School Name: ______

Partners: ______


Due Date:

March 18, 2016

Award Eligibility

Each application will be reviewed and points awarded by activity category. It is not necessary to have activities in each category to achieve award status. Award status will be determined by the total number of points achieved. A bonus category is also available for partnerships to receive credit for activities that may not easily fit within one of the four success criteria. Points will be awarded based on the information you provide in the activity description which should detail the number of students served, number of faculty participating, number of community volunteers engaged, impact on improving academic performance as evidenced by the activity evaluation, and the potential replication of these activities for other schools as a best practice.

Success Criteria Point Level Maximums:

Success Criteria #1 - Improving Academic Performance 150 points

Success Criteria #2 - Growing Career Opportunities 125 points

Success Criteria #3 - Enriching the Life Experience of the Students 75 points

Success Criteria #4 - Developing and Enriching the Faculty Experience 50 points

Additional Partnership Successes (eligible for 50 bonus points)

Total Maximum Base Points 400 Maximum Bonus Points 50


Gold Award

In order for a partnership to qualify for the Gold Award, the partnership must obtain at least 300 out of the 400 eligible points. Multiple activities under the various categories are encouraged to obtain the maximum point value.

Silver Award

In order for a partnership to qualify for the Silver Award, the partnership must obtain at least 200 out of the 400 eligible points. Multiple activities under the various categories are encouraged to obtain the maximum point value.

Bronze Award

In order for a partnership to qualify for the Bronze Award, the partnership must obtain at least 100 out of the 400 eligible points. Multiple activities under the various categories are encouraged to obtain the maximum point value.

Partnership of the Year Award

To be considered for the Partnership of the Year Award, the partnership must obtain a minimum score of 350 out of the 400 eligible points. All finalists for the Partnership of the Year Award (Top 10) will be identified and recognized at the annual awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 10, 2016.


·  Please keep CD’s/DVD’s to a maximum of 60 seconds. Focus on the highlights of your partnership and involve the students if possible. All submissions must be downloadable from DVD’s or CD’s. Though you are welcome to imbed photos in your application, they can no longer be extracted for use in the Top 10 video. WLTZ has new equipment that prevents them from being able to do this. Thus, you may also want to consider submitting a CD/DVD of the photos.

·  Please submit four copies of your completed application so they can be dispersed to each judge for review/evaluation (they don’t have to be color copies). Please DO NOT include application instructions and important notes page. All submissions should be sent through internal mail to the Superintendents’ office. Please address the envelope as follows:


To: Rebecca Braaten To: Kathryn Van Horn

For: Lindsey Braxton For: Lindsey Braxton

·  Please note a change on the application regarding student, faculty and staff participation in PIE events; they are now separate columns. Please list the number of students participating and the total number of hours engaged in the activity. Do the same for faculty/staff. Please also provide the total student population of your school.

·  If you have multiple partners DO NOT complete separate applications for each; we need one application which reflects a collective effort of your partnerships working together.

·  Here’s a sample partnership application from one of the school’s consistently in the Top 10. Use this as a guide if you’d like. Remember, presentation is important as well as content.

·  Only one school will be named overall Partnership of the Year. We are looking for the ‘Best of the Best’. The grade levels represented by the partnership are not a consideration in the evaluation process. Thus, the winner could be from any category to also include private and/or alternative schools.

·  The Project of the Year application is a separate form which allows partnerships to compete against one another in each of the four success factors. Though your partnership may not be in the running for POTY, it still may have a valuable and highly successful initiative in place worthy of recognizing, rewarding and sharing.

·  Making application for Project of the Year is voluntary. If your partnership has an outstanding program in place, by all means, apply. The application is shorter than the POTY app, however, it’s important to capture and document all the requested information.

·  You are strongly encouraged to complete the Awards Application so your partner(s) can be recognized for their efforts.

·  The same deadline applies to all applications. Everything is due; signatures included, on March 18, 2016.

