4x6 .jpeg headshot-type photo.
Completed Application Checklist
I have attached my Essay Questions
I have attached my Spiritual Journey Essay
I have attached a copy of my Resume or work/educational history
I have submitted a digital headshot
I have paid my Application fee
Online - Please use the link located here:
By Check or money order made payable to “One Spirit Learning Alliance”
Check #______
Credit Card - Please do not send credit card information by email. Please call with card details.
MasterCard VISA American Express Discover
Card #______
Exp. Date______Security Code______
Name as it appears on the card:______
By signing below, I authorize One Spirit to charge my credit card.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Please send your completed application to:
247 W 36th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10018 * * 212.931.6840 x51 *
pg. 1
/ One Spirit Interfaith SeminaryOne Spirit Interspiritual Counseling
2015-2016 Admissions Application
Or mail to:
Director of Admissions
One Spirit Learning Alliance
247 W. 36th Street, 6th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10018
Or fax to:
updated 3.23.15
247 W 36th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10018 * * 212.931.6840