2010 GwinnettCounty Certamen Championship
Novice Level
Round 1
1. This god also carried the name Liber, which stemmed from his original Italian counterpart. Coming into the pantheon rather late and from the exotic east, The Roman poet Ovid tells of many who rejected his divinity, such as Pentheus, who paid for the offence with his life. Who was this god, born of Jupiter’s thigh, the master of revelry and wine? Bacchus (accept Dionysus before the word Jupiter)
B1. Who were the crazed followers of Dionysus? Maenads
B2. What main activity marks the Athenian festival Dionysia, of which Dionysus was a patron god? Plays (Drama)
2. Translate into Latin the following: “The slaves are angry today.” Hodie, servi sunt irati
B1. Now say in Latin: “Yesterday the mothers were angry” Heri matres erant iratae.
B2. Now say in Latin: “All have been angry.” Omnes fuerunt irati.
3. The oldest permanent one in the empire was perhaps at Pompeii, located at the northeast corner of the city. It featured a large external staircase and often held people from rival Nuceria. In Rome itself however, all of these structured remained temporary and of wood until the emperor Vespasian decided to fill the backyard of the Golden House. What were these structures, designed to hold the munera, or gladiatorial fights? Amphitheaters
B1. Gladiators took their name from what weapon, known in Latin as the gladius? sword
B2. What type of gladiatorial show would be the venatio? Animal Hunt
4. Usually repeated in moment of triumph, what three word phrase, issued by Caesar after the battle of Zela, translates “I came, I saw, I conquered?” Veni, Vidi, Vidi
B1. What phrase can be seen at the entry way to the House of the tragic poet in Pompeii that warns visitors of a lurking dog? Cave Canem
B2. If counting people literally by the head, what statistic do we issue? Per capita
5. They both held imperium both domestically and militarily, something they took from the previous days of kings. Who were these annually elected chief officials of the Res Publica, the head of the RomanState? Consuls
B1. Which Roman social class dominated the office of consul in the early republic, leading to a strike by the Plebs? Patricians
B2. Name either of Rome’s first two consuls. Brutus and Collatinus
6. His wife died trying to keep up with him. His son’s hair caught on fire. In a rage, he almost killed Helen when he came upon her in a burning Troy, and best friend was named Achates. Who was this greatest of all Roman heroes who escaped Troy to bring his gods into Italy and establish a Roman race, the main subject of the Vergil’s epic masterpiece. Aeneas
B1. To what northern Africa city, later the Roman adversary in the Punic wars, was Aeneas driven as Juno tried to keep him away from Italy? Carthage
B2. Whom did Aeneas desert in Carthage, thus leading to her suicide? Dido
7. Give the Latin form for the word “dog” in the following sentence. “The boy sees the dog in the road.” Canem
B1. Make the direct object canem plural. canes
B2. Now make canes the nominative. canes
8. Listen to the following story carefully as I read it twice. Tum, responde Latine: Olim, in foro, vir ambulabat, nomine Caecilius. Caecilius erat homo obesus, et semper cenare volebat. Subito, Caecilius amicum Marcum et inquit, “Quo ambulas, Marce? Ambulasne ad bonam cenam? Marcus repondet, “Ambulo ad cenam. Veni mecum, et tu et ego boman cenam habebimus.
Quo Marcus ambulabat? Ad cenam(bonam)
B1. Qualis homo erat Caecilius? Obesus
B2. Quid Caecilius sepmer volebat? Cenare
9. Using the adjective magnus, modify the Latin noun matres. MAGNAE or MAGNAS
B1. Using the adjective magnus, modify the Latin nounmanum. MAGNAM
B2. Using the adjective magnus, give all the forms which could modifymodify the Latin nounres. MAGNA, MAGNAE, and MAGNAS
10. Half-brother to Androgeos, his mother was Pasiphae, but it was from his step-father that he would take his name. His killer would be a young Athenian hero, whom his own sister would assist. What was this monster on the island of Crete, half bull, half man, who resided in the Labyrinth? Minotaur
B1. What hero killed the Minotaur? Theseus
B2. What half sister to the Minotaur assisted in its death? Ariadne
11. Servius Tullius, Tullus Hostilius, Numa Pompilius, Tarquinius Priscus, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Superbus and Romulus himself. Seven in all, who are these men, who served Rome from 753BC to 509 BC? Kings of Rome
B1. What group of advisors to the king later dominated the Res Publica and met in the Curia? Senate
B2. From what influential region, north of Rome did the last three kings come? Etruria
12. From this Latin word, the god of entrances takes his name. The slave who guards this now lends his name to someone who takes care of whole buildings and cleans. What is this Latin word which means door? Ianua
B1. What is the Latin word for window? Fenestra
B3. Words for this item include sella, curulus, and cathedra. What is this item in which I genuflect to create a sinus? Chair
13. Peoples from this area invaded Rome in 390 BC, and remained a threat into the days of Marius. Divided into two main parts, Cisalpine and Transcisalpine, what was this region conquered by Caesar in the 50s BC., now modern day France? Gallia/Gaul
B1. What did the Romans call Spain? Hispania
B2. What modern day country now lies on Asia Minor? Turkey
14. Audite attente et perfice actionem. Surge et ambula circum tuos amicos. Student rises and walks around his teammates
B1. Sugite omnes et dicite mihi tua nomina. Students all tell their names.
