School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
UNDERGRADUATE SEMINAR, Friday, 12th Oct 2012
Salam ABBAS(Saeed Maleksaeedi/Andrew Ruys)
Gelcasting of ZTA for the Purpose of Hip Replacements
One of the major problems associated with ceramic-ceramic hip replacements currently available on the market is the brittle nature of ceramics. ZTA is being developed as an improvement material to be applied to ceramic-ceramic hip replacements. This thesis focuses on optimising the properties of ZTA for the target application.
Abdul Haadi ABDUL MANAP(Ahmad Jabbarzadeh)
Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Newtonian flow around a periodic array of cylinders particle in a confined channel in nano-scale.
In this thesis show the computational analysis using molecular dynamic simulations of Newtonian flow in rectangular channel over a cylindrical in nano-scale. A linear periodic array of nano-cylinder will be place in a nano-channel. The effect of the molecular size and ratio of particle to the channel size on the flow condition will be investigated.
Azwan ADAM(Dries Verstraete)
Aero-thermal Effects in Micro Gas Turbines
Micro gas turbines have become one of the technologies that experience a growing interest for the past decades. Due to its large power density, the micro gas turbines have become very attractive for propulsion of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as well as for portable power units. However, there are a few aero – thermal issues surrounding the miniaturisation of gas turbines. Thus, this thesis will focus on investigating the effects of heat transfer on the performance of a micro gas turbine.
Tamkin AHMADZADA(Internal: Qing Li
External: Yongbai Yin / Natalie James / David McKenzie)
Hermetic and mechanical properties of PEEK with thin film ALD coatings
Medical implants that house electronics primarily rely on metals to obtain hermetic encapsulation for long-term use. Biopolymers however are much more cost-effective but have not been exploited given their poor hermetic properties. This thesis investigates the potential of Atomic Layer Deposited (ALD) Alumina in enhancing the hermeticity of PEEK biopolymer.
Bianca ALBANESE(Corey Scholes / Qing Li)
Validity of a 3- dimensional dynamic MRI method for
assessment of tibiofemoral kinematics in-vivo
A key limitation of contemporary orthopaedic surgery is the lack of quantitative data regarding in vivo function of both the healthy and pathological tibiofemoral joint. Current methods for measurement of knee kinematics are limited, impeding on true representations of kinematic motion. This thesis aims to validate a novel dynamic MRI method for the assessment of tibiofemoral kinematics.
James Daniel ALLEN(Andrei Lozzi)
FSAE Data Analysis for Driver Training
One of the many purposes of data analysis in motor racing competitions such as Formula SAE is to understand and improve a vital aspect of a team’s performance in dynamic events – the racing driver.
Ryan ANDERSON(Gareth Vio)
Thermal Effects on Aeroelasticity
The effect of temperature on the elastic response of an aircraft, aerothermoelasticity, has previously been associated to space applications. However, recent studies have pushed for the requirement for a low-cost single stage to orbit, re-useable launch vehicle. This Thesis focuses on modifying existing aeroelastic models to incorporate the effects of temperature to predict its effect on catastrophic flutter and the modes of motion.
William ANGUS(Philip Boughton / Giang Tran)
Inhibiting Calcification Onset in Biomaterials
Bovine pericardium is widely used a variety of cardiovascular applications including replacement heart valves. Calcification of these tissues can lead to structural dysfunction, tissue degeneration and catastrophic implant failure. The onset of calcification and its effects were studied by a range of techniques. Existing and novel methods to prevent and test for calcification were investigated.
Nur Izyan Farhana ASHIRAN(Dries Verstrate)
Effectiveness of Split Ailerons for the Blended Wing Body Lateral Stability
Conventionally, the ailerons are designed to provide the lateral stability of the blended wing body of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). However, the lateral stability of this blended wing body can be improves by using split ailerons. Hence, this thesis is focusing on the effectiveness of split ailerons to the blended wing body of UAV lateral stability in terms of roll and yaw.
Emmanuel ASSARGIOTIS(Matthew Dunn)
Stabilization and control of flame structures and propagations through AC induced electrical fields during various electrode configurations.
