Meeting Notes
RAC Task Force on Administration
Conference Call
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
In attendance: Steve Pepin (co-chair), Allison Hardt (co-chair), Cynthia Gerst,Chris Hedges, Michael Bufalino,, James Watkins.
Absent: Dale Peabody, Amy Schutzbach, Clint Adler, Ron Curb, Rod Montney, Dawn Van Landingham.
Action items underscored.
- Draft Meeting Notes from Admin TF meeting on November 26, 2013.
The meeting notes were accepted by consensus.
- Existing Business
- RAC Winter Meeting - Discussion, Feedback and Next Steps - (Steve and Allison)
Steve expressed several concerns about the “Roundtable Discussion with the Leaders” session. (a) He felt uncomfortable asking questions of the panelists without giving them an opportunity to speak first; (b) there should have been a welcome from an AASHTO staff executive; (c) John Halikowski should have been invited to welcome attendees and offer remarks, (d) Kevin Womack should have been given some time to make general comments and announcements. Allison will follow up with survey of attendees to get their feedback. The task force will review all comments and begin planning for 2015 in the fall. Skip Paul will follow up on the possibility of changing the time slot for 2015.
- 2014 RAC 101 – All
Cynthia expressedconcern that the proposed agenda for the Madison has RAC 101 running concurrently with a meeting of the TRB Conduct of Research meeting. The Conduct of Research meeting will likely draw many of the longer-serving RAC members away from RAC 101.
There was discussion about the format, structure and schedule for the 2014 RAC 101 webinar and meeting. Next steps: Chris will revise the proposed format based on earlier drafts and today’s discussion; Chris will find out if TRB can host the webinar and help with the technical details; Steve and Allison will review the draft and identify/approve topics and speakers. (see attachment)
- NHI Research 101 Course (Allison)
FHWA is working with NHI to develop this course which will be geared towardsDivision research coordinators.
The Admin Task Force reached out to John Moulden on 12/10 and 12/12 offering to provide assistance. We received a thank you from John dated12/12/13.
- “Ahead of the Curve” Update – (Cynthia)
A workshop session was held during TRB week on Thursday from 8:00 am to noon at TRB. Very helpful feedback was received from the participants.
A survey of attendees can be accessed at the following link:
There was interest expressed in developing and submitting a problem statement to the NCHRP for funding assistance. Skip Paul will submit the request on behalf of RAC. It is not certain how soon funding could be available, if the request was approved.
- Website Subcommittee (Cynthia)
The subcommittee met yesterday; there were good discussions on the recent changes and updates; all comments from RAC members are welcome.
- DOT Fact Sheets (Allison)
Three left - Region 1 – RI, Region 2 – TN, Region 4 – SD
Allison will issue a general call for RAC members to review and updatetheir fact sheets in the spring. Cynthia has already asked Region 3 members to do so.
- New Business
- RAC Mentors Checklist
Further work is needed; more volunteers are needed to assist.
Cynthia – there is a need to add value to the checklist by including more descriptive comments and guidance to mentors.
The website working group may be willing to take this on. James Watkins agreed to take the lead in determining the most appropriate format and content.
- Role of SCOR – Discussion
At the last SCOR meeting in Arizona, there was discussion on how SCOR can take a greater role in helping to shape the national research agenda. Chris Hedges reported that John Halikowski is forming a task force to look at this and other issues; they will probably make recommendations that create new opportunities for RAC and its task forces.
- Admin Task Force Agenda – Summer Meeting
Please start thinking about this; all ideas and suggestions welcome.
Allison – make sure more time is provided to discuss the January meeting format in detail. Chris – including a debriefing on RAC 101.
- Framing Surface Transportation Research for the Nation’s Future – Discussion
A TRB Special Report was recently distributed to RAC membersthat recommends that SCOR play a lead role in the development of a national framework for transportation research. SCOR has established a Task Force to follow up on the recommendations and there may be a role for the Task Force on Administration to participate and assist.
- Task Force Membership
There are 13 names on the membership list but only a few of them have been participated regularly active on monthly conference calls. Steve or Allison will contact all members to see if they wish to remain on the Task Force and participate actively. If not, they can be rotated off and the Task Force augmented by new members. The Task Force will also add friends, based on expressed interest, to supplement the two members per region. Chris noted that his new position as Manager of NCHRP is putting more demands on his time. He will continue participating on the Task Force as his schedule permits but it may be prudent to recruit a new secretary.
- Items for RAC leadership
- Express concerns about RAC 101 being scheduled concurrently with TRB Conduct of Research committee at the annual meeting in Madison.
- Recruit new members for the Task Force.
- Remind leadership that all RAC members are welcome to comment on the SCOR/RAC current content and recent changes.
- Offer to assist with the SCOR initiatives on a National Research Framework and SCOR’s role in the transportation community.
- Open Discussion
- Next Call – Tuesday, February 25, 2014 – 1:30PM EST
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