NHS Library Quality Assurance Framework

(LQAF) England

c) / Use one form for each innovation you wish to report.
Use the Tab key to move through the form.
Press the Enterkey in a grey text box to add another line.
Refer to LQAFAppendix 1 Recognising and Rewarding Innovation in NHS Health Library/Knowledge Servicesfor further information.
1. Details of the Library/Knowledge Service
Name of Service: / Pennine Acute NHS Trust Library Service
Address of Service: / Education Centre Library
Royal Oldham Hospital, Rochdale Rd, Oldham, OL1 2JH
Strategic Health Authority / Click to select from drop-down list:
NHS East Midlands NHS London NHS North East NHS North West NHS South Central NHS South East Coast NHS South West NHS West Midlands NHS Yorkshire and the Humber NHS East of England
  1. Category of Innovation

The 4 categories of innovation used in the LQAF that you can report against are:
Product Innovation - product innovation concerns a product or service that is new or significantly improved. This includes significant improvements in content, mode of delivery, user friendliness or other functional characteristics.
Process innovation - process innovation concerns a new or significantly improved way of producing or delivering a service or product. This could include significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software.
Marketing Innovation - marketing innovation is about new marketing methods involving new or significantly improved ways of marketing or promoting a library service or product.
Organisational Innovation - this involves introducing a new or improved way of organizing or managing the library service, including working in partnership with other services, to increase overall performance and productivity.
Click to select category from drop-down list / This report concerns:
Product innovation Process innovation Marketing innovation Organisational innovation
  1. Rationale for the Innovation

This is where you should describe the innovation in detail, explain why you consider it is innovative and provide evidence to support your assertion.
a. Describe the innovation. / Drugs: the evidence. Library staff visit medical meetings which are held in the Education Centres. Lunches at these meetings are normally sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. As a quid pro quo, the sponsoring company is allowed to send a sales representative to hand out information about the company's products and answer doctors' questions about prescribing. Examples of thesepublicity materials are obtained by library staff and the claims made therein are subjected to a brief literature search, concentrating on up-to-date high quality research, which may confirm or challenge the "findings" cited in the publicity. Results of the literature searches are posted on the Intranet, and batches of them are circulated at intervals to physicians and pharmacists in Pennine Acute and Heywood Middleton & Rochdale PCT with whom the library service has a Service Level Agreement. Comments from staff(paraphrased) so far have included (a) you'll be popular with the drugs companies, (b) I know better than the finding of this very thorough Health Technology Assessment, and (c) from the lead GP prescriber of the PCT, these finding are very interesting: please can you explain why Pennine Acute doctors continue to prescribe this very expensive drug when there are equally effective and cheaper alternatives? (forwarded to Drugs Information pharmacists for response.)
Example: Xarelto (rivaroxaban) versus enoxaparin for prevention of venous thromoembolism. The headline figure on the supporting graph comparing these two anticoagulants refers to a relative risk reduction of 56% in the incidence of symptomatic VTE and all-cause mortality in the first ten days after surgery. Examination of the graph shows that the absolute risk reduction is 0.4% indicating that Xarelto would have to be preferred to enoxaparin in 250 cases in order to prevent one serious adverse event.
b. Explain what makes this different and therefore innovative. / An attempt to reproduce the Hitting the Headlines project within a healthcare organisation context with a targetted audience and some possibility of affecting clinical decision making.
c. What evidence do you have to support this assertion? / I mentioned this at a recent library managers' meeting and was pleasantly surprised to learn that no other service was engaged on similar work.

LQAF Innovation Report Template 1