This study investigates 6 bluff body flames with different fuel and oxidizing mixtures, and how/if a driving mechanism for control and stability of a flame can be achieved with differing electrode geometries and enhanced electrical fields. Electric fields range from 10Kv-40Kv AC /DC ranges. Designed in Python/Cantera then realized.
Jack BATCHEN(Internal: Andrew Ruys/
External: Corey Scholes/ Joe Lynch)
Gait Analysis of Multiple Ligament Reconstructed Knees
A multiple ligament reconstruction will result in functional differences to the affected knee. Gait analysis using motion capture software and a technique called relative phase analysis have been used effectively to investigate knee function in many disorders. This thesis focuses on using these techniques to investigate multiple ligament reconstructed knees.
Muhammad Nur AizatBENDARAH AHAHAAaaaaaaA(Lin Ye / Jianing Zhang)
Cross-linking density of a DGEBA epoxy cured
using different curing agents
Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA) epoxy resin cured with different types of hardeners/ curing agents. Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC machine is used to determine the temperature properties of the cured epoxy to investigate the cross-linking density of the cured epoxy.
Gennady BOLOTOV (Thierry Peynot)
3D Laser – Camera Calibration, Data Correlation and Discrepancies
Perception is one of the fundamental problems in robotics. In order to improve the model of
the perceived environment, integrated multi-sensor systems are employed. Such systems are
known to provide more reliable information in conditions where single-sensor systems fail. This Thesis focuses on fusion of data from 3D Laser Range Finder and a Camera.
Christopher CASTANEDA(John Currie)
Innovation and its Place in a Maturing Aerospace Industry
Innovation is the essence of human ingenuity that has propelled society through the years and is often associated in synonymous fashion with the aerospace industry. This engineering project will explore the relationship between innovation and aerospace, analysing how firms have adapted to the new demands brought about by social attitudes and maturity of the industry.
Aircraft 3D models development with OpenVSP & further integration with analysis software
OpenVSP is a parametric geometry tool developed by NASA and specifically intended for conceptual aircraft design. The Jabiru J160 3D model is developed using OpenVSP along with a user manual for future students. The export capabilities and integration methods with SolidWorks/CFD software are also investigated as part of this project.
Tyrell CHANDRA (Peter Gibbens)
Flight Simulators have been used extensively to train pilots, simulate existing aircraft models and test new aircraft designs. This thesis focuses on the development of the Static Collimated Flight Simulator (SCFS) as an alternative to the Variable Stability Flight Simulator (VSFS) for educating Flight Mechanics students.
Chattarin CHANHOM(Xiaofeng Wu)
Development of the Charge-Exchange Thruster
The Charge-Exchange thruster is a new type of electric propulsion system developed by the University of Sydney. It utilises an asymmetric cathode tube to create a plasma discharge, causing the ejection of high velocity neutral atoms which produces thrust. This thesis focuses on the process of redesigning, manufacturing, and testing of a prototype unit that is self-contained and small enough to be used in practical applications. The thesis also explores the possibility of integrating the system on to an integrated circuit board.
Lily CHAU (External: Simon Poon / Josiah Poon (School of IT)
Internal: Colin Dunstan)
Unifying Statistical Platform for High Dimensional Synergistic Drug Interactions
Drug combinations are dependent on its constituent’s interaction, whereby the effect may be exaggerated or neutralised. It is therefore difficult to determine quantitatively, what differentiates the synergistic responses from the additive. By developing a computational model, it is possible to statistically test for the optimal statistically significant synergistic effect.
Xiaojia CHEN(Philip Boughton / Cecile King / Joanna Warren)
The feasibility of FGSG (Functional Graded Skin Graft) in improving BAHA device performance
The author would focus on the design and development of a functionally graded synthetic skin graft (the ‘device’) which is innovated from this original evenly distributed porosity Variotis, and to investigate its feasibility in promoting long term skin ingrowth from porous circumference to its central portion thus creating a hermetic transdermal access.
Fei CHENG(John Currie)
Engineering Leadership and Leadership development
Leadership is important in engineering companies. Thisproject is about engineering leadership and leadership development of 4S Auto shop services and junior engineer cultivations in China.Research and analyse suitable leadership modes,customer service improvement and further leadership development.
