Brownsville Independent School District
1900 Price Road, Brownsville, TX 78521, (956) 548-8000
TO:Elementary Principals
FROM: Bea Garcia
Administrator for Elementary Curriculum and Instruction
DATE: February 23, 2015
RE:First – Fifth Grade Summer School Program
The Elementary First-Fifth Grade Summer School Program will start on Tuesday, June 9th and end on Thursday, July 2nd.
In order to obtain projected student participation, please submit Grades 1-5 Eligible List of Students via email by Friday, March 20, 2015 to Dr. Melinda Lopez: .
The first through fifth grade summer program projected enrollment will be based on the cumulative average of the firstthrough fourth six weeks grades. Please insert the failed subject(s) average in the student eligibility letter.
We are asking the campuses to make two sided copies of the Notification of Student Eligibility attached to this memo. We will post all of the Summer School forms on the Curriculum and Instruction Department subsite.
Please have the teachers fill out and submit the appropriate student forms. It is recommended that all summer school letters be kept on file at the campus. Please email only the eligible list of students for each teacher by individual grade levels. If you should have any questions or need additional information, contact Dr. Melinda Lopez, ELA Specialist, at 698-0493.
Your continued cooperation and attention to this matter is appreciated.
xc:Berta A. Peña, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Area Assistant Superintendents
2015 Grades 1-5 Summer School Program
March 2, 2015
Dear Parents:
Your child is eligible to participate in the Brownsville Independent School District Summer School Program. The purpose of the summer program is to provide students who were not promoted to the next grade level an opportunity to gain promotion.
NOTE:Students who failed to be promoted due to excessive absences are not eligible for this program.
BISD does not grant social promotions. In grades 1-5 promotion to the next grade shall be based on a yearly average of 70 or above in each of the subject areas: Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The Language Arts average shall be derived from averaging the English or ESL, Spelling, and Writing grades.
A student must attend at least 90% of the summer school program and satisfy the requirements for promotion as per BISD district policy.
If your child achieves a yearly average of 70 or above in the failed subject(s) at the end of the regular school year, he/she will NOT attend summer school. Please keep in constant communication on your child’s academic progress with the classroom teacher.
Based on the cumulative average at the end of the fourth six weeks in the following subjects, your child may need to attend summer school:
Reading ______Language Arts ______Mathematics ______Science ______Social Studies ______The summer school program will start Tuesday, June 9 and end on Thursday, July 2. The schedule is as follows:
7:30am with breakfast and dismissal time is 4:00pmMonday through Friday.
Your child ______will be attending ______Elementary.
Transportation: BISD will provide transportation to and from the home campus to the assigned summer school site.
Cut and return to your child’s teacher by .
Please indicate your choice by marking one of the following statements:
______Yes, I want my child to attend the Grades 1-5 Summer School Program.
______No, I do not want my child to attend the Grades 1-5 Summer School Program.
My child has a chronic medical problem and/or needs to take medication during summer school. ______Yes ______No
Print Student’s NameSchoolGrade
Parent’s SignatureAddress Phone Number
2015 Grados 1-5 ProgramaEscolar de Verano
2 de marzo del 2015
Estimados padres,
Su hijo/a es candidato para participar en el programa de verano del distrito escolar de Brownsville. El objetivo de este programa de verano es para ofrecer a los estudiantes que reprobaron la oportunidad de promoción al siguiente grado.
Estudiantes que reprobaron por ausencias excesivas no son elegibles para este programa.
El distrito escolar de Brownsville no permite promover alumnos al siguiente nivel basado solamente en la edad del alumno. Estudiantes en grados 1-5 deberán obtener un promedio anual de 70 o más en las siguientes áreas: lectura,artes de lenguaje,matemáticas, ciencias naturales, y ciencias sociales para poder promover al siguiente nivel. El promedio de artes de lenguaje consiste en el promedio de los grados de lenguaje o inglés como segundo idioma, ortografía, y escritura.
El estudiante debe asistir 90% del programa de verano y satisfacer los requisitos de promoción del distrito escolar.
Si su hijo/a obtiene un promedio de 70 o más al final del año escolar en las materias que está reprobando, no será necesario que asista a clases de verano. Por favor mantenga comunicación sobre el progreso académico de su hijo/a con la maestra/o.
Basado en el promedio cumulativo del cuarto periodo de las seis semanas, su hijo/atendrá que asistir a las clases de verano en las siguientes materias:
Lectura ______Artes de lenguaje ______Matemáticas ______Ciencias Naturales ______Ciencias Sociales ______El programa de verano iniciará el martes, 9 de junio finalizando el jueves, 2 de julio. El día escolar empieza a las 7:30 am con desayuno y termina a las 4:00 pm de lunes a viernes.
Su hijo/a ______asistirá a la escuela primaria ______.
Transportación: El distrito escolar proporcionará transporte desde la escuela del alumno/a a la escuela asignada de verano.
Favor de recortar y regresar al maestro/a del estudiante ______.
Favor de indicar una de las opciones siguientes:
_____ Sí deseo que mi hijo/a asista al programa escolar de verano.
_____ No deseo que mi hijo/a asista al programa escolar de verano.
Mi hijo/a padece de una enfermedad crónica y debe tomar medicamento durante las clases de verano. _____Sí ____No
Nombre del estudianteEscuelaGrado
Firma del padre o tutorDomicilio Número telefónico
BISDdoes not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability or genetic information in employment or provision of services, programs or activities.
BISDnodiscrimina a base de raza, color,origennacional, sexo, religión, edad,discapacidad oinformacióngenética en elempleo o en laprovisión de servicios,programas o actividades.