Monthly Consumer Caseload Report
Regional Center Caseloads by Consumer Status
Through May 2005
Regional Center Diagnosis & At-Risk Infants Active Statuses Prevention Developmental
Evaluation <36 Mos Only* Clients 0,1 and 2 Clients Centers
(status 0) (status 1) (status 2) Combined (status 3) (status 8)
Alta California (364) 476 1,231 11,910 13,617 7 154
Central Valley (367) 409 1,340 11,685 13,434 100 256
East Bay (380) 347 1,152 10,999 12,498 9 329
Eastern LA (373) 237 830 6,234 7,301 0 120
Far Northern (363) 141 486 4,997 5,624 6 45
Golden Gate (361) 239 848 5,701 6,788 309 303
Harbor (375) 376 1,007 7,833 9,216 0 147
Inland (369) 1,155 1,696 17,845 20,696 230 155
Kern (372) 228 589 4,861 5,678 2 165
Lanterman (360) 201 729 5,673 6,603 0 119
North Bay (371) 288 556 5,279 6,123 6 178
North LA (378) 652 1,377 11,383 13,412 8 153
Orange County (368) 586 2,269 11,591 14,446 58 194
Redwood Coast (370) 118 219 2,433 2,770 78 17
San Andreas (365) 463 1,217 8,722 10,402 17 219
San Diego (362) 262 1,892 13,342 15,496 23 190
San Gab Pomona (379) 271 830 8,556 9,657 0 125
South Central (374) 236 929 7,850 9,015 7 106
Tri-Counties (366) 387 1,202 7,572 9,161 3 78
Valley Mountain (377) 465 1,018 7,554 9,037 11 43
Westside (376) 269 706 5,483 6,458 7 80
Totals: 7,806 22,123 177,503 207,432 881 3,176
Total number of diagnosis & evaluation consumers (status 0) not yet 36 months old: 3,665
Total number of active clients (status 2) who are not yet 36 months old: 1,359
* 1,183 At-risk-infants (status 1) over 36 months are not presented
Source: Client Master File of Thursday, June 2, 2005 Department of Developmental Services
Data set: DS.SYS.NEWCMF.SAS.G0208V00 Report run date: Thursday, June 2, 2005
Monthly Consumer Caseload Report
Regional Center Caseloads by Consumer Status
Consumers Under 36 Months of Age and Other At-Risk Consumers
Through May 2005
Regional Center Diagnosis and At-Risk Active Statuses At-Risk At-Risk
Evaluation Infants Clients 0,1 and 2 36 to <39 Mos 39+ Mos
(status 0) (status 1) (status 2) Combined (status 1) (status 1)
Alta California (364) 227 1,231 86 1,544 70 4
Central Valley (367) 95 1,340 129 1,564 50 2
East Bay (380) 206 1,152 82 1,440 44 1
Eastern LA (373) 53 830 20 903 7 17
Far Northern (363) 33 486 27 546 5 0
Golden Gate (361) 127 848 77 1,052 15 3
Harbor (375) 173 1,007 71 1,251 5 0
Inland (369) 415 1,696 45 2,156 6 1
Kern (372) 105 589 2 696 50 44
Lanterman (360) 66 729 83 878 62 37
North Bay (371) 210 556 19 785 49 9
North LA (378) 357 1,377 131 1,865 104 11
Orange County (368) 449 2,269 208 2,926 85 3
Redwood Coast (370) 43 219 7 269 12 1
San Andreas (365) 231 1,217 62 1,510 74 4
San Diego (362) 3 1,892 46 1,941 96 0
San Gab Pomona (379) 164 830 114 1,108 62 6
South Central (374) 85 929 37 1,051 35 3
Tri-Counties (366) 255 1,202 21 1,478 79 10
Valley Mountain (377) 217 1,018 19 1,254 21 5
Westside (376) 151 706 73 930 66 25
Totals: 3,665 22,123 1,359 27,147 997 186
Source: Client Master File of Thursday, June 2, 2005 Department of Developmental Services
Data set: DS.SYS.NEWCMF.SAS.G0208V00 Report run date: Thursday, June 2, 2005