Joshua Teik-han CHEW(Andrei Lozzi)
Design and Development of FSAE Rear Uprights
This thesis details the design, testing and manufacture of the 2012 FSAE rear uprights. The rear uprights will be developed around the 2011 design philosophy which was implemented to reduce the time and complexity of the upright’s manufacture.
Rachel CHOI (Elizabeth Clarke / Qing Li)
Biomechanical testing of tendons in equine tendon degeneration model
Tendon degeneration can cause long-term pain and loss of joint function in the rotator cuff and Achilles tendon especially. Gathering strength data for tendon tissue presents a challenge for tendon degeneration researchers. This thesis aims to find a method of testing smaller regional specimens taken from whole equine flexor tendon.
Oliver CLIFF (Sildomar Monteiro)
Manipulator Reinforcement Learning
Computing Inverse Kinematics for a high DOF manipulator is computationally expensive and hardware-specific. This thesis focuses on determining and implementing an efficient and portable machine learning algorithm on a low-cost robotic arm.
Emma CONNELL(Elizabeth Clarke)
The Effects of Growth on Muscle Moment Arms
Muscle moment arms are an important parameter in joint kinematics, with research based and clinical applications. This thesis investigates the effects of growth on human gastrocnemius muscle moment arms, by applying and optimising a new MRI method to non-invasively track dynamic movement in 3D.
Tom CONNELL(Graham Brooker)
Scanning Thermal Imager and Hot Spot Tracking
Design and construction of a low cost Thermal Imaging Scanner proposed as an alternative to staring array based imagers.
Matthew Coutts(Dries Verstraete)
Wing-Weight Correlations for UAV’s
Weight estimation is a critical stage in the development of new aerospace platforms. Whilst current estimation techniques are suitable for large metal aircraft, corresponding data does not exist for composite aircraft on a micro scale. The paucity of wing-weight estimation data forms the motivation for this thesis.
William CROWLEY(Chris Jackson / Hala Zreiqat)
Application of Lipoaspirate to Hypertrophic Scarring
Hypertrophic Scarring is a cosmetic and debilitating problem caused by excessive scar tissue formed during wound healing. A novel approach to deal with this problem is through the injection of lipoaspirate (fat). This thesis seeks to understand the cellular and molecular interaction between dermal fibroblasts and adipose derived stem cells.
Michael DALRYMPLE(Andrei Lozzi)
USYD FSAE Chassis Design
A well designed chassis is essential for an FSAE car that is going to perform well at competition, both statically and dynamically. This Thesis explores what is required of a good FSAE chassis and how The University of Sydney chassis has been designed to achieve these goals.
Christopher DAVEY (Internal: Andrew Ruys /
External: Alex Argyros /Sam Solomon / Simon Fleming)
A microstructured metal-polymer optic fibre for multisite optogenetic, electrical and chemical neural interfacing.
Optogenetics has recently enabled high precision optical neural interfacing. In combination with metal electrodes, numerous hybrid neural interface devices have successfully combined both optical and electrical technologies for enhanced neural control. Here we present a device that better integrates these two modalities while additionally providing potential for drug delivery.
Telissa DEPAOLI(Michael Kirkpatrick)
Investigation of Turbulent Entrainment in Sheared Convective Boundary Layers by PIV and PLIF
A laboratory rig has been developed to produce turbulent entrainment in sheared convective boundary layer. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) techniques are used to measure the velocity and density gradients. This is to gain a greater understanding of the mixing rates at the boundary layer, which will have many associated benefits to the scientific and engineering applications.
Daniel DIGIROLAMO(Peter Gibbens /Darren Lamburn)
Development of a Collimated Simulator System
The university is conducting ongoing development of a multi-window collimated simulator system as an accessible educational tool for students. This project will focus on the practical design of the simulator cockpit layout, structural features and hardware/software interface systems as well as the integration of helicopter functionality into the system.
Huidong David DING(Xiaofeng Wu)
Dynamic Analysis of Satellite Formation Flight in Low Earth Orbits
To determine the orbital dynamic characteristics of satellites in formation flight and analyse the effects of long term perturbation due to Earth’s oblateness.
