Parish Priest: Canon John O’Reilly 0151 632 4388 - Deacon: Rev. Tony Crisp 0151 632 6617
Parish website: E mail:
Amendments to Cathy French, (632 6824) or
WEEK COMMENCING 17th June 2012
Sunday 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass 8.30am (People of the Parish),
Mass 11.15am (Magdalen Reynolds and family)
Monday Mass 9.30am (Joan Lightbound)
Tuesday Mass 9.30am (John and Peggy Cole)
Wednesday Mass 7.30pm (Phyllis Bowman)
Thursday St Aloysius Gonzaga. Mass 9.30am (Chris and Bob Newman Int.)
Friday Feast of Ss John Fisher and Thomas More. Mass 9.30am (Bill Hosey)
Saturday Mass 12noon (Joan Lightbound)
Sunday Solemnity of the Birth of John the Baptist. Mass 8.30am (Jack Turner),
Mass 11.15am (People of the Parish)
MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9.15am.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 11 – 11.45am.
PLEASE PRAY FOR all who have died recently, including Bill Hosey. Also Kathleen Bennett, Joseph Conway, Bob Dillon, Amy Duke, Sue Green, David Hannam, Francis Hayes, Ann Marie Heald, Mary Helsby, Ann Higgins, Katie Hogan, Eilis Longley-Brown, Chris Newman, Joan Nulty, Mary Rigby, Geoffrey Roberts, Madeline Roberts, James Snowdon, Vivienne Taylor, Mary Turner, Tony Walsh, Jo Watson, Graham Webb, Timothy Wild and Justin Williams, who are ill or housebound.
CONGRATULATIONS: Aaron Brassey, Kate Broughton, Sofia Davies-Jurado, Lydia Gould, Freya Hardwick, Emma Holmes, Dominic Lightfoot and Lily Mitchell, who received Holy Communion for the first time last Sunday.
COLUMBAN FATHERS MISSIONARY APPEAL: Today, 17 June, Fr Tom O’Reilly, is making the annual Mission Appeal on behalf of the Columban Fathers. See notice at back of church.
“MY DAY BY DAY”: The July edition is now available at the back of church, suggested price £1.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS: Today at the 11.15am Mass, the final group of children are receiving Holy Communion for the first time.
COFFEE: served today by Church Cleaners; next Sunday by Parents and Tots.
MENTAL HEALTH CARERS’ GROUP: This Group will meet on Tuesday, 19 June, at 7.30 until 9pm in the Parish Centre. Any queries contact Ann Crisp 632 6617.
DIOCESAN DAY FOR CATECHISTS: The Annual Diocesan Day for Catechists is Saturday, 23 June, at St Nicholas Catholic High School, Hartford, CW8 1JW. 10.30am – Arrivals and Coffee; 11am – 3.30pm. “New Evangelisation”, led by Mgr Philip Egan. “Reflecting on the Visual”, led by Dr Mary Charles Murray, S.N.D.. Please bring packed lunch. Please phone Curial Office (652 9855) or email . See notice at back of church.
ST ANSELM’S COLLEGE OPEN EVENING: This term’s Open Evening at St Anselm’s College for pupils currently in Year 5 will take place at the College on Thursday, 28 June, from 5 to 8pm. See notice at back of church.
FAMILY BBQ: A family BBQ is to be held after 11.15am Mass on Sunday, 8 July. All are welcome. In order to measure the catering, tickets can be bought from John Butler at 8.30am Mass and Angela Gough at 11.30am Mass. £5 per adult, kids free. Enquiries to 632 5305 or 632 2519 or any member of the Social Committee.
SEPARATED AND DIVORCED: A day will be held in Wallasey for the Separated and Divorced on Saturday, 14 July. If interested please contact Janet on 0161-494 9437 or Clara on 0151-691 2811.
Diocese of Shrewsbury, a registered charity (No 234025)