Summer Drama Camp 2010


School Edition

The School Edition of SWEENY TODD is a less graphic version of the popular movie. We’ll use some fun, unusual lighting to portray this historic story. Joanie and Scott Beyette, who have children of their own, will be administrating and directing the camps again this year.


February 10, 2010

Hello theatre students and parents:

It’s time to think about summer camp ! Thanks for considering our program. BDTAcademy is a non-profit corporation operating at the Boulder’s Dinner Theatre. We are fortunate to have several of the BDT actors and technicians on faculty. Now in our sixth year, we have learned from previous campers’ suggestions and have added some new things to this year’s camp. Check out the choices of elective classes!

Summer camp at BDTAcademy serves middle and high school students and includes drama instruction, auditioning, rehearsing, and performing – on the BDT stage. This year, we are excited to offer the School Edition of “ Sweeny Todd“ as our summer camp production !

Performances are open to the public; reservations are required for all seating. Tickets may be purchased for $7 each beginning May 1, 2010. (Camp students receive 2 free tickets)

We continue to include two ‘elective’ classes (see enclosed curriculum) for students who attend the 3-week camp.

Middle School Camp

(entering grades 6,7, or 8 in Fall 2010)

June 7 – 26, Monday – Friday 10 am – 2 pm

Includes the full production and 2 elective classes

Performances: Friday, June 25at noon and Saturday, June 26 – 10am and 1pm

High School Camp

(entering grades 9-12 in Fall 2010)

July 12 – 31, Monday – Friday 10 am – 2 pm

Includes the full production and 2 elective classes

Performances: Friday, July 30at noon and Saturday, July 31 – 10am and 1pm

The cost per student is $650.00 (10% discount for multiple campers in the same family). Each camp is limited to 30 students.

To register, please send the following to: BDT Academy at 5501 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80303 or drop off at the theatre box office.

1)Completed CampRegistration Form – back and front

2)A $100 non-refundable deposit or total tuition amount

Financial aid applications are available upon request. Applications are due by April 3, 2010. Financial assistance decisions will be made by the BDT Academy Board of Directors by April 15, 2010.

We look forward to sharing a fun camp experience with your son or daughter. Please call me with any thoughts, questions, or concerns. (303) 449-6000 x193.


Carrie Hausfather

Business Manager


BDT Academy – 2010

HIGH SCHOOLcamp Registration Form

Student’s Name: ______Birth Date: ______

Grade entering 2010/2011 school year: ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12

Parent’s name(s): ______

Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

Best phone number to reach you: ______Home cell work

Other numbers we should have: ______

Email address: ______

Please list any physical and/or social conditions which may affect your child’s performance in camp/class. (Please include allergies or significant past injuries).

Please list the name of a relative or friend who could be contacted in case of an emergency, if the parent/guardian cannot be reached.

Name: ______Phone: ______


I, as parent or legal guardian of ______approve and give my permission

(Student name)

for him/her to attend the BDT Academy camp and to practice and participate in any class or programs. I release BDT Academy and BDT from any and all liability.

Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date: ______

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Student’s Name: ______


‘Sweeny Todd’ camp, including 2 classes $ 650.00

(10% discount for multiple children in same family)


$100 non-refundable deposit – due with application $ 100.00

(returned if not enough room in camp)

Additional payment (optional) $ ______

Total amount sent with application $ ______

Please complete the following for credit card charges:

Credit Card number: ______Exp date: ______

Signature authorizing this charge: ______

____ I will be applying for financial assistance (forms will be sent to you)

Balance of tuition (if any) due no later than May 1, 2010.

No refunds after May 15, 2010.

Class Selection:

Please rank your preferences (1st and 2nd) in each class. (See page 3 for class descriptions)

Class 1Class 2

___ Fosse Dance Workshop ____ Tap Dance Workshop

___ Actor’s Scene Study ____ Thespian Conference audition


BDTA Summer Drama Camp – Elective courses and descriptions

Fosse Danceworkshop(dance shoes required)

Bob Fosse designed a style all his own. His influence on jazz dance history is unmatched. Learn how to dance in this fun, exciting style – just like CHICAGO, CABARET or PIPPIN. Everyone on your feet! Let’s do some dancing!

Tap Dance workshop(dance shoes required)

Master tapper, Matt Peters will take you through a close look at the mechanics involved in executing several different types of tap dance styles. Learn the shuffle, the flap, and build up to the time step ! Come find out – what is a CrampRoll ?!?!?

Actor’s Scene Study

Each scene has it’s own opportunity for interpretation and expression. This class will explore how to take a scene, explore possibilities for expression, work out details, and take it through production. Fun and challenging, this course is a must.

Thespian Conference audition preparation

Learn what the BDT professional actors have learned through the years.Many of you are getting ready for professional auditions and/or Thespian Conference auditions. Although you may have taken other audition workshops, check out this information and discover some new insights.

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