Aouni EL-HAJJE(Andrew Ruys /Saeed Maleksaeedi)
3D Printing and Characterisation of Porous Titanium Scaffolds
The elastic modulus of metallic orthopaedic implants is much greater than cortical bone, causing stress shieldingwhich leads to fracture at the implantation site. Introducing pores into an implant via three dimensional printing (3DP) will lower the modulus significantly. This thesis focuses on physical and mechanical properties of 3DP titanium
Manaal FATIMA(Qing Li /Corey Scholes)
Load distribution on the cartilage and menisci during gait after ligament reconstruction following a multiple-ligament knee injury
Clinical observations have reported a higher incidence of knee osteoarthritis in individuals with a multiple ligament injury. This thesis aims to combine patient-specific gait data, image-based modelling and finite element methods to determine whether differences exist in the injured knee’s loading conditions that could potentially lead to the onset of osteoarthritis.
Dionne FORWARD(Graham Brooker)
FEM Analysis of Pointe Shoes
The use of FEM and mechanical testing on ballet Pointe shoes will be used to determine a new design with enhanced durability and mechanical properties.
Devendra GAIRE(Phillip Boughton / Melinda Lee)
Bioactive Implant Composites and Surface Treatments
For Soft Tissue Attachment
Soft tissue implants like cochlear implants are readily subjected to migration due to poor tissue attachment. Traditionally, mechanical fixation methods like screws, suture, etc are used but now there is a shift towards bioactive fixation. This Project will look at the silicone-bioactive glass composites and surface treatments of silicones and titanium using bioactive glass coat.
Xiang GAO(Matthew Cleary)
Prediction of pollutant emission from liquid fuel combustion
Liquid fuels are a major part of world total energy supply and essential component of our daily lives. However, the disadvantages associated with burning liquid fuels are well known as carbon dioxide emission which has become one of the most confronting issues worldwide. Thus, clean combustion is a major concern and the aim of this thesis is to predict pollutant emission from liquid fuel combustion by analysing CFD models developed.
Moonho GOO(John Currie)
Innovation as a Competency in the Aerospace Composite Industry
Innovation is becoming a more crucial and significant part of a company’s competency. This is the same for firms in the aerospace composite industry. This project aims to explore the strategic methods which firms in the aerospace composite industry use to acquire the resources to innovate.
Adam DeGraff GUILFOYLE(Paul McHugh)
Design of a Seamless Gearbox
‘Seamless’ gearbox technology claims to provide an instantaneous means of changing between gear ratios without interrupting the torque through the drive-train. This study involves the conversion of an existing ‘standard sequential’ gearbox to a ‘seamless’ configuration over a single gear ratio. From this an assessment will be made as to the viability of such system s in everyday applications.
Muhammad Hanafi HAMBALI (Ahmad Jabbarzadeh)
Microstructure of Crystallized Wax through Simulations
The purpose of this study is to determine the wax crystalline temperature and to understand how they will crystallize in such systems that can affect the oil production rate from an oil well.It is proposed to do the molecular dynamic simulation of the smaller molecular size of alkane (i.e. C12 – C15) under constant pressure conditions.
Alex HAMMERTON(Matthew Cleary)
The effect of Oxygen Enrichment on Combustion Emissions and Efficiency in Lean Premixed Gas Turbines
This Project uses Chemical Reactor Network simulation to analyse the effect of using oxygen-enriched air as an oxidant in lean premixed gas turbines. Of most importance is the change in combustion emissions and efficiency that occurs as a result of using oxygen enriched air in combustion.
Daniel HAMMOUD(Colin Dunstan)
Analysing the degradation of the articular cartilage in the human knee joint in patients that have undergone multiple ligament reconstructions by creating T2 Maps in various test patients. The maps of patients will be compared to control/healthy knee joints and a conclusion drawn.
Youn Sang HAN(Simmy Grewal / Jae Beom Kwon)
Increase Manufacturing Throughput
The necessity to revise and implement improvements for throughput strategies is becoming the norm for manufacturing companies as operation cost and competitive competition continue to increase.To address the issues of rising costs, this thesis evaluates the assembly line of an automatic value manufacturing company, HKC Co., Ltd.