Contest Winners: Congratulations to the Chambers, Moreland and Klassen families who won the lights and holiday decoration contest (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place recpectively) in December. Thank you to all who participated.
Water rate increase: Per the City of Sutherlin, water rates have increased. Rates for the baserate fee have increased to $12.02 (from $11.85) and the usage per gallon has increased to $3.08 per thousand gallons (from $3.04). If you have any questions, please call Jerry Gillham at the City. Knolls Estates does not add or subtract from this rate, only passes the rate on to owners.
Oak Hills Golf Club: The golf course has notified the association that it does not allow any Knolls Estates owners to be on the golf course for any reason unless they are paid guests. Please do not bring your privately owned golf carts onto the golf course and do not walk, jog or bring your pets onto the property. Please read through the attached letter for more important information.
Septic System Alarm Notification: The Knolls septic system has an alarm which has gone off from time to time. If you hear the alarm, please contact Orenco at: 541/459-4449. After hours line: 541/673-3150.
The Board is formulating our “Common Areas Beautification Project”. The vision is to construct commercial benches in our Knolls Estates Common Areas which will face the Sutherlin valley and golf course view. As each area is finished, the Owners will be encouraged to sit and take in the special valley scenery. One possible campaign effort is to sell and create Memorial Bricks to be placed around the base of the bench slab. Each brick will have the name of loved ones; and the cost will help offset the construction costs. For detailed information: Contact Patricia Klassen- Board Member
Notice To Owners:Do not permit PUD children to play on the golf course. We have received complaints that children are playing and roaming around on the golf course. In addition, some of them are actually playing softball on the greens. Please inform your children that the golf course is private property, and not part of the Knolls Estates PUD. As a good community, we cannot allow children to use it for a neighborhood playground, as it is very expensive to maintain the course. Management is also concerned about the legal liability, should a child become injured while trespassing on the course.
Updated 10.21.16