CHSWG – 10th February 2016


Minute Taker: KJ

Those attending:
Kate Johnston (Chair)
Judith Cook
Linda Atkinson
Claire Jackson
Nicola Taylor
Jane Fairclough (Speech and Language Therapist)
Lindsay Short (Assistant Coordinator for NHSP)
Pip Harrison (Sensory support teacher) / Action by
1. / Apologies:
Chris Serle, Emma Gashi, Alison Bravey, Doris Ross, Alison Lawson, Dorothy Frankland (post has been deleted), Anna Bradley, Nicola Bowman, Sarah Kitchen
Hilary Glyde, Isabel Russell, Tina Bellamy
2. / Items to be brought up under AOB
NHSP, NDCS parent recruitment for CHSWGs meeting
3. / Minutes of Previous Meeting (20th October 2015)
Minutes read and agreed for accuracy.
11. / Updates from Sensory Support Service (SSS)
Following Sue Churchill’s retirement in December, there have been the following new appointments:
Sensory Support Service Manager – Nicola Taylor
Team Leader- Isabel Russell
Teacher of the Deaf – Pip Harrison, an experienced nursery teacher. Pip is undertaking specialist HI training, funded by NCC
Teacher of the Visually Impaired – Rebecca Marshall, an experienced classroom teacher (also undertaking specialist VI training, funded by NCC)
Teacher of Multiple Sensory Impairments – Helen Boyd, an experienced teacher and SENDCo undertaking specialist MSI training, funded by NCC)
There is also going to be a mobility post for children with visual impairment.
Updates from Speech and Language Therapy Service
Jane Fairclough talked through the speech and language prioritisation system that has been developed to rationalise the caseload seen, and also the referral pathway. See attached document. Jane works 1.5 days per week for the Northumberland SSS and 3.5 days per week for Newcastle. She will only accept referrals from the Northumberland Sensory Support Teachers of the Deaf.
Transition Day
Still hoping to run this as it was so successful previously. KJ will follow up with Emerick
Open Fit Moulds
The SSS provided feedback to Audiology saying that some children are struggling with fitting the open fit hearing aids. Children are apparently becoming disheartened with using them. There was a query about the criteria used.
Criteria to be developed for open fit:
Criteria used for conductive hearing loss
See attached guidelines
Early cochlear implantation for babies/children
Following recommendation from the North East Regional Cochlear Implant Service babies where no response was recorded at maximum levels on ABR are referred for initial contact with the service. The family are provided with a keyworker within 3 weeks of referral. The local teacher of the deaf and the cochlear implant keyworker will arrange to visit the family in their home to answer initial questions and discuss concerns. Behavioural testing is completed at the age of 6-8 months. Hearing assessment results at this age will determine if the baby is suitable for implantation. The care of the baby’s hearing aids remains with the local Audiology Department.
Childrens’ Repair Slots
Regular slots are available daily (Mon-Fri) at 8.15am and 8.30am and 5.15pm and 5.30pm at the Freeman Hospital. If they are not required they will be filled with other appointments, therefore it is worth trying to book a day or two ahead.
Booked repairs are now available for children (except young baby impressions) at the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals new clinic at Manor Walks Shopping Centre in Cramlington. Tel: 01670 335311 for repair appointment.
NT asked if an Audiologist could be made available to take impressions at the Music session for babies and toddlers. KJ to look into option.
Any other business
Repairs of radio aids have increased in price. Only Roger receivers are now available for purchase from Phonak, but FM receivers can still be repaired.
NHSP Staffing Changes
Three newborn hearing screeners moved on to new positions within Maternity last Summer which left a void. Three new screeners started in post last Autumn. There are now a total of 11 hearing screeners. Julie Crow (previous assistant Coordinator) chose to move to the post of Newborn hearing screener. Lindsay Short is promoted to Assistant Manager. Cassandra Towes has been appointed as Senior Hearing Screener for 6 months.
A new qualification is due to be out soon.
NDCS parent recruitment
The NDCS have run a recent meeting to aim to recruit parents to the CHSWG. This was done without consultation with the CHSWG chair so it was not realised that the Northumberland CHSWG is currently full. It was agreed with the current parents that they are happy to represent parents’ views. Parents e-mail addresses to be circulated to any interested parents.
E-mail address for Childrens’ Audiology:

Date of next meeting:
Wednesday 17th May – 3pm / KJ

Kate Johnston