Minutes of theSpecial


Date:December 14, 2017

Time:10:00 am

Location:BouchelleIsland Clubhouse

Walt opened the meeting at 10:00 am.

Pledge of Allegiance

Board members in attendance:

Walter Franek / Joe Wegman / Ed Dabrowski / Don Leimenstoll / Glenn Molnar / Mary Kay Schramm / John Hankins / Dave Grunderman / Mike Stubbs
Yes / Phone / Yes / Yes / Yes / NO / Yes / Yes / Yes

A Quorum of Directors was established.

Proof of meeting notice Posted November 10,2017.

Don made a motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting and John second

Walter Franek / Joe Wegman / Ed Dabrowski / Don Leimenstoll / Glenn Molnar / Mary Kay Schramm / John Hankins / Dave Grunderman / Mike Stubbs
Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Not here / Yes / Yes / Yes

The motion passed.

President’s overview:

Walt started the meeting by welcoming all the new people attending the meeting. He reminded everyone of the shadow program, to please update your mailing addresses, phone numbers and email. If anyone would like to they may get a new amenity pass that does not include your building and unit number. We are working on new solar motion activated security lighting. We currently have 6 in place and are seeing how well they work to deter unwanted activity and thefts in the parking areas.

Public Announcements:

Association 16 will sponsor a Coffee in January 20th. They will provide a light breakfast and will have officers here to answer any questions.

There will be a Christmas cocktail party on the 17th.

The Christmas Boat Parade will be on the 16th and will start in Edgewater at 6pm. We will have extra security on so be sure to bring your amenity pass or something that shows you live at Bouchelle.

Treasurer’s Report: Ed gave his report: See attached

Advisory Board Roll was taken and a Quorum was established.

A unanimous vote was taken to:

1)Rollover of excess 2017 funds

2)Approve funding reserves at 100%

3)Approve financial review for 2018

Debbie Kreinest gave the Managers Report: See Attached

Walt stated they would appoint someone to review replacing the pump out station lost in the hurricane and determine what our cost would be to maintain it again.

Unfinished Business:

John reported that the amendment to the governing documents had been filed. It will be on our website and a copy will be available in the office for those who would like one.

Glen reported on the engineering contract for the study of the current marina structures. He recommended that we pursue SCES.

After discussion amongst the board members Glen made a motion to accept the SCES proposal as written. Joe second.

Walter Franek / Joe Wegman / Ed Dabrowski / Don Leimenstoll / Glenn Molnar / Mary Kay Schramm / John Hankins / Dave Grunderman / Mike Stubbs
Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Not here / NO / NO / Yes

The motion passed.

New business: None

Items for Discussion only:

Mike reported that the 1st mangrove trimming had been done and so far no negative feedback. Mike felt it was the best he had seen it. The next cutting will be in six months.

Dave: Boatyard security – be sure to lock the gate and secure your items. There was a recent theft of a prop.

Owner Comments:

451 Jay Philpott what is being done about the weeds and the swamp behind 451

Deb K Clearwater and the new landscapers are going to be cleaning it up.

449 Arden the posting of the changes to the documents only online is not good enough, there are those who do not use the internet.

Walt copies will be available in the office for anyone wanting them

458 Carole what is the policy on designated parking spaces.

Walt in 2016 the board delegated parking assignments to the Associations

Barb 445 they have people with large vehicle and they would like to let them back in to a certain spot so they wouldn’t stick out too far.

Walt backing in is not allowed for many reasons but make a plan and submit it to the board.

Walt stated that we needed to come up with a design plan for the new Bouchelle entrance sign by February meeting. Maybe send an email blast to see what people think.

With no further owner comments or business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35AM

The next meeting will be held January 11, 2018


Don Leimenstoll

CSA Secretary

409 Bouchelle Drive, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, 32169