8/06/07 IEP Quality Indicators Rubric

Student ______IEP Developer______Date ______

(date form filled out)

District/Building ______IEP Reviewer______Total Points ______

Type of IEP ______Date of IEP ______

Section A: Demographic Information/Attendance/Required System Data


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
1. Date and Type of Meeting / Type of IEP meeting and IEP components do not match. / ***** / Date of IEP is within 12 months and re-eval within the last 3 years. Type of meeting matches completed IEP components. / Point Value _____
2. Student and Family Information / Incomplete information or information recorded inaccurately. / ***** / Parent and student information recorded completely and accurately. / Point Value _____
3. Duration and Reevaluation Due / Duration and reevaluation date do not match type of meeting. / Duration and reevaluation date match type of meeting. / Point Value _____
4. Persons Present, Procedural Review and Transfer of Rights / Incomplete information or information recorded inaccurately. / ***** / Accurate list of all persons present which includes LEA representative, general education teacher, parent, and student, if applicable (age 14), and special education teacher/case manager. Dates reflect student & parent notification while student is 16 years old. / Point Value _____
5. Transfer of Rights / Incomplete information or information recorded inaccurately. / ***** / Information completed for transfer of rights. / Point Value _____

Section B: Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance(Ages 3-12 years)


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
1. Strengths, interests, and preferences addressed / One or two of the three addressed. / Vague description of strengths, interests and preferences. / All three addressed. Clear distinction between strengths, interests and preferences. / Point Value _____
2. Parent’s concerns for enhancing their child’s education / Not addressed. / ***** / Parent concerns are noted or statement of “the parents have no concerns”. / Point Value _____


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
3. Special considerations / “Yes” answers not explained elsewhere in the IEP. / “Yes” answers explained elsewhere in the IEP. / All “yes” answers explained thoroughly elsewhere in the IEP. / Point Value _____
4. Other information essential for development of IEP / Not completed or no statement indicating “None at this time.” / Information is vague and does not support the need for activities or supports that are not directly related to a goal. / Completed appropriately if necessary, or “None at this time” stated. / Point Value _____
5. Describe effect of disability on involvement and progress in general education curriculum / Description of schedule or list of classes provided. Placement or location of services indicated but not curriculum (what is to be taught). No mention of age-appropriate activities for preschool aged children. / Current performance described with impact of disability implied. For preschool age, partially describes involvement in age-appropriate activities. / Current performance and impact of disability on access and progress in general education curriculum in relation to district standards and benchmarks. For preschool age, describes involvement in age-appropriate activities. / Point Value _____

Section B: Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Ages 13-21 years)


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
1. Strengths, interests, and preferences addressed / One or two of three addressed. No documentation that assists in planning for individual needs. / Vague description of strengths, interests and preferences. / All three addressed. Clear distinction between strengths, interests and preferences. Clear documentation that assists in planning for individual’s needs. / Point Value _____
2. Parent’s concerns for enhancing their child’s education / Not addressed. / ***** / Parent concerns are noted or statement of “the parents have no concerns”. / Point Value _____
3. Special considerations / “Yes” answers not explained elsewhere in the IEP. / Most “yes” answers explained elsewhere in the IEP. / All “yes” answers explained thoroughly elsewhere in the IEP. / Point Value _____
4. Transition Assessments / No information sources or results of transition assessments. / Information sources and results of assessments are documented but do not sufficiently support determination of needs. / Information sources and results of assessments are documented and all “yes” answers explained thoroughly elsewhere in the IEP. / Point Value _____
5. Other information essential for development of IEP / Not completed or no statement indicating “None at this time.” / Information is vague and does not support the need for activities or supports that are not directly related to a goal. / Completed appropriately if necessary, or “None at this time” stated. / Point Value _____


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
6. Describe effect of disability on involvement and progress in general education curriculum / Description of schedule or list of classes provided. Placement or location of services indicated but not curriculum (what is to be taught). / Current performance described with impact of disability implied both in school and out of school. / Current performance and impact of disability on access and progress in general education curriculum in relation to district standards and benchmarks. Describe any additional impact of the decidability on involvement in non-academic & extra curricular activities. / Point Value _____
7. Post secondary expectations/Area of need / All three areas are not addressed sufficiently. No transition assessments were referenced. / All three areas are sufficiently addressed and include anticipated results but are not written as observable behaviors. Expectations are based on transition assessments. / Description includes anticipated result in each of the areas of living, learning and working. Written as observable behaviors and results-oriented. Expectations based on transition assessments. / Point Value _____
8. Course of study / Graduation requirements, current status and courses and activities are included but unclear. Target graduation date is documented. / ***** / Graduation requirements and student’s current status are clearly stated. Specific courses and activities listed are related to post-secondary expectations, current skills and transition needs. Target graduation date is documented. / Point Value _____

Section D and/or E: Goals and Milestones/Objectives


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
1. Current academic achievement and functional performance / Description consists of grades, unrelated behavior, and is not related to identified needs. Subjective terms or scores in isolation. No comparison to average peers or standards, no district-wide assessment data and no functional implications. / Focuses on instructionally relevant information, but with brief/vague comparison with average peers or standards. Vague reference to district-wide assessment and functional implications of skill development. / All the following elements must be clearly addressed:
  • Performance stated in measurable, objective terms describing what student can and cannot do relative to need.
  • Specific comparison made to average peers or standards.
  • Functional implications of skill development addressed.
  • Relevant evaluation and district-wide assessment information included.
  • Provides information detailed enough to make progress decisions.
  • Meets stranger test.
/ Point Value _____


