Our Ref:
25 April 2013
[insert student’s name and address]
[insert student’s POS]
I am writing to inform you that you have failed to complete your programme having failed the dissertation. The Board of Examiners has recommended that you be given the opportunity to resubmit your dissertation for the award of Master, or your registration be changed and you be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in [insert subject]. You must pass your dissertation to be awarded the degree but you may be awarded the Diploma without further assessment.
Please confirm in writing as soon as possible what you intend to do. If you decide to resubmit your dissertation you will be required to pay the fee of £000.00, which will be added to your student account. Please note that fees are subject to change periodically.
Please also note the following arrangements for submission of dissertations:
- Two copies of your dissertation must be submitted to the [insert name & location of school office] no later than [insert time deadline] on [insert date deadline]. You should treat this deadline very seriously.
- Only in very exceptional circumstances (documented medical or personal crisis) will an extension of one week be granted. Extensions are only granted by the Director of Graduate Studies.
The final module mark for each module in which you have been referred will be capped at the minimum pass mark for transcript and classification purposes.
I am enclosing copies of the Instructions to Candidates, a Notice of Submission Form and an Access Form. The Notice of Submission Form and Access Form should be completed and returned on submission of the dissertation
You should consult the Programme Convenor about the requirements for this as soon as possible.
Your rights within the University's regulations to appeal against the recommendations of the Board of Examiners are set out at: means by which any appeal must be submitted is laid down at: Any appeal must be made in accordance with the procedures and submitted to the FacultiesSupportOffice, Room 24B, the Marlowe Building, University of Kent within 21 days of the date of this letter.
Yours sincerely
[name of SAM]
School Administration Manager
ccFinance Office, Student Records Office
Revised April 2013