B2. Sedete, dicite nihil et nihil facite. Students do nothing (If they talk beyond telling each other the command, no points)
15. He was the son of Laomedon and originally had the name Podarces. He had several wives though his main squeeze was Hecuba. In all he begat 100 children. Killed by Neoptolemus at the fall of Troy, who was this king, the father to Paris? Priam
B1. Who was Priam’s eldest son, the greatest of all Trojan heroes? Hector
B2. In what work by Homer does Hector die in a duel? Iliad
2010 GwinnettCounty Certamen Championship
Novice Level
Round 2
1. Her sisters were Stheno and Euryale, who were immortal, unlike her. She was the offspring to Phorcys and Ceto or according to other myths the Echidna and Typhon. Her other set of three sisters, the Graiae helped in her ultimate demise. Who was this most famous Gorgon, who could turn one into stone by her hideous stare? Medusa
B1. What hero, son to Danae, slew Medusa with the help of the gods? Perseus
B2. To whom did Perseus present the head of Medusa, to be placed on her Aegis? Athena/Minerva
2. Translate the following into English. “Canes per forum in vias currunt.” The dogs run through the Forum into the streets”
B1. Translate: “In viis servi clamores hominum audiunt” The slaves hear the shouts of men in the streets”
B2. Translate: “Domini servis multas res semper dant” The masters always give many things to the slaves.
3. It originally served a military purpose in the second Samnite War as a way to deliver troops to Campania. Terminating in Capua in 312 BC, what was this road leading south of Rome built by App. Claudius Caecus? Via Appia/Appian Way
B1. To what port city on the heel of Italy did the Appian Way eventually terminate? Brundisium
B2. On what sea, east of Italy does Brundisium lie? Adriatic.
4. This two word term is often employed to indicate that something is legit. In the ablative case, it literally translates as in/with good faith. What is this term to indicate something is on the up and up? Bona fide
B1. Seen on many a grandfather clock, what term loosely means that “time flies?” tempus fugit
B2. Fans of CSI will recognize this term as the time “after death” when an autopsy is conducted. Post Mortem
5. He was a patrician listed as consul in 460 BC on the fasti, but his legend comes from actions in 458 BC when he rescued the consul L. Minucius Esquilinus Augurinus on Mt.Algidus from the Aequi. Who was this man who left his plow to become dictator for a period of only 16 days? L. Quinctius Cincinnatus
B1. What symbol of authority, depicted as an axe surrounded by rods, did Cincinnatus give up upon retuning to his plow? Fasces
B2. What 12 for the consul, 6 for the Praetor, who were them men who carried the fasces in front of the imperium holder? Lictors
6. For an Augustan temple, this god gained the title Ultor, or Avenger, and he was second in Italian importance after Jupiter. Most of his mythology was borrowed from his Greek counterpart except for the comic tale of his marriage to Anna Perenna. Who was this god who carried on a torrid love affair with Venus, only to be captured with her in Vulcan’s net? Mars
B1. What other Italian god was two headed and bearded, the god of doorways? Janus
B2. Often the third of a triad with Jupiter and Mars, what Italian god was the assumed persona of Romulus after his death? Quirinus
7. Give the Latin form for “She was running” currebat
B1. Now make the action completed, “she has run” cucurrit
B2. Now make the action completed in the future, “she will have run” cucurrerit
8. Listen to the passage carefully as I read it twice, then responde Latine. Olim Iuppiter et Mercurius ad Asiam iter faciebant. In Asia incolis apparent ut homines non dei. Totum diem cibum et vinum incolis quaerebant, sed nemo haec eis dedit. Tandem ad parvam villam venerunt, ubi habitabant vir et femina. Vir et femina errant pauperes et veteres. Tamen deos exceperunt et dei eis multa dona dederunt.