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
2. Baseline / Vague description of behaviors. Not related to identified needs and not observable or measurable. / ***** / Describes meaningful, observable, and measurable behaviors related to current functioning for all goal areas. Directly related to each goal’s measure of progress and contains a number. Meets stranger test. / Point Value _____
3. Goals / Vague goal statements weakly related to priority needs, standards and benchmarks, or current functioning and baseline. Goal does not represent a meaningful behavior/skill (for example grades, credits, etc.). / Measurable goal statements related to standards/benchmarks, but not appropriate for 1 year’s growth, nor related to baseline. / All the following elements must be clearly addressed:
  • Measurable goal statements related to baseline
  • Based on 1 year expectations
  • related to standards and benchmarks, and includes:
  • Conditions
  • Behavior
  • Criteria
  • If 14 or older, relates to post-secondary expectations and one or more area is checked.
/ Point Value _____
4. Evaluation procedures / Procedure mentioned but does not specify data to be collected or frequency (e.g., probes). / Procedure includes what data will be collected and how often. / Procedure includes what data will be collected and how often. Aligns with baseline and goal criterion. Clear relationship to frequent, repeatable measures of progress toward goal. / Point Value _____
5. District standards and benchmarks related to goals / Addressed by number or code only. No descriptions present. / District standard, benchmark, extended benchmark, or other curriculum/district outcome reference listed but weak relationship to goals. / Entire district standard, benchmark, extended benchmark, or other curriculum/district outcome reference clearly related to goals (distinct relationship to goals). / Point Value _____
6. Major milestones/short term objectives
a. Students participating in district-wide assessment
OR / Includes one or two statements, weakly related to goal, and not measurable. / Includes two or more measurable statements in logical progression toward goal. Reasonable and attainable milestones/objectives. Dates expected included. / The graph option is used. The starting point is the baseline score/percentage. The ending point is the goal score/percentage. The aim line of the graph accurately shows the expected rate of progress in order to accomplish each goal. / Point Value _____
6. Major milestones/short term objectives
b. Students participating in alternate assessment / Includes one or two statements, weakly related to goal, and not measurable. / ***** / Includes two or more measurable statements in logical progression toward goal. Reasonable and attainable milestones/objectives. Dates expected included. / Point Value _____

Section F: Special Education Services


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
1. Services, activities, or supports / Does not accurately reflect needs as expressed in the IEP. / ***** / Accurately reflects needs as expressed in the IEP. / Point Value _____
2. Description of each service, activity, or support / Descriptive statements provided for each “yes” answer, but vague or inconsistent reflection of student needs (e.g., use of calculator, tests read orally if needed). If 14 or older, services, activities and supports must relate to post-secondary outcomes. / ***** / Descriptive statements provided for each “yes” answer, clearly reflecting student needs. If 14 or older, services, activities and supports relates to post-secondary outcomes. Specially designed instruction, each goal area is written for the content area is specified. Meets the stranger test. / Point Value _____
3. Provider/when / Inaccurate beginning date, provider positions,or time & frequency when provided for service or activity. / ***** / Accurate beginning date, provider positionsand time & frequency or when provided is listed. (“Time and frequency” is used for services; “when provided” is used for activities). / Point Value _____
4. Minutes in setting / Settings selected do not match the description. / ***** / Minutes are listed under correct setting (general education, special education, community). / Point Value _____

Section G: Special Education Services (continued)/Least Restrictive Environment/Progress Reports


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
1. Extended school year services (ESYS) / Answered, but vagueexplanation provided. / ***** / Answered appropriately. Goals and services described. Data exists to substantiate the decision. / Point Value _____
2. Transportation / Answered, but vague explanation provided. / ***** / Answered appropriately. Clear description provided. / Point Value _____
3. Physical education / Modified checked but vague description provided. Specially designed checked but no goal written. / ***** / Answered appropriately. If modified or specially designed, description and/or goals provided. / Point Value _____
4. District-wide assessment / Answered, but no description of modifications/accommo-
dations included, and should have been. Alternate assessment not justified. / Answered, but description of modifications or accommodations vague or not clearly aligned with IEP accommodations. / Answered. Accommodations or modifications, if necessary, clearly described and aligned with accommodations outlined in the IEP. Alternate assessment checked and justified. / Point Value _____
5. All services in general education environments / Answered, vague explanation for “no” answer not provided / ***** / Answered. Clear explanation given for “no” answer. / Point Value _____


/ 1 (Unacceptable) / 2 (Somewhat acceptable) / 3 (Acceptable) / Point Value/Notes
6. Non-academic and extra-curricular activities / Answered, vague explanation for “no” answer not provided. / ***** / Answered. Clear explanation given for “no” answer. / Point Value _____
7. Neighborhood school / Answered, vague explanation for “no” answer not provided. / ***** / Answered. Clear explanation given for “no” answer. / Point Value _____
8. Special school / Answered “yes”, and responses to “special school questions” not attached. / ***** / Answered. Clear responses to “Justification for Special School Placement” attached, if “yes”. / Point Value _____
9. Progress reports / Inaccurately completed. / ***** / Accurately completed. / Point Value _____
10. Overall stranger test (entire IEP document) / Excessive jargon, too technical or vague. Stranger could not implement. Not parent “friendly”. / Missing details. Minimal continuity from needs to goals to services. Stranger would need consultation to implement. Parent “friendly”. / Clear understandable language throughout. Logical continuity from needs to goals to services. Parent “friendly”. Stranger could implement with minimal difficulty. / Point Value _____

Notes/CommentsTotal Points______

Ch. 6:1