Are You Troubled By Someone Else’s Drinking?
If you answer “yes” to these questions…
- Do you worry about how much someone else drinks?
- Do you tell lies to cover up for someone else’s drinking?
- Do you make threats, such as “If you don’t stop drinking, I’ll leave you”?
- Do you search for hidden alcohol?
- Do you feel like a failure because you can’t control the drinking?
- Do you feel there is no one who understands your problems?
- Do you feel that drinking is more important to this person than you are?
- Does a family member’s use of alcohol cause arguments?
- Are you missing sleep or time from work due to problems caused by someone’s drinking?
Al-Anon or Alateen may be able to help.
In Al-Anon or Alateen…
- You will meet others who have gone through similar experiences.
- Share your story with the comfort of knowing your anonymity is protected.
- Have access to Al-Anon approved literature and materials.
- Receive the tools necessary to get back the sanity and serenity you deserve in your life.
Welcome to Al-Anon Family Group!
The Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope, in order to solve their common problems. We believe that alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. Al-Anon’s primary purpose is to help family and friends of alcoholics, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not.
As a newcomer you may feel that you are here for the alcoholic…that your presence here may teach you how to stop his or her drinking. The truth is, you are here because of the alcoholic and not for the alcoholic. You will soon learn that you did not cause the alcoholic to drink, you cannot control the drinking, nor can you cure the alcoholic. You are here for yourself. This is your program; it is your recovery from the effects of the disease of alcoholism.
Some thoughts to consider…
- Your loved one or friend has the disease of alcoholism that often times affects their actions and behaviors.
- The first step is “We are powerless over alcoholism – that our lives had become unmanageable”; we believe that is what brought us here.
- Try at least six meetings before deciding whether Al-Anon is for you. Please refer to the meeting schedule in your “Welcome Packet”. Don’t expect too much too soon. It took a long time to need these meetings.
- Keep an OPEN mind. Take what you like from the meetings and leave the rest.
- Anything said at a meeting is confidential.
- We will protect your anonymity and ask that you protect ours.
- We have found the following enables us to work the program:
- Read as much as you can about alcoholism.
- Go to meetings.
- Call people on the phone list.
- Develop a trusting relationship with a sponsor.
- Al-Anon is a spiritual program not a religious one. Higher Power for many is God, but need not be.
- During the meeting, please feel free to share if you are comfortable, or you may “PASS” and just listen.
- At the end of the meeting, we share hugs. You may choose to accept them or not.
If you have any questions, please feel free to talk with someone after the meeting or call someone on the phone-list available at the meeting.
To contact someone in Al-Anon or Alateen or to find a meeting call (920) 430-1420
or go to our web site at
Reprinted in part with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Meeting Schedule
Last Updated: Jan. 18, 2008
6:30pm - Libertas (Ring bell)
12:00pm - Calvary Lutheran
(Open AA Mtg w/AFG)
8:00pm - Brown County Mental
Health Center
7:30pm– First United Methodist Church
Ziemer Bldg, Rm Z120
7:30pm - Fish Creek, WI
(Call: 920-868-3874)
10:00am - Libertas
12:00pm - Calvary Lutheran
(Open AA Mtg w/AFG)
8:00pm - 218 Club
(AA Open Speaker Mtg)
***Al-Anon speakers needed***
7:30pm - Bellin Psychiatric Center
(Room 407)
7:30pm – Bellin Psychiatric Center
Alateen – Teenagers may
attend Al-Anon meetings!
12:00pm - Calvary Lutheran
(Open AA Mtg w/AFG)
6:30pm - Jackie Nitsche Center
(2nd Floor)
8:00pm - Shepherd of the Bay Church
(Ellison Bay, WI)
9:00am - Pilgrim Congregational Church
(East end of bldg)
9:00am - Bayview Lutheran Church,
(Sturgeon Bay, WI)
9:30am - Lamperts Lumber Yard
(Washington Is., WI)
10:30am - 218 Club
Meeting Locations
Locations in Green Bay unless noted otherwise!
218 Club
218 S. Oneida St.
Bayview Lutheran Church
340 W. Maple St.,
Sturgeon Bay
Bellin Psychiatric Center
310 E. Saint Joseph St.
Brown Co. Mental Health Center
2900 Saint Anthony Dr.
Calvary Lutheran Church
1301 S. Ridge Rd.
First United Methodist Church
Ziemer Bldg, Rm Z120
200 S. Monroe St.
Jackie Nitschke Center
630 Cherry St.
Lamperts Lumber Yard
RR1 Box 209 - Townline Rd.,
Washington Is.
1701 Dousman St.
Pilgrim Congregational Church
(East Entrance)
999 Pilgrim Way
Shepherd of the Bay Church
11836 State Hwy 42,
Ellison Bay
The Bridge
2514 Jenny Lane
Family Groups
Are You Troubled By Someone Else’s Drinking?
Al-Anon can help.
24 Hour Info.: 920-430-1420
National Meeting Info.: 888-425-2666