Quae dua dei quaerebant? vinum et cibum
B1. Quomodo dei incolis apparent? Ut homines
B2. Quales homines erant vir et femina? Pauper(es) et veteris(es)
9. Distinguish in meaning between the words mox and vox.mox – soon;vox – voice
B1. Distinguish in meaning between the wordsposui and potui. posui – I placed;potui – I was/have been able
B2. Distinguish in meaning between the wordsredeo and rideo. redeo – I return;rideo – I laugh/smile
10. He was the son of Iapetus and along with Epimetheus, brother to Prometheus. In the Odyssey, he is identified as the father to Calypso, along with many constellations such as the Pleides and others. Who was this Titan, whom, according to Ovid, Perseus turned into a rock with Medusa’s head, and thus holds up the sky in Northern Africa? Atlas
B1. What maternal grandson to Atlas flies by his grandfather in book four of the Aeneid to deliver the message to Aeneas to leave Carthage? Mercury
B2. What daughters of Atlas possess a garden with golden apples which Hercules had to acquire? Hesperides
11. It was behind the tablinum, and as a later addition to the Roman house came from Greek models. The House of the Faun in Pompeii actually has two of these areas, both rather large and according to the style surrounded by a colonnade and walkway. What were these open aired gardens which dominated the rear of the Roman house? Peristylium
B1. and B2. Give the names and distinguish each the hole in the Atium roof and the collecting pool below. Compluvium – pool; Impluvium – hole on roof
12. By, with, because of, in, on, from are just some of the English prepositions used to render the English meaning of words in this case. What is the Latin case often known as the adverbial because of its descriptive impact on the action? Ablative
B1. What case, seen in forms such as urbis, exercitus and rei, often are translated with “of”? Genitive
B2. What case seen in the forms cani and urbibus are translated with “to” or “for”? Dative
13. Dates for its end have been suggested as being Sep. 2, 31 BC or Jan. 6, 27 BC. Lasting some 450 years, its structure is best explained by the historian Polybius, who divides it into three sections, Senate, Magistrates, and Assemblies. What was this government to the Romans, literally the “Public thing?” Res Publica
B1. In what year was the Res Publica traditionally established? 509 BC
B2. Give the exact date and year for the founding of Rome itself. April 21, 753 BC
14. What English word does not derive from the same Latin root as the others: omnipotent, omniscience, ominous, omnivorous, omnipresent? Ominous
B1. What Latin word with what meaning is the root of ominous? omen – omen
B2. From what two Latin words with what meanings do we derive peninsula? Paene – almost, insula – island
15. She was stolen by Pirithous and Theseus in her youth, but the Dioscuri resured her while in the care of Aethra. Her father Tyndareus, had trouble because of the prophecy concerning her future pulchitude. In Troy, she was almost slain by Aeneas because of her responsibility ion the war. Who was woman first of Sparta and then of Troy whom Paris took with him, setting in motion the Trojan War? Helen
B1. What man did Helen marry to become queen of Sparta? Menelaus
B2. In what form had Zeus impregnated her mother Leda? Swan
2010 GwinnettCounty Certamen Championship
Novice Level
Round 3
1. Aphrodite gave her beauty, Athena gave her clothes. The Graces gave a necklace made by Hephaestus. Apollo gave musical talent. Poseidon gave her a pearl. Demeter taught her to tend a garden. However, it was Zeus or Hermes who gave her the most significant gift, that of her dowry, a large jar, and the curiosity to open it. Who was this first woman, fashioned from clay by Hephaestus, to unleash evil upon the word? Pandora
B1. To what Titan had Pandora been given, with whom she would produce Deucalion? Prometheus
B2. What daughter did Pandora produce with Epimetheus, Prometheus’ brother? Pyrrha
2. Please give the Latin for the following: “Many poets have often recited well.” Multi poetae saepe bene recitaverunt.
B1. Please give the Latin for the following: “Quintus praises the poet reciting well.” Quintus poetam bene recitantem laudat.
B2. Please give the Latin for the following: Which poet recites best? Qui poeta optime recitat?
3. Here were located cities such as Emerita Augusta, Italica, Corduba, Gades and Saguntum. Here we also see the Tagus and Ebro rives on the peninsula, which lies west of the Pyrannees. Famous as the start point for Hannibal’s invasion of Italy, what region was later made two provinces, and then three, including Baetica and Lusitania, which we now call Spain? Hispania (prompt on Iberian Peninsula)
B1. What famous mountain range did Hannibal cross last to enter into the Cisalpine Gaul in what we call Northern Italy? Alps
B2. What river drains this region and creates a namesake valley, the longest in Italy? Po
4. As a common phrase seen in May and June, it is actually an example of the ablative of manner with the preposition expressed. Usually considered to be second in accomplishment to “summa,” what is this expression of how one may graduate with great praise? Magna cum laude
B1. What Latin phrase are we using when we indicate the time before noon? Ante meridiem (do not accept A.M.)
B2. What phrase and meaning do we indicate when giving the date A.D.? Anno Domini –in the year of the Lord
5. Reportedly, she was of Sabine origin, and in Ennius, he claimed to have received instruction from Egeria, a water goddess outside of Rome, and in another tradition, he was the student of Pythagoras. Later historians such as Livy discarded these traditions and instead focused on his institution of religion as a stabilizing force. Who was this second king of Rome, who created the framework of priesthoods, cults and rituals for Rome? Numa Pompilius
B1. What third king of Rome was responsible for the destruction of Alba Longa? Tullus Hostillius
B2. What set of Alban triplets did the Romans Horatii fight in the Alban War? Curiatii
6. They live at the edge of the world, next to the river Thermadon in the city Themiscyra in remotie Pontic Asia Minor. In epic, their role is to be defeated by men, for in literature we hear that Bellerephon kills them in Lycia, and most famously, Achilles and Heracles kills the queens Penthesilea and Hippolyte respectively. Who were these women warriors? Amazons
B1. What other group of mythological women had the names Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos? Fates/Moroi
B2. What other group of women includes the likes of Calliope, Clio and Euterpe, as well as six others? Muses