1. What is Reverend Parris doing when the play opens?
2. Where had Parris spent some years as a merchant?
3. How do the stage directions describe Abigail?
4. What news does Susanna bring?
5. What had Parris caught the girls doing in the forest?
6. Why does Parris say it is important for him to know the truth?
7. Based on the context clues from the text, what is the best meaning of the word faction?
8. Why does Goody Proctor not attend church?
9. How is Ann Putnam described?
10. What do the Putnams claim has happened to their daughter Ruth?
11. What are some of the reasons Thomas Putnam is so bitter?
12. Why had Ruth been sent to Tituba?
13. What did Parris mean when he asked Abigail, “What proper payment for my charity?”
14. What does trepidation mean?
15. Who has Parris seen naked?
16. What happened to Abigail’s parents?
17. Describe John Proctor.
18. Why is Parris reluctant to tell that Betty is bewitched?
19. Because of their strict beliefs, what might the reader infer about how the people of Salem felt about dancing?
20. Why did Tituba most likely confess to being a witch?
21. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible because of this historical event.
22. What is Spectral Evidence?
23. Who was Reverend Hale?
24. What is defamation?
25. What are some arguments that someone might use to claim John Proctor is an admirable character?
26. What are some arguments that someone might use to claim John Proctor is not an admirable character?
27. What are some reasons someone might think Reverend Parris is not genuine in his ministry?
28. Why is Reverend Parris praying and weeping in the beginning of the play?
29. How does Proctor respond to Abigail when she confesses her love for him?
30. Rebecca Nurse says Betty’s condition is due to what?
31. Why is Goody Putnam so quick to believe that Goody Osburn is a witch?
32. Does Abigail lie when asked if she practiced witchcraft?
33. Are Ruth and Betty’s symptoms the same?
34. What does Betty accuse Abigail of?
35. Describe Rebecca Nurse.
36. Describe the land dispute between Proctor and Putnam.
37. Describe Reverend Hale.
38. Know the following character types: round, flat, static, dynamic
39. Direct characterization
40. Indirect characterization