Listening test. Form 11. Term2
1. Match the date and the event:
1. Cézanne’s first visit to Paris / a) 18952. First successful exhibition / b) 1906
3. He wrote that he had simply paint from nature / c) 1861
4. Date of birth / d) 1839
2. Write if the statements are TRUE or FALSE
1. Paul Cézanne had lived in Aix-en-Provence for the first 20 years.
2. The painter was really satisfied by his work there.
3. The artistic genius was misunderstood and isolated.
4. The artistic career of Paul Cézanne was successful.
5. Paul Cézanne wanted Impressionism to become something more lasting and intellectual.
6. Impressionists preferred direct observation of nature.
7. Paul Cézanne started to be recognized only by the end of his life.
8. The masterpieces of the painter were shown in the museum of Aix at his lifetime.
Listening test. Form 11. Term2
1. Match the date and the event:
1. Cézanne’s first visit to Paris / a) 18952. 2. First successful exhibition / b) 1906
3. He wrote that he had simply paint from nature / c) 1861
4. Date of birth / d) 1839
2. Write if the statements are TRUE or FALSE
1. Paul Cézanne had lived in Aix-en-Provence for the first 20 years.
2. The painter was really satisfied by his work there.
3. The artistic genius was misunderstood and isolated.
4. The artistic career of Paul Cézanne was successful.
5. Paul Cézanne wanted Impressionism to become something more lasting and intellectual.
6. Impressionists preferred direct observation of nature.
7. Paul Cézanne started to be recognized only by the end of his life.
8. The masterpieces of the painter were shown in the museum of Aix at his lifetime.
Listening test. Form 11. Term2
1. Match the date and the event:
1. Cézanne’s first visit to Paris / a) 18952. 2. First successful exhibition / b) 1906
3. He wrote that he had simply paint from nature / c) 1861
4. Date of birth / d) 1839
2. Write if the statements are TRUE or FALSE
1. Paul Cézanne had lived in Aix-en-Provence for the first 20 years.
2. The painter was really satisfied by his work there.
3. The artistic genius was misunderstood and isolated.
4. The artistic career of Paul Cézanne was successful.
5. Paul Cézanne wanted Impressionism to become something more lasting and intellectual.
6. Impressionists preferred direct observation of nature.
7. Paul Cézanne started to be recognized only by the end of his life.
8. The masterpieces of the painter were shown in the museum of Aix at his lifetime.
Reading test. Form11. Term2