RPMChapter 4: Assessing and Planning
Revised 09/08
4.10 Social Security Recipients and Beneficiaries
This section covers policy on providing services to recipients of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, including
- statement and purpose of DRS policy,
- presumptive eligibility,
- verification of Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits,
- participation in the cost of services based on financial need,
- records requests to and from the DARS Division for Disability Determination Services (DDS),
- SSA employment support programs and benefits work incentives planning, and
the Ticket to Work program, and
- the ticket-assignment process.
4.10.1 Policy Statement and Purpose
Unlike most consumers of VR services, Social Security recipients and beneficiaries require special consideration throughout the VR process. The first such consideration is presumptive eligibility for VR services. Others may include the Ticket to Work program, benefits planningwork incentives planning, and other types of work incentivesemployment support programs administered by SSA.
Both SSA programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI-Title II) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI-Title XVI) offer assistance to consumers with disabilities. Each program has its own rules, benefits, and employment supports for beneficiaries who want to work.
4.10.3 Verification of Social Security Benefits
For the purposes of determining eligibility, a consumer who has a Ticket to Work is evidence that the ticket holder is receiving SSI and/or SSDI benefits.
For purposes of determining eligibility, consider a consumer who has a Ticket to Work to be a recipient of SSI and/or SSDI benefits.
*Based on 34 CFR Section 361.42(a)(3)(B)
4.10.7 Ticket to Work Program
If a consumer is receiving Social Security disability benefits and has an IPE, refer the consumer to the local Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program for
- assistance in understanding SSA work rules and regulations, and
- access to work incentives available under the SSI and SSDI programs.
For additional information, see Social Security Administration Information in the DRS Programs Web page.
For consumers who are in the Ticket to Work program, as appropriate,
discuss and review basic principles of the Ticket to Work Program with a DRS consumer who is an SSA beneficiary (see Frequently Asked Questions about Ticket to Work);
refer a consumer to his or her local WIPA program to find out how participation in the ticket program affects his or her benefits;
inform the consumer that using a ticket is voluntary;
inform a consumer who receives a ticket before IPE development (new case) that a signed DRS IPE represents the consumer’s intent to assign his or her ticket to DRS under the Ticket to Work Program. If the consumer signs a DRS IPE, proceed with the ticket-assignment process (see 4.10.8 Ticket Assignment Process);
if a consumer receives a ticket after IPE development (pipeline case) and decides not to participate in the ticket program,
oinform the consumer to contact his or her local WIPA for information about ticket use and medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR) protection,
odocument the refusal to participate in a case note, and
oproceed with services;
if a consumer holds a ticket and has an IPE that extends beyond two years, and services planned after the second year limit the consumer’s ability to work, recommend that the consumer contact his or her local WIPA regarding
oTimely Progress Reviews, and
othe impact of the IPE on maintaining the use of his or her ticket;
call MAXIMUS to verify that the ticket status has not changed if a case is closed as successful and the ticket status remains No Ticket or Ticket Not Assignable in the electronic case management system. If the ticket status has changed to Assignable, proceed with ticket assignment;
if the consumer’s ticket is assigned to an employment network (EN) and the consumer wants to reassign the ticket to DRS,
oadvise the consumer to request in writing that MAXIMUS reassign the ticket from the EN to DRS, and
ofax the consumer’s request for unassignment, along with a signed SSA-1365, Ticket Assignment Form, to the Central Office program specialist for Ticket to Work (see 4.10.8 Ticket Assignment Process);
solicit ticket reassignment when the consumer is not referred by an EN or an EN did not refer the consumer in writing;
request that the regional program support administrator (RPSA) contact the EN to develop an agreement with DRS when the EN refers a consumer for services without an Employment Network Agreement with DRS. The RPSA monitors and develops agreements with ENs, including negotiating and providing technical assistance; and
solicit reassignment of the ticket when the consumer is referred without an EN agreement, continue with services until RPSA obtains an agreement, and
odetermine which services are being provided by the EN,
oobtain a copy of the Individualized Work Plan (IWP) developed by the EN, and
oas needed, record additional information in a case note with the consumer and develop an IPE without duplicating services the EN agreed to provide in the IWP.
4.10.8 Ticket Assignment Process
Ticket assignment and/or determining the ticket status of a consumer can happen at any point during the life of a case (or even after). However, during IPE development, you
call MAXIMUS at 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TDD);
provide the MAXIMUS representative with
othe consumer’s SSN; and
oDARS Employer Identification Number (EIN; use TRC legacy EIN 741647061 until further notice);
determine the following:
oif the consumer has a ticket,
oif the ticket is assignable,
oif the ticket is assigned to an EN,
oif a previous payment was made on the consumer’s ticket, and
othe ticket mail date.
record appropriate information received from MAXIMUS in the electronic case management system Ticket to Work screen, accessed through the Financial screen (see electronic case management system Ticket to Work Help Screen);
after you and the consumer complete and sign the IPE, complete each section of the SSA-1365, State Agency Ticket Assignment Form (see Instructions for Completing the SSA-1365);
within five workdays after you and the consumer sign the IPE, mail or fax the completed SSA-1365 to the CO program specialist for Ticket to Work at (512) 424-4982 or (512) 424-4169 (for pipeline cases, mail or fax within five workdays after the consumer agrees to sign the SSA-1365);
provide a copy of the signed SSA-1365 to the consumer;
place a copy in the case file; and
file a written confirmation of the ticket assignment in the case file when you receive it received from Central Office Support.
The Central Office program specialist for Ticket to Work is responsible for
receiving, recording, and tracking SSA-1365s;
faxing or mailing SSA-1365s to MAXIMUS;
receiving and documenting all ticket assignment confirmations from MAXIMUS in the electronic case management system Ticket to Work screen;
faxing or mailing copies of ticket assignment confirmations to counselors;
periodically checking with MAXIMUS to determine if any existing SSI or SSDI consumers receive a ticket and notifying the counselor via case action and case note; and
documenting and maintaining all records regarding ticket assignment and status.