Please do not bypass reading the above important information!

SUCCESS FACTOR #1 - Improving Academic Performance (eligible for 150 points)

(Examples of activities include academic achievement recognition, tutorial services, homework hotlines, classroom materials and software, etc.)

Providing recognition opportunities for high academic achievement. Please list activities below:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

Providing resource improvements. Please list activities below:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

Providing tutoring/homework improvements. Please list activities below:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

SUCCESS FACTOR #2 – Growing Career Opportunities (eligible for 125 points)

(Examples of activities include use of Speaker’s Bureau, job shadowing opportunities, internships and career fairs.)

Utilizing speaker’s to provide career and work ethics education in the classroom as part of a structured guidance program:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

Providing students the opportunity to visit the workplace through job shadowing, internships, and/or tours as part of a structured guidance program:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

Sponsoring career fairs to expose students to varied career and educational opportunities as part of a structured guidance program:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

SUCCESS FACTOR #3 - Enriching the Life Experience for the Student (eligible for 75 points)

(Examples of activities include citizenship programs, stewardship programs, mentoring services, and/or community service projects, etc.)

Sponsoring citizenship and stewardship programs:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable)
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

Providing mentoring opportunities for students utilizing older students and community volunteers:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity

SUCCESS FACTOR #4 - Faculty Development and Enrichment (eligible for 50 points)

(Examples of activities include faculty workshops, faculty workplace tours, teacher shadowing, etc.)

Utilizing PIE workshops and other instructional enhancement activities to improve academic performance:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

Providing opportunities for faculty to participate in job shadowing and other workplace activities:

Name of Activity / Number of Students Participating & Number of Student Hours / Number of Faculty Participating & Number of Faculty/Staff Hours / Number of Community Volunteers Participating / Number of Community Volunteer Hours / Amount of Financial Commitment From Partner
(if applicable) / Name of Partner who Supplied Financial Commitment for this Activity
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

Please write a detailed summary of the above activity:

Other Activities/Partnership Highlights (eligible for 50 bonus points)

Activity Categories / Number of Students Participating & Total # of Student Hours / Number of Faculty/Staff Participating & Total # of Hours / Number of Community Volunteers / Number of Community Volunteer Hours* / Financial Commitment
(if applicable)
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:
# of students:
# of hours: / # of faculty and staff:
# of hours:

*Do not include student or faculty/staff hours in total number of community volunteer hours

Additional comments about your partnership:

This section provides you the opportunity to talk about how your partnership interacts. Describe in this section how you communicate with each other. Describe how activities are planned and implemented. Discuss how you keep all partners informed and actively participating. (add a page if needed)

Please calculate the GRAND TOTALS for:

What is the total student population of your school? ______

Are all students included in PIE activities? ______

Total Combined Number of Volunteer Hours
(community partners) / Number of Volunteer Hours (school faculty and staff) / Number of students participating and number of student hours / Financial and/or in-kind Commitment
(if applicable)
# of faculty and staff:
# of hours: / # of students:
# of hours: / Financial:


Applications are not considered valid without the appropriate signatures. Those submitted without partner(s) and principal’s signature will not be considered for partnership of the year. Failure to submit application by due date will also eliminate eligibility for Partnership of the Year.



Name (Please Print) Signature Date


Company/School (Please Print) Telephone Number Email Address



Name & Company (Please Print) Signature Date


Name & Company (Please Print) Signature Date


Name & Company (Please Print) Signature Date


Name & Company (Please Print) Signature Date



Name (Please Print) Signature Date


School Name

The Partners in Education Board of Directors greatly appreciates your time in completing this application. The Board strives to recognize partnerships that foster the Partners in Education initiative . . . making a difference in our schools and in the lives of every student served!

Thank You!

Email or fax to Lindsey Braxton – Fax: 706-327-2137 or

Due date: March 18